wearing a very memorable shirt that says, “Cops do it by the book.”
迈克尔拿了一把猎枪 他没有用猎枪射她 而是用霰弹枪的枪管
Michael just takes a shotgun and instead of using it to shoot her, he impales her into
将她捅穿 刺到了墙壁上
the wall with the barrel of the shotgun.
I think Halloween 4 is really the movie that made Michael into one of the iconic slashers.
Michael Myers you’re just like Jason Voorhees.
《极度空间》(1988) – 预告片
One of the things about the ’80s it was just different than my belief system as the unrestrained
capitalism that came into being, Reagan brought it in.
The things that he implemented I felt were not real great for people.
Especially low-income folks.
这种贪婪是好生意 只是
This greed is good business was just…
I just couldn’t…
I couldn’t believe it.
They Live was the response.
当我们参与《极度空间》时 约翰已经提升了他的导演水平
John had upped his game as a director by the time we got to They Live.
It’s political significance and resonance is probably more acute today than it was even then.
我必须想出一个视觉设备 向观众展示他们周围隐藏的现实
I had to come up with a visual device that showed the audience the hidden reality around them.
And so the sunglasses were a perfect metaphor.
吉姆·丹福斯画了这些哑光画 可以用太阳镜转化成黑白
Jim Danforth did these matte paintings and they would work in black and white with sunglasses.
Perfect for our low budget.
Subliminal messages put in advertising.
They Live addressed it head bang on.
You don’t know what messages are being broadcast to us today.
That’s not necessarily an alien concept.
The fight in They Live was fun to stage.
We rehearsed it for quite a while.
罗迪是个摔跤手 他靠打架为生 所以我们得打一场架
Roddy’s a wrestler and he fights for a living, so we had to put a big fight in.
The guy I’m impressed with is Keith.
He did great.
We rehearsed it for like two weeks.
编排得很好 设计得也很好 可以说是《蓬门今始为君开》之后
It was very well-choreographed, very well designed, fashioned after the fight in
The Quiet Man.
我们玩得很开心 很开心
We had such, such fun.
I never felt safer in a fight in my life.
是罗迪 他教了我如何用几个好招式展现动作戏
It was Roddy, he taught me more about selling it with a few great moves.
罗迪给了我一本他的笔记本 上面有几句话 是他在采访和摔跤比赛中
Roddy gave me a notebook of his that had lines that he would give for interviews
and at wrestling matches.
这句话是他写下来的 我认为花♥花♥公♥子♥巴迪·罗斯在他们一起参加的一场比赛中
That was one he had written down and made up for I think Playboy Buddy Rose in a match
they had together.
So I just used it.
罗迪和我成了好朋友 多年来我们偶尔会见面
Roddy and I became good friends and over the years we would see each other and hang out
every once in a while.
他是我见过的最可爱 最仁慈的人之一
One of the sweetest, most gracious human beings I’ve ever known.
I don’t think there’s been a movie quite like They Live.
它是独一无二的 包括它对当时政♥治♥的暗喻等等
It stands alone and in terms of its reference to the politics of the times and so forth.
我来这里是为了嚼泡泡糖和打架 可泡泡糖吃完了
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I’m all out of bubblegum.
我想拍一部杀手娃娃电影 我看到了它的商业潜力
I wanted to do a killer doll movie and I saw the commercial potential there.
当我们还是小孩子的时候 我们都曾想过如果我们的玩具活过来了
When we were little kids all of us had thought to ourselves wouldn’t it be cool if our toys
会不会很酷 或者是会不会很可怕
and playthings came alive… or wouldn’t it be terrifying
You saw it in Poltergeist with Tobe Hooper with the clown coming out from under the bed
and it was like the biggest scare in the movie.
那一刻让我想做《鬼娃回魂》 当然如果我能做到的话
That moment made me want to do Child’s Play if I could pull it off.
我想让恰吉成为一个黑色幽默的人物 在某种程度上 如果你喜欢一个
I wanted Chucky to be a darkly humorous figure and in a way, you can sort of reduce Chucky’s
可爱的小娃娃 但它会说很多脏话还捅死你 那么就能降低恰吉的吸引力
appeal if you’re so inclined to a cute little doll that says fuck a lot and knifes you to death.
这很有趣 因为它本身就很荒谬
There is something amusing about that because it’s inherently absurd.
Who’s going to believe a little seven-year-old kid about his doll coming alive
对于任何像《鬼娃回魂》的电影 为了让它可信 你必须添加某些场景
With any kind of movie like Child’s Play in order to make it believable you have to add
比如说 看 妈妈 没有电线
that moment where you say, “Look ma, no wires.”
The scariest moment in Child’s Play is probably when Catherine Hicks finally realizes that
她的儿子 她的小男孩一直在说真话 娃娃是邪恶的生物
her son, her little boy has been telling the truth and the doll is malevolently alive
她打开隔间 发现里面没有电池
and she opens the compartment and there are no batteries in there.
很好 现在轮到《驱魔人》了
Okay good, but then you get The Exorcist.
他的头180度旋转 看着她说
The head does 180-degree turn and looks up at her and says,
嗨 我是恰奇 想玩吗
Hi, I’m Chucky wanna play
It scares the hell out of her.
我把布拉德·杜里夫的声音放在后面 布拉德在《暴♥力♥扫荡》里面
And I put Brad Dourif’s voice behind it and Brad had played the villain for me in
Fatal Beauty.
It’s the fiendish glee that Chucky has.
恰奇颠覆了现状 他追随权威人物 并与他们
Chucky subverts the status quo and he goes after authority figures and he has his way
with them.
我认为杀手娃娃这个比喻的吸引力是原始的 也许是弗洛伊德的
I think the appeal of the killer doll trope is partly primal and maybe Freudian.
我认为只要有手电筒 并且你可以在下巴下方
I think as long as there are flashlights and you can turn them on under a chin, under a
洋娃娃下方打开它们 那就是应对恐怖的万无一失的良方
doll, it’s sort of a no fail prescription for terror right there.
《养鬼吃人2》(1988) – 预告片
Hellbound is really the story of Kirsty’s descent into hell to look for her father.
作为一名出色的脑外科医生 查纳德博士也对哀叹构型
Dr. Channard who was well as being a brain surgeon has also developed his own fascination
with lament configurations.
The blood brings Julia back to life out of the mattress.
She becomes Dr. Channard’s kind of pet.
我和克莱夫谈了很多 关于钉子头这个角色的事 我知道
I had talked to Clive obviously a lot about the character of Pinhead and I knew he had been
a human being.
我产生了这样一种想法 他是在为一个他记不清的人类而哀悼
I developed the idea that he was in mourning for a humanity that he couldn’t remember clearly.
The opening sequence with Elliot Spencer acquiring the box and being transformed into Pinhead.
At the end of the film we see the transformation back when Kirsty confronts him with that
我们看到了变化 他想起了他失去的人性
photograph of Elliot Spencer and he remembers the humanity that he had lost.
Hellraiser 2, it gave you an insight into the Cenobites that wasn’t really there with the
first one.
Favorite scene from that is when the doctor is being turned into a Cenobite and then after
他从房♥间里出来 就像
he comes out of the chamber he’s like…
思考一下 我犹豫了
And to think, I hesitated.
这太神奇了 就像他经历过这个地狱
It’s so amazing because it’s like he went through
他不想这样 但后来他出来了 他是个修道士
this hell and he didn’t want to but then he comes out afterwards and he’s a Cenobite and
就像 哦 这就是一切
it’s like oh, this is what it’s all about.
汇率的变化大幅削减了预算 因此决定以
Shift in the exchange rates shaved a substantial chunk off the budget and it was decided to
go ahead in compromised form.
很遗憾 这会让我们深入了解克莱夫对这个领域的概念
And it’s a shame, it would have given us that insight into where Clive’s notions of this
修道士所在的地方 以及在剧本中引入
realm, this place where the Cenobites are and the idea of Leviathan that is introduced
in the screenplay but never really fully explored.
特罗马是一个经典的邪典电影制片厂 我们是最后一家
Troma is a classic cult movie studio we’re the last one.
我们是唯一能够生存下来的 原因在于我们的粉丝
We’re the only ones who’ve been able to survive and the reason is our fans.
We’ve got a fan base who are very devoted and they’re very active.
当然 现在有了互联网 每个月有50万人和我们在一起
And now of course with the internet we’ve got 500,000 people every month with whom we
are interacting.
So, that’s the secret.
即使这部恐怖电影很便宜 制♥作♥很糟糕 恐怖粉丝也会支持你
Even if the horror film is cheaply, badly made, horror fans will support you.
粉丝们 他们是最棒的
The fans, they’re the best.
就像你在看你的人 看你的部落
It’s like you’re meeting your people, you’re meeting your tribe.
他们是任何人都希望拥有的最忠诚 最博学的粉丝群
They are the most loyal, the most knowledgeable fan base that anybody could wish to have.
我觉得恐怖片迷是最能自我实现的人 因为他们允许自己
I feel like horror fans are some of the most self-actualized people because they allow
themselves to see and experience the darker aspects of life.
We’re all kind of the misfits.
