And I got to die on screen.
我想我再也无法重温那些辉煌的日子了 因为那是相当激昂的
I don’t think I will ever be able to relive those glory days because it was pretty high up.
Monster Squad has a lot of memorable one-liners.
其他人有很棒的台词 比如我希望我也有这句台词 但显然狼人有蛋蛋
Other people have great lines like I wish I had that line but obviously Wolf man’s got nards
is the line from that movie.
The problem with Monster Squad I think was a couple things.
主题 故事 动作和怪物的类型有些拿捏不到位
The subject matter and the story and the action and the kind of monsters were a little too
对八♥九♥岁 十岁的孩子来说太多了 而对15到17岁的孩子来说又太幼稚
much for the 8-9 to 10-year olds and it was too kid-like for the 15-16-17-year olds
that went to see the Lost Boys and dug that.
So, like I’m not going to go see a kid’s movie.
所以 会有一小部分观众留在那里 他们年龄不够去看这部电影
So, really when he left a small sliver of an audience in there that couldn’t go because
另一部分是们的父母不会带他们去 所以可以说失去了两波客源
of the rating or their parents wouldn’t take them so they got left out twice.
But we kind of made the first tween movie.
《养鬼吃人》(1987) – 预告片
《养鬼吃人》由克莱夫·巴克编剧和导演 改编自他自己的中篇小说
Hellraiser was written and directed by Clive Barker adapted from his own novella,
The Hellbound Heart.
克莱夫·巴克的很多作品的中心思想是 怪物就是好人
Central to a lot of Clive Barker’s work is the idea of the monsters being the good guys
or at least being more complicated than simply being the bad guys.
Pinhead is not the monster in the film.
The monsters in Hellraiser are Julia and Frank.
The humans are the ones causing the trouble.
I increasingly saw Pinhead as an impartial judge.
就克莱夫而言 他不应该成为电影的焦点
As far as Clive was concerned, he was not to be the focus of the film.
Clive’s focus was all on Julia.
对于克莱夫来说 《养鬼吃人》是创造第一个伟大的女性恐怖怪物
For Clive, Hellraiser was about creating the first great female horror monster.
我觉得整个20世纪80年代都有这样一种元素 那就是人们会得到一个机会
I feel as though there’s an element throughout the 1980s of people being given a chance.
Clive had never directed a film.
所以 我完全知道他的想象力从哪儿来 但他在来到片场的时候
So, I knew absolutely where his imagination was but it is true that he arrived on set
向所有人问道 那么谁是这里的负责人
on day one on Hellraiser and said, “So who’s in charge here”
He was extremely lucky I think in having Robin Vidgeon by his side as director of photography
who’s no small part of the success of Hellraiser.
他与克莱夫一起工作 并直接将克莱夫的想象力变成了画面
He worked with Clive and met Clive’s imaginative vision head on.
I was blessed with a lot of wonderful lines.
We have such sights to show you.
有一行我加了高亮 并在旁边写到 笑
There was one line that I highlighted and I wrote next to it – laugh.
人们应该笑 但他们可能笑得不太舒服
And people ought to laugh but they ought to laugh slightly uncomfortably because
因为这是一个玩笑 也是一个威胁 那句台词是 请不要流泪
as well as being a joke, it’s a threat and that line was, “No tears, please.”
我一直说 钉子头是个恐怖怪物 呆在诺埃尔·科沃德和奥斯卡·王尔德
I’ve always said that Pinhead is a horror monster who would be perfectly at home at
a garden party with Noel Coward and Oscar Wilde trading epithets.
Kathryn Bigelow is probably one of my favorite filmmakers.
《Daily Dead》主编
尤其是她在《血尸夜》中的表现令人难以置信 我从没看过那样的吸血鬼电影
Particularly her work on Near Dark is incredible and I’d never seen a vampire movie like that.
她倾向于这种西部风格 很酷
She leans into sort of this western style – is a coolness to it.
这是一群在全国各地旅行的吸血鬼 他们把这个新的孩子
It’s a bunch of vampires that are traveling across the country and they bring in this
《good bad flicks》主持人
new kid into their fold.
它是如此不同 因为它真的与吸血鬼传说混为一谈 而且有了一个
It’s so different because it really messes with vampire lore and you’ve got an incredible
cast with it.
有兰斯·亨里克森 还有比尔·帕克斯顿
You’ve got Lance Henriksen, you’ve got Bill Paxton.
It’s so well done.
虽然我从小就很信任兰斯·亨里克森这样的人 看到他
For as much as I’d grown up sort of trusting somebody like Lance Henriksen, seeing him
transformed into this creature with no set of morals.
就像他只是出去吃饭 靠其他的东西来生存
Like he’s just out to eat and to exist and to survive with something else.
吸血鬼占领了这家酒吧 他们大笑 屠♥杀♥所有人
The vampires take over this bar and they’re just slaughtering everybody and laughing.
通常情况下 是吸血鬼进来咬人 但这里不是 他们陶醉于
Normally, it’s your vampire comes in bites somebody and this it’s like no, they’re reveling
in it that they’re murdering people.
To see Bill Paxton becoming this sort of unhinged crazy man of a character was so awesome.
这是一部非常有趣的吸血鬼题材电影 和我们之前看过的80年代的任何一部
It’s just such an interesting and different take on vampires than anything we saw during
the ’80s.
Horror goes directly to our primal nerve centers and the things that are most basic about being
人类 那就是做♥爱♥和杀人
human and that’s fucking and killing.
《AD Nauseum & Fangoria》作者
你在屏幕上看到性♥爱♥和裸体 它就像暴♥力♥一样吸引人
You get sex and nudity on screen and it’s just as much of a hook as the violence was.
在我看来 在恐怖电影中的裸体从来都不是毫无意义的
Nudity has never seemed that gratuitous to me in horror films.
It’s always seemed part of it.
我的意思是 你看看60年代和70年代早期西班牙和意大利的老电影
I mean if you look at the old movies from like the ’60s and early ’70s in Spain and Italy.
I used to show them on my show Movie Macabre
我们得剪掉电影的四分之三 因为每个人都是裸体的
and we’d have to cut out three-quarters of the movie because everybody was naked.
I guess vampires and witches just run around naked all the time I don’t know.
《Daily Dead》主编
有趣的是 在并非必要的情况下 80年代的社会是如何投射他们自己的
It’s interesting to me how society during the ’80s sort of projected their own especially
U.S. cultures projected their own hang-ups on nudity on to this genre of films when it
really wasn’t, I don’t think that much of an issue.
我想我现在要洗个澡 这里太热了
Oh, I think I’ll take a shower now, it’s hot in here.
我的意思是 那里的裸戏我认为这是完全没有必要的
I mean it’s just out there with it and I think it was completely gratuitous and
我认为它只是用来吸引观众的 我认为这完全没有必要 但是
I think it was used only to sell the movie and I think it was completely unnecessary but
你必须让年轻人去看电影 那么你还能怎么做呢
you have to get young guys in there to see the movie and how are you going to do that
他们要求很多女孩在这些电影中裸体 包括我自己
They asked a lot of girls to be naked in these films, myself included.
但在那个时候 这个有些被禁止
But at that time it was a little bit more forbidden
还会让人感觉很卑鄙 因为很多电影是男人写的
felt more base and a lot of men were writing
所以他们在写他们想看的东西 是的 他们想看
the movies and so they were writing what they wanted to see and yeah, they wanted to see
naked ladies.
对我来说 感觉又来了
For me, it sort of felt like here it is again, okay.
And it felt like it was a rite of passage okay.
如果我一直对这些角色说不 我就没法工作了 所以我说了是
If I keep saying no to these roles, I’m not going to be able to work so I said yes and
it was fine as long as the script was good.
很多女性因为要被看光而被剥削 原因只是因为
A lot of women were exploited for exploitation purposes just to see it because they would
say yes.
The nudity helped get the butts in the seats.
比如 如果我手里有两个视频 一个有裸体 一个没有 你觉得
Like if I had two videos in my hand and one said nudity and one did not, which one do you
think I’m watching
I do think they need to have more male nudity.
很久以前 我在电影里都没见过鸡鸡
Even way back I was like I never see a penis ever in a movie.
尽管现在情况有所好转 但这种情况仍然很少见
And even now it’s still rare although getting a little better.
但我觉得如果有裸女 那就该有个裸男
But I feel like if you have a naked lady then have a naked man.
《月光光心慌慌》 我想你看到我的屁♥股♥了
Halloween 3, I think you see my ass.
I had an ass then.
现在我已经没有屁♥股♥了 我太老了 一切都过去了
I don’t have an ass anymore. I’m too old, it’s all gone away.
我不知道为什么青少年观众会认为 性♥欲♥过度的青少年该死
I don’t know why an audience of teenagers would think that over sexed teenagers deserve
to die but that’s what was happening in the ’80s.
所以 我们一定有很多性♥欲♥低下的青少年在这些电影中
So, we must have had a lot of undersexed teenagers enjoying the death of
oversexed teenagers in these movies.
在这一点上 美国一直是非常分♥裂♥的
America has always been very schizophrenic in that
it’s a puritanical place.
And so a lot of the movies,
如果你做♥爱♥ 你就会死 这是一种《13号♥星期五》的模式
if you had sex you would die, that was kind of the Friday the 13th model.
Anyone who would have sex you knew was going to be dead by reel three.
我觉得很多人把性和犯罪等同起来然后 觉得如果你去寻欢作乐
I think a lot of people were trying to equate sex with sinning and you’re gonna go frolic
然后你就会咎由自取 知道吗
and you get what you get, you know
It’s kind of how in Scream they talk about the rules.
你上过床 现在就要死了
You had sex, now you’re going to die.
Maybe not the healthiest message to send out to people.
有点过时了 不是吗
It’s a kind of old-fashioned, isn’t it
Especially after the freedom and outrageous goings on of the 60s and 70s.
