My favorite scene has to be when the ball is chasing the dude through the mausoleum
他的脑子里突然出现了这个想法 你就会想 啊 这太糟糕了 然后
and it just comes up right in his head and you’re like ah, that sucks and then the drill
comes out.
我完全没想到 只是 他的血到处乱飞 它钻进了
Not expecting that at all and just… and his blood flying everywhere. It drills through
the guy’s brain.
这简直太疯狂了 他做得太好了
It’s insane. It’s so well done.
Phantasm 2 in terms of its effects takes the whole franchise to a completely different
level and I don’t think any of the films since have ever touched what the work in Phantasm 2
was like because I think that really set a bar for that whole series.
The Blob is a film that I think deserves to be up there with The Thing and The Fly as
one of the great ’80s remakes.
这是一个很好的例子 说明如何使用新的电影技术拍摄老电影
It’s really an example of how you can take an older film and use the new cinematic technology
and really tell the story in the best possible way.
It’s a monster that doesn’t really get quite the recognition that it deserves.
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他们有一个更血腥的故事 这与原版不同 它使变形怪体成为一股
They had a much bloodier story it was different from the original it made The Blob an even
bigger force to be reckoned with.
这是一个来自外太空的东西 一个没有头脑的杀人机器
Here you have this thing from outer space that is just a mindless killing machine.
它在这个小镇上开辟了一条毁灭之路 吞噬所有挡道的人
It’s just carving a path of destruction across this town, eating everybody in its way.
它会害死剧院里的孩子 这只是他们今天
It kills a theater full of children. It’s just something that they would have a hard
time getting away with today.
The 4th Nightmare on Elm Street film The Dream Master picks up where The Dream Warriors left
《Dead Meat》主持人
off and then quickly just kills all the survivors from that movie.
Kincaid is the first African American to ever survive a major horror film
但是我想他们忘记了 因为在第4部他们没有在演职员表上
and return to a sequel but I think they forgot because in Part 4 they killed my black
ass off during the credits almost.
所以 我曾经告诉人们 如果你想见我 就别买♥♥爆米花 别买♥♥饮料
So, I used to tell people if you want to see me don’t get popcorn, don’t get no drinks,
直接去剧院 大约五到十分钟后你就可以去喝点东西了
go straight to the theater and after about five or ten minutes then you can go get some drinks.
我们实际上是在一个垃圾场拍摄的 我们花了一周的时间来拍摄那个场景
We actually filmed that in a junkyard and it took us a week to film that scene.
弗雷迪就是在那里起死回生的 因为我的狗叫杰森
It was where Freddy came back to life and it was because of my dog that was named Jason.
狗还撒尿了 所以 这让他活了过来
And the dog pissed fire so… and that’s what brought him to life.
If you go back and look at it Robert Englund had develop a swag about himself and he just
他戴上帽子说 你不该把我埋了
put on his hat and he said, “You shouldn’t have buried me.”
他把剃须刀插♥进♥我的胸膛 抓住我的心脏
He stuck his razors into my chest and grabbed my heart.
我想他应该把它拔♥出♥来♥ 但那样太恶心了
I think he was supposed to pull it out but that was going to be too gross.
It goes on to feature a new bunch of kids fighting Freddy in their dreams including
包括做梦大♥师♥ 这是这部电影提出的全新概念
The Dream Master which is an all-new thing that this movie came up with.
这部电影中我最喜欢的效果是尖叫的疯狂乔治做的 他真的很棒
My favorite effect from the movie is done by Screaming Mad George who’s really good
with bug effects and it’s when Debbie becomes a cockroach.
We’re talking full-on Gregor Samsa here.
她就变成了一只恶心 黏糊糊 恶心的蟑螂 触角和四肢都翘起来了
She just turns into this gross, gooey, icky cockroach who’s got antennae and limbs popping
out before she’s ultimately crushed in a roach motel by Freddy with a one-liner.
《白蛇传说》(1988) – 预告片
Ken Russell was a very distinctive filmmaker who had a very distinctive point of view that
was slightly mad.
He took on a Bram Stoker short story called The Lair of the White Worm.
Amanda Donohoe plays this priestess of the white worm, sort of.
这很疯狂 很有趣 真的让人难以忘怀
It’s crazy, it’s funny, it’s really haunting and spooky.
The Lair of the White Worm also has one of the first performances of Hugh Grant and he’s
他是我们所期待的那种笨手笨脚 魅力十足的男人
the fumbling, charming guy that we all expect.
但这是在英国农村 它与诅咒和古老的宗教有关
But it’s in the British countryside and it has to do with curses and ancient religions
and things and it’s very much a Ken Russell special.
是一部真正精彩而独特的电影 你永远不会想到它来自一个短篇小说
A really wonderful, unique movie that you would never expect came from a short story written
by the same guy who wrote the book, Dracula.
《销魂天师》(1988) – 预告片
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark was like a dream come true.
We finally get to see Cassandra Peterson do an extended version of Elvira and some of her
little hosting snippets.
我们看到了她的个性 我们没有失望
We get to see her personality and we were not disappointed.
我和约翰·帕拉贡以及山姆·伊根一起工作 和两位编剧用这种方式
It became such a great way to make the character three-dimensional, myself and the two writers
让角色立体化 真是太棒了
that I worked with John Paragon and Sam Egan.
这就像每天都有一个关于我自己的发现 几乎就像一个治疗课程
It was like a discovery every day, kind of about myself. It was almost like a therapy session.
Here she is this woman that looks like something between some kind of a sorceress vampire witch,
我们不知道 她也许想去拉斯维加斯当歌♥舞♥女♥郎
we don’t know what, and she wants to be a showgirl in Las Vegas.
它实际上来自我的真实生活 所以
It actually came from my real life so…
It was fun discovering who Elvira was.
她就像一条离开水的鱼 开展自己的公路旅行
She just went on a road trip where she’s like a fish out of water and the townspeople just
而镇上的人想把她钉死 但我们都知道她超级酷
want to crucify her. But we all know she’s super cool.
在那部电影里 我曾无数次冒着生命危险被烈火包围
I put my life on the line in that movie so many times being surrounded by fire
一开始是在火堆上 然后房♥子被烧了
first on the pyre up there and then later when the house is burning down.
That fire is real.
我的假发会随着发胶一起爆♥炸♥ 就像炸♥弹♥一样
I mean my wig would have gone up with all that hairspray, like a bomb.
所以 我从头到脚都涂上了阻燃剂 但他们没告诉我
So, I was covered from head to toe in flame-retardant which they failed to tell me made
你痒得要命 而且我的手被绑在背后 不能抓自己
you itch like mad and I have my hands tied behind my back so I couldn’t scratch myself.
I was wanting to tear my skin off.
It’s making me itch right now.
We had the casserole monster’s scene we call it.
锅怪是个木偶 桌子底下的家伙得必须非常非常靠近我
The pot monster was a puppet, the guys that were under the table had to get
我就想说 哦不 不要坐在我的两腿之间
very, very close to me and I was like oh, no just come on sit right here between my
legs and I guess they had a great time down there.
这是一部很好的电影做得太好了 她真是个英雄
It’s such a good movie. It’s so well done and she was just a hero
对于像我这样的爱恐怖的小女孩来说 这就像
to little horror girls like me, it’s like…
《南瓜恶灵》(1988) – 预告片
So Pumpkinhead is an amazing film.
兰斯·亨利克森扮演一位失去可爱孩子的父亲 他想要复仇
It has Lance Henriksen as the dad who loses his adorable little kid and understandably
wants revenge.
所以 他带回了这个疯狂的怪物 然后就发生了我最喜欢的怪物戏
So, he brings back this crazy monster which is my favorite all-time monster ever and revenge
这是传奇人物斯坦·温斯顿的导演处♥女♥作 小汤姆·伍德拉夫为
It’s makeup effects legend Stan Winston’s directorial debut and Tom WoodruffJr. as
the dude in the pumpkin head suit.
人们常问 你最喜欢哪部电影
People ask, “What was your favorite movie”
我总会告诉他们 是《南瓜恶灵》
And I always tell them it was Pumpkinhead.
他把整个节目的设计交给了我们 我们就跟他的人去
And he turned over the design aspects of that entire show to us, his guys and we were going
So, that was an affirmative nod from Stan to let us do that.
We always wanted to make sure that we were delivering something to the audience that
didn’t seem like the guy in a rubber suit.
我们会做一些事情 比如把腿伸直 让它们又长又瘦
We would do things like extend the legs with a leg extension to make them long and skinny
宇航服有些地方很薄 所以不会增加很多体积
and the suit was very thin in places so it didn’t add a lot of bulk.
它很实用 但有点像木偶和皮套人的结合
It was all practical but it was a little bit of puppetry, it was a little bit of man in suit
but I just love the design of what Pumpkinhead was.
他长着一个球根状的脑袋 非常邪恶 还有一条长长的尾巴
There he was with this kind of bulbous head but he was very demonic, he had this long tail,
他会爬树 还能杀人
he was able to climb trees and take out people.
无论南瓜头什么时候走动 你都能在背景里听到这种奇怪的
Whenever Pumkinhead was walking around you can hear this weird chittering noise
in the background.
听起来像蝉鸣 而你明白 如果你听到了 你就完蛋了
It sounded like cicadas and you always knew if you heard that, you were doomed.
对于穿着皮套的我来说 沟通总是很困难 但当斯坦靠近的时候
It was always hard for me in the suits to communicate but when Stan would get close
我就问我们是要演《金刚》吗 他就像霸王龙一样
I’d say can we do the King Kong thing And he goes the thing with the T-Rex.
所以 我们都很清楚自己在说什么 那就是你拿起乔尔的头
So, we both knew exactly what we’re saying and that was thing where you pick up Joel’s
稍微移♥动♥一下 玩弄它
head and kind of move it around a little bit and play with it.
尽管这是一部80年代的电影 但它在我们俩都看过《金刚》之前
Even though this was an ’80s movie it extended much further before that from when we both
延伸得更远 我们暂时将其带入了某种生活
had each had seen King Kong and we brought that into some kind of life for a moment.
在《月光光心慌慌3》把大家搞得晕头晕脑 票房♥惨败之后
After Halloween 3 confused the hell out of everyone and bombed at the box office,
they resurrected everyone’s favorite slasher.
万圣节前夕 迈克尔·迈尔斯又回到了哈顿菲尔德 这次是为了跟踪他的侄女
Halloween 4 has Michael Myers returning to Haddonfield this time to stalk his niece
《Dead Meat》主持人
杰米·劳埃德 由年轻的丹妮尔·哈里斯饰演
Jamie Lloyd played by a young Danielle Harris.
My favorite kill in this one is mostly because of the victim who is played by Kathleen Kinmont
她穿着一件很有纪念意义的衬衫 上面写着条子按规矩办事
