这是一个根深蒂固的规则 他们不得不开始故意打破它
And that was so ingrained that it was a rule that they deliberately had to start breaking.
评论家指出 他们做♥爱♥了 还活了下来
And reviewers pointed it out, they had sex and they lived.
That’s how strong that was.
I like that women have sexual power over men.
A lot of the time in horror.
No matter how the male antagonist or the villain may try to subjugate and victimize
the woman, she has always been able to very proactively and aggressively act on her own
behalf and get her revenge on the bad guy.
That works for me.
所以 这就像是恐怖中的不同裸体
So, it’s like different kinds of nudity in horror.
There’s plenty where it’s used for shock value, I guess.
就像在它之上发生了很多暴♥力♥一样 你真的很困惑
Like lots of violence is happening on top of it and you’re really confused because if
因为如果你在这种情况下被唤醒 就好像我是一个可怕的人
you’re getting aroused as this is going, it’s like am I a terrible person
It’s like maniacs like slaughtering people.
在什么情况下你可以享受它 在什么情况下你会感到不安
At what point are you allowed to enjoy it and what point is it kind of disturbing
I really liked Critters.
I had a good time with it.
It was very Spielbergian.
有点像现代西部片 但有小怪物
Sort of a modern-day western but with little monsters.
我非常喜欢《魔精》世界 尤其是《魔精2》的一个原因是
And one of the things I really like about the Critters world and in particular Critters 2
is one of my favorite themes of Norman Rockwell goes to hell.
所以 它就是把理想化的美国小镇搞得一团糟
So, this is taking the idealized small-town America and just kicking it in the balls.
我的主要工作是创造一些令人难忘的角色 而不是
My main job was try to create some characters who were memorable and just not fodder for
little puppets.
演员阵容很棒 林·沙耶、斯科特·格莱姆斯、莉安·柯蒂斯和巴里·柯尔宾
The cast was wonderful Lin Shaye and Scott Grimes and Liane Curtis and Barry Corbin.
A really good group of people.
And the Chiodo Brothers were amazing.
They made these amazing creations on no money.
Another memorable moment in Critters 2 that stretches the boundaries of the PG-13 rating
is when one of the alien bounty hunters picks up the Playboy magazine and sees the fold-out
and transforms into Roxanne Kernohan naked.
A really great idea that Bob Shaye, the head of New Line Studios had when we were doing
the scene with the fold-out.
她变身后 把肚脐上的大钉拔下来 那是鲍勃和我的主意
When she transforms and plucks the giant staple out of her navel that was Bob’s idea and I
他做得太棒了 我得给他点赞
have to give him credit because it’s so good.
The most complicated scene maybe to this day that I’ve ever shot is that chase between
巨大的小动物球的追逐 因为小动物球有好几个
the pickup truck and the giant critter ball because there are several different versions
of that critter ball.
其中一个得有一吨♥重 挂在连接皮卡的车轴上
One of them must have weighed a ton and was on an axle connected to the pickup truck and
it had all these remote-control puppeted faces that are biting on it.
还有另一个版本 是把一堆动物的皮毛放在一个充气球上
There’s another version, it’s just a bunch of critter pelts on an inflatable ball that
当它第一次进城时 你可以看到基奥多兄弟的两条腿在后面
when it first comes into town you can see two of the Chiodo Brothers’ legs behind
it as they’re pushing it.
That’s real high-tech visual effects.
但当动物球滚动时 其中一个人其中一个逃离它的人会在
But when the critters ball is rolling, one of the people running away from it gets rolled
over and reveals the skeleton
咯咯地叫 咯咯地叫的声音后立即翻滚 并露出他的骨架
of him immediately after you hear gobble, gobble, gobble and it’s away
然后它就消失了 骨架上还剩下一点肉
and there’s the skeleton with a little meat left on it.
这是我最喜欢的场景 总是得到惊人的反应
That’s a favorite moment of mine and always gets an amazing reaction.
Friday the 13th Part 7 -The New Blood is the first one with Kane Hodder as Jason which
《Dead Meat》主持人
让人惊讶的是 最出名的杰森是在第七部电影中出现的
is surprising that the most famous Jason came in during the seventh movie.
The really memorable thing about this movie is of course the psychic character Tina who
她是第一个能够勇敢面对杰森 并展开反击的人
serves as the first person who can actually stand up to Jason and fight back.
这部是由已故的约翰·卡尔·比希勒导演的 他做得非常好
And it was directed by the late John Carl Buechler who did a fantastic job with it.
我扮演杰森的唯一原因是他坚持让我扮演这个角色 因为
The single reason I ever became Jason was his insistence that I play the character because
nobody was against C.J. coming back from Part 6.
He had done a good job.
我仍然认为他演得很好 但比希勒坚持让我来演这个角色
I still think he did a good job but Buechler was adamant that I play the character.
Unbelievable honor.
I said I have to do whatever I can to do this character justice.
Tina has a vision of me killing Bill Butler with the tent stakes.
所以桩子从他身上捅出来 我站在他身后 他就像这样
So it’s sticking out of him and I’m standing behind him and he’s going like that.
That’s the very first thing I ever shot with the hockey mask on.
所以 这将是一个很酷的回忆
So, that’ll always be a cool memory.
我做过的最喜欢的火焰特技是在第七部中扮演杰森 因为在我身上
My favorite fire stunt I’ve ever done is as Jason in Part 7 because there is so much
fire on me.
I’m on fire for so long.
Just an amazing looking stunt.
每个人都不敢让我表演火焰特技 因为我差点丧命
Everybody’s afraid to offer me a fire stunt because one almost killed me.
I was in the hospital five and a half months.
花了一年的时间才完全康复 恢复了正常的生活
It took a year to fully recover and get back to a somewhat normal life.
尽管它几乎要了我的命 但当我回首往事时 我总是说 伙计 我就是喜欢用火
Even though it almost killed me I always looked back and said man, I just liked doing fire
进行特技表演 因为它们看起来很吓人
stunts because they were so scary-looking.
凯恩·霍德戴上面具 杰森受到了巨大的惩罚
With Kane Hodder behind the mask, Jason undergoes a ton of punishment.
他被房♥子砸中 触电 钉子扎进他的身体 但他最终的死亡
He gets a house falling on him and electrocuted and nails stuck in him but then his ultimate
death comes from the hand of like a zombie dad coming out of the lake and dragging him
这很奇怪的 显得匆忙 但你肯定记得
It’s totally bizarre and a little rushed but you definitely remember it.
《外太空杀人小丑》(1988) – 预告片
One of the movies I would point people to is Killer Klowns From Outer Space by the amazing
Chiodo Brothers.
This is a movie that is not long on plot but is rich and intimate.
小丑杀手的设计 让我们面对现实吧 小丑总是让人毛骨悚然
The designs for the Killer Klowns, clowns let’s face it, always being kind of creepy
真的 真的 真的很令人不安
are really, really, really disturbing.
恐怖依然 也保持了一贯的喜剧
The horror is there, the comedy they keep it consistent.
They’re killing people with pies.
They’re taking people and wrapping them up in cotton candy.
朗·钱尼曾经说过 小丑在马戏团里是滑稽的 但午夜出现在你家门口
Lon Chaney once said that the clown is funny in the circus ring but he’s not funny at your door
at midnight.
这些人在午夜的时候出现在你的门口 尽管故事很荒谬 但它充满了
These guys are at your door at midnight and even though the story is ridiculous it’s filled
with strange slapstick violence.
它真的 它在我心中有一个特殊的位置
It really, it gives it a special place in my heart.
《鬼追人2》(1988) – 预告片
当我拿到《鬼追人2》的剧本时 它还不叫《鬼追人2》
When I got the script of Phantasm 2, it wasn’t called Phantasm 2.
It was called either American Gothic or Morningside.
它经历了不同的版本 这是绝密的
It went through different versions. It was top-secret.
You get page two and it says the Tall Man
我想 好吧 我想我能弄明白是什么
and I’m like yeah, I think I can figure out what it is.
Angus Scrimm and his Tall Man character couldn’t be further apart.
安格斯是一个最可爱最温柔的人 一个出色的演员
Angus was the sweetest most gentle human being, a wonderful actor.
Just a sweet gentle soul.
当他变成高个子的时候 他把名字改成0nH和B0yF
When he becomes the Tall Man he just switches it 0nH.and”B0yF
切换掉后 他就又变成安格斯了
And then switches it off and he’s Angus.
是的 我喜欢和他一起工作
Yeah, I love working with him.
《good bad flicks》主持人
很明显 他们在续集上投入了大量预算
It’s so clear that they had a big budget on the sequel.
They were able to do a lot of the concepts that Don Coscarelli had had with the original
但不能完全地充实它们 因为他没有钱
that he couldn’t fully flesh out because he just didn’t have the money.
Steve Patino created a ton of different spheres for the film.
He did a wonderful job.
球体飞 球体坠落 球上伸出一个小刀片
Spheres were flying, spheres were dropping, spheres that had a little blade come out and
球体开始旋转 目的只是为了抽血
start spinning and spheres just for blood pumping.
He had dozens of these things for different effects.
每当你在片场拿到那个完全闪亮的镀铬球时 它基本上就是一面镜子
Anytime you got that completely shiny chrome ball on set, it’s basically a mirror reflecting
反射周围的一切 包括摄制组
everything around it including the film crew.
所以 你必须非常聪明地拍摄它 就像通过墙上的一个洞
So, you had to be very clever about how you shot it like through a hole in the wall or
或其他东西那样拍摄 这样相机才不会穿帮
something so the camera wouldn’t be seen
We had a lot of fun with them.
I even tried one on myself.
