We’re all of cultural misfits.
我们很多人都有一种不受欢迎 成为死宅的感觉
A lot of us share the same sort of sense of not being the popular one, being the nerd
或者是极客 这在现在是很酷的 但在当时并不酷
or the geek, which sometimes nowadays is sort of cool, back then it was not cool.
所以 你在这些事情上保持联♥系♥
So, you bond over these things.
当我们变老的时候 我们会在社交媒体或聚会上找到这些人
So, as we get older and we find these groups of people on social media or at conventions
you have an immediate understanding and a bond over the genre.
Horror fans who love horror and who passed it down to their children are some of the
most open people that I know.
Somebody will show me a picture of me at a horror convention holding an infant.
他们说 那就是我 他们现在已经25岁了
They go, “That’s me”, and they’re now 25 years old.
我在恐怖片聚会上抱他们的时候 他们还在拉裤子呢
I held that person at a horror convention when they were still shitting themselves.
现在 他们和自己的孩子站在我面前
And now, they’re standing in front of me with their own kids.
有人来找我 让我签上名字 几个小时后
I’ve had people come up to me and have me sign my name and then a couple hours later
they’ve gone and tattooed my name on there.
所以他们就像粉丝一样 是真正的粉丝
So they’re like fans, those are the real fans.
I’ve met horror fans from all walks of life.
There is no stereotypical one, I don’t think.
这就是为什么很难描述普通的恐怖粉丝 因为有的人是
That’s why it’s hard to almost describe the average horror fan because you can see someone
穿着黑色衬衫走在街上 上面有恐怖图案或墨水或其他东西
walking down the street with a black shirt that has a horror design on it or ink or whatever
and then you can also see someone who just came from a business meeting in a suit and tie
但随后他们会稍微拉起裤子 向你展示他们的恐怖周边袜子
but then they’ll pull up their pants a little bit to show you their horror socks.
恐怖迷可以是任何人 他们无处不在
A horror fan can be anyone, they’re everywhere.
I’m a fan who found his way into the profession.
我第一次参加聚会是在1975年的匹兹堡 它给了我一个非常独特的机会
I’ve went to my first convention in 1975 in Pittsburgh and it gave me a really unique
sense of being connected with something that I love.
我现在仍然以粉丝的身份去看演出 有时也以嘉宾的身份
I still go to shows as a fan and sometimes as a guest.
我们庆祝它 我们热爱它 我们对它充满激♥情♥
We celebrate it, we love it, we’re passionate about it.
What I love about horror, it’s this unifier.
You can be from any walk of life.
你可以是异性恋 你可以是同性恋 你可以是白人 你可以是黑人
You can be straight, you can be gay, you can be white, you can be black.
It doesn’t matter.
恐怖是不分种族的 它无所谓性别 也无所谓年龄
Horror knows no race. It knows no sex, it knows no age.
Horror is this universal thing that we all come together over.
《地狱来的芳邻》(1989) – 预告片
I think The Burbs is a very unique film.
这是一部喜剧 但它是黑暗的 这在商业上是个问题
It is a comedy but it’s dark, and that commercially was a problem.
在汤姆·汉克斯只是在拍轻松有趣 令人愉快的喜剧时
It was marketed like a light Tom Hanks comedy at the time when Tom Hanks was just doing
very light, fun, enjoyable romps.
不过它有一种黑暗的 卑鄙的特质 我想乔·丹特也喜欢这种特质
And it has a really dark kind of mean streak to it, that I think was embraced by Joe Dante.
《地狱来的芳邻》名义上是一部恐怖电影 因为它讲述的是令人毛骨悚然的邻居
The Burbs is nominally a horror film in that it’s about creepy neighbors.
当我还是个孩子的时候 我们的邻居中有人被认为很恐怖
And when I was a kid, we had people in the neighborhood who people thought were creepy
我们会编造一些事情 里面发生了什么 你不能在万圣节去那里
and we would make up stuff about what was going on in there and you couldn’t go there on Halloween
because then we wouldn’t come out and all that nonsense.
It’s a movie about the way these people behave when they’re basically bored in their suburban
setting and need to invent some excitement for themselves.
在最初的剧本中 并没有解释克洛佩克家族的目的
In the original script it wasn’t explained what the Klopeks were up to.
观众必须想象 所以所有这些关于夜间奇怪的噪音和灯光
The audience had to imagine it and so all of these clues of the strange noises at night
and lights and people digging all that stuff was just blithely unexplained.
但当汤姆·汉克斯被选上时 制片方说你不能演我们现在的结局
But then when Torn Hanks was cast the studio said you can’t do the ending we’ve got now,
他们要把他送上救护车 他会死的 你不能杀死汤姆汉克斯
they take him off on an ambulance and he’s going to die. You can’t kill Tom Hanks.
Then we shot three different endings.
其中一个在激光盘上 还有一个在他们打开后备箱的地方被毁了
One of which is on the laserdisc and then one of which got destroyed where they open
up the trunk and the garbagemen from earlier in the movie, Dick Miller and Bob Picardo
are in the trunk.
还有一个结局 里面全是啦啦队员
And there is another ending where it was full of cheerleaders.
那都是当时流行的笑话 但都没有成功
So, that was a topical joke and none of which made it.
We had ended it up being a bunch of skulls which we shot later.
《猛鬼专线976》(1989) – 预告片
《猛鬼专线976》是罗伯特·英格伦的导演处♥女♥作 很多人都不知道这一点
976 – EVIL was Robert Englund’s directorial debut and a lot of people don’t know that.
《good bad flicks》主持人
尤其是这部电影 可以说是一个很老土的想法 但在当时976
Especially because it’s such a corny idea for a film but back then 976
and 1-800 collect and all that like they were a thing.
Toll numbers were kind of a big deal.
你拨♥打♥976 -EVIL 就可以接通恶魔
You would call 976 – EVIL and you had a line in to the devil.
你杀了这个人 我会让你出名
You murder this person and I will make you popular.
你有一个孩子 他是个社会弃儿 有点书呆子气
You had this one kid who’s this social outcast and he’s kind of nerdy.
他给了魔鬼他想要的 他正在变成一个恶魔
He is giving the devil what he wants and he is turning into a demon.
His friend is trying to stop him.
事实上 这是一部悲伤的电影 很酷 但并没有它应有的知名度
It’s actually kind of a sad really like neat movie and not as well-known as it should be
especially for something with Robert Englund attached. Because at the time, he was huge
with A Nightmare on Elm Street.
我最喜欢的部分是 他在他的房♥子里 然后他杀了他的看护人
My favorite part of that, he’s at his house and he has since killed his caretaker.
他的朋友和老师要来他家 要么阻止他 要么救他
His friend and his teacher are coming to the house to try to either stop him or save him.
它打开了通往地狱的大门 整个房♥子都冻住了 因为地狱都冻住了
It opens up a gateway to hell and the whole house freezes because hell froze over.
So it was kind of a funny little thing that Robert Englund threw in there.
《宠物坟场》(1989) – 预告片
Pet Sematary was directed by Mary Lambert.
她是当时为数不多的几位女性导演之一 当我还小的时候
One of the few female directors in horror at that time and it scared the crap out of me
when I was little.
I literally slept with the lights on for like months.
它是根据斯蒂芬·金的小说改编的 他要从自己生活的某些方面汲取灵感
It’s based on a novel by Stephen King and he had to draw from some aspects of his life.
Probably not the cat coming back.
但我知道他们住在一条乡间小路上 他的儿子经常上街
But I know that they live on a country road and his son actually went out in the street
and he had to save him from a big old truck.
盖奇被车碾过 至今仍是最令人痛苦的事
Gage getting run over is just still to this day the most traumatizing thing ever.
每次看到那只小脚和他的鞋我都哭得不行 他太可爱了
Like just tears every time I see that little foot and his shoe and he’s so sweet.
《Daily Dead》主编
《宠物坟场》是其中一个有趣的项目 因为它涉及了许多不同的恐惧
Pet Sematary is one of those interesting projects because it touches on a lot of different fears.
You have Mary Lambert going into the fear of death and the fear of what happens next.
Mary Lambert also confronts these things that a lot of us don’t really talk about.
These deep, dark family secrets.
Of course Zelda who terrified a whole generation of horror fans.
The best thing about this movie for me is Fred Gwynne and his Maine accent he’s doing.
《Dead Meat》主持人
Sometimes dead is better.
那你为什么把这些尸体运到宠物墓地 弗雷德
Well, then why you taking all these bodies up to the pet sematary Fred
Why are you doing that
When little Miko Hughes like jumps out of the attic with his little knife that was a great scene.
I mean there’s some really great scenes in that movie.
He’s the one who basically does most of the damage.
这个小小的 可爱的孩子
This tiny, little, adorable child.
戴尔·米德基夫给盖奇注射了药物 最终杀死了他
When Dale Midkiff basically injects Gage with the drugs to essentially kill him at the end,
我喜欢他走在走廊上 盖奇看着他说 不公平
I love when he’s walking down the hallway and Gage looks at him and goes, “No fair.”
You don’t hear Freddy Krueger when he’s getting killed saying no fair.
到了80年代末 你开始看到这种类型发生了一点转变
It was towards the end of the ’80s where you were starting to see a little bit of a shift
in the genre and there was a little bit more of a heaviness.
And I think Pet Sematary perfectly reflects that.
《13号♥星期五8:杰森侵入曼哈顿》(1989) – 预告片
《13号♥星期五》第8部是《杰森侵入曼哈顿》 人们为他终于离开水晶湖营地
Friday the 13th Part 8 is Jason Takes Manhattan and people were so excited for him to finally
《Dead Meat》主持人
leave Camp Crystal Lake and go to the Big Apple, New York.
除了他在船上度过了整部电影 而且当他到达纽约时
Except he spent the whole movie on a boat and then when he got to New York it was actually
Vancouver most of the time.
My favorite kill from this one is actually kind of a low-key one.
It’s when he kills Kelly Hu.
That’s another kill that I like.
我杀了很多人 我都忘了我最喜欢的几个
See I’ve done so many kills I forget about some of my favorites.
在迪斯科舞厅杀了凯丽·胡让我看起来好多了 因为从舞池里看
Killing Kelly Hu in the disco it made me look so much better because it was a very low ceiling
on the dance floor.
所以我们想出了一个主意 就是抓住她的脖子把她举起来
