我们有一个手掌朝下的版本 有同样的东西做另一个特技 所以手可以移♥动♥
We had a palm down version with the same thing another stunt coming out so the hand can move
I don’t think you’ve ever seen anything before that, that handled that kind of bridge of comedy
and horror so well.
Raimi was the first person who I think with legitimate genius blended those things together.
It ushered in a completely new genre.
那段情节让我们很多人兴奋起来 哦 这是一部杰作
That was when a lot of us perked up when oh, this is a masterpiece.
《它是活尸3:活尸之岛》(1987) – 预告片
自从我开始拍电影 里克·贝克就一直和我一起工作
Rick Baker had been working with me ever since I started making films.
所以很自然地 当要为《它是活尸》制♥作♥怪物的时候 我会把工作交给他
So, naturally when it came time to do the monster for It’s Alive, I would give the job to him.
We didn’t show it much.
我觉得我们展示得越多 它就越不可怕 它就应当只是在你的想象中
I figured the more we showed it the less scary it would be and the more it was in your imagination.
我想拍《重回蜡像馆》 华纳兄弟说他们不能让我们拍
I wanted to make The Return to the House of Wax and Warner Brothers said we can’t give
但如果你想再拍一部《它是活尸》的话 那没问题
you that title but if you want to make another It’s Alive movie you can.
We had a lot of adventures on the picture.
迈克尔·莫里亚蒂在灌木丛中向怪物大喊 出来 别害怕
Michael Moriarty was yelling into the bushes to the monster come on out, don’t be afraid,
come on out.
就在那一刻 一头野猪从灌木丛中冲出来 直朝着他冲进摄制组
And at that moment a wild boar ran out of the bushes right at him right into the camera crew
每个人都在逃命 而我对摄影师大喊道 拍下来
everybody running for their fucking lives and I’m yelling to the cameraman shoot it.
拍下来 拍下来 但他们没拍下来
Get it on camera, get it but they didn’t get it.
所以 太可惜了
So, what the hell
怪物应该是从池塘里出来的 所以他把穿橡胶服的家伙放进了池塘里
The monster was supposed to come up from a pond so he put the guy in the rubber suit
进了池塘他在水中表演 他应该数到1O 然后浮上来 所以我们
into the pond. On action he submerged and he’s supposed to count for 1O and come up so we’re
等了一分钟 一分半钟 怪物还没有出现
waiting a minute, minute and a half and the monster has not yet come up.
然后一个演员跑进游泳池 跳进水里把他拉了出来
One of the actors runs into the pool and dives in and pulls him out.
他的衣服已经盛满了水 他出不来 他差点就被淹死了
His suit had filled up with water and he couldn’t come up so he would have drowned.
So, he was rescued right on camera.
Daniel Pearl Lee, the cinematographer and his crew had this running joke of hiding a rubber
chicken in the scene.
在我们开始拍摄之前 我每天都得留神看有没有橡胶鸡
I had to be on the lookout every day for a rubber chicken before we started rolling.
有一天我疏忽了 鸡出现在了电影里
One day I missed it and the chicken showed up in the movie.
这就是我喜欢在片场玩的原因 我希望每个人都玩得开心
And that’s what I like on this set is having a good time and I want everybody to have fun.
《捉鬼小灵精》(1987) – 预告片
在《捉鬼小灵精》中 我们几乎不可能看出它的特效 因为它是如此大胆
With Lost Boys it was almost impossible to see it working because it was such a bold
通过大胆的策略 让我们采用所有这些吸血鬼传说的标准规则
and almost audacious gambit which is let’s take all of these standard rules of vampire
lore and let’s squeeze them through almost like a big gaudy ’80s teen sex drama, right
And I was like that doesn’t work.
That’s like going to not work in spades.
It was Joel Schumacher and Richard Donner.
Donner was producing it.
我想我们很幸运 乔尔 我们找到了一个对如何真正实现这一目标有着
I think we were lucky in the end that Joel, we got somebody who had like such an ironclad
vision for how to actually make that work.
He wanted the horror.
乔尔所做的就是他采用了这些比喻 他就像连接了尼克·雷
What Joel did was he took those tropes and he’s like bridging the cinema of Nick Ray
还有80年代的恐怖电影 他要把所有的东西都放在一起
and ’80s horror and he’s going to pull all of this stuff together.
The vampires represent the dark side of the other characters psyches.
Take all of the anxieties of being a teenager coming into your own as an adolescent and
your sexuality, isolation of being the loner in a new town.
我认为对于艾滋病的争议 只是针对于当时国内
I would argue an undercurrent of the AIDS epidemic and just to some of the phobias that
were afflicting the country at that time, the gay community and other communities and
then the sort of garishness of the 80’s culture itself.
他不只是向你展示花哨 而是要评论这些花哨
He’s commenting on the garishness, he’s not just showing you the garishness.
With Lost Boys you have sort of the perfect storm of horror meets rock and roll.
他们是吸血鬼 女人想和他们在一起 男人也想和他们在一起 所有人都想
They were vampires that women wanted to be with, guys wanted to hang outwith, everybody
wanted to be with the Lost Boys.
我认为80年代的很多故事非常棒的一点是 有很多关于单亲父母的情节
What I think is really great about a lot of the stories in the ’80s is there was a lot of stories
about single parents and there was a lot that I really enjoyed about Dianne Wiest in Lost
她在抚养由科里·海姆扮演的山姆 迈克尔和杰森帕特里克时
Boys in terms of the struggles she was facing raising Sam and Michael played by Corey Haim
and Jason Patrick.
在这种奇幻的吸血鬼世界中 她所面临的挣扎
There was something very realistic about the struggles she was facing in this very sort
of fantasy world of vampires.
要扮演这个沉默寡言的角色 他可能只是个十几岁的孩子
To play this character who doesn’t really say much, he’s just this kind of teen, probably
一个离家出走的人 可能有个很糟糕的背景 然后就用
a runaway, probably had a really fucked up background and then just gets to eviscerate
挖人这样可怕的方式 来消除自己内心的一种焦虑
people sort of like gets to expunge all of his own anxieties like in these monstrous ways.
It was really satisfying.
We shot nights for a lot of our shoot.
我们是吸血鬼 我们早上睡觉晚上起床
We were vampires, we would go to bed in the morning and get up at night and we had blankets
窗户上贴着毯子 我们被镇上当作摇滚明星对待
taped over our windows and we were sort of treated like rock stars by the town.
所以 我们遇到了很多麻烦
So, we got up to a lot of trouble.
有像维·尼尔 格雷格·坎农和史蒂夫·拉波特这样的人
You have somebody like Ve Neill who comes in to do these vampires with the assistance
《捉鬼小灵精》化妆组 – 30周年(2017)
of Greg Cannom and Steve LaPorte.
他们都故意把我们打扮成迷人的摇滚歌♥手 因为她想表达一些情感
They’re all dressed up like glam rockers intentionally because she wanted to sort of emote
表达70年代的摇滚风格 比如齐柏林飞艇乐队 但她说 如果他们要爆♥炸♥
that 70s rock coolness of like Led Zeppelin but she was like well, if they’re gonna explode and
或是做一些很酷的事情的话 可以在里面放闪光粉
do these cool things like I want glitter in there.
所以 如果你去看 会发现他们是闪闪发光的吸血鬼
So, if you go and look at them, they’re glittery vampires.
我们做了一个我的完整的身体模型 血液在里面流动
We had a full body cast of me that had like the blood pumping through it.
如果你仔细看科里用来指着我的木桩 你就能看到它回收部位的
If you actually watch the shot of Corey staking me you can see the division of where it’s going to
那是没有CGI技术的时代 现在他们只需要三秒钟就能清理干净
Pre-CGI days now they would just clean it up in three seconds.
然后科里用木桩指着我 然后他们扔下橡胶假人替换我
And then Corey staked me and then they drop the body double, the rubber dummy and then
然后我摔在地上 所有的孩子都朝我脸上踢了很多土
I landed in the dirt and then all the kids proceeded to kick so much dirt into my face
that I went to the hospital with a scratched cornea.
所以 我的尖叫是真的
So, my screaming is real.
每次见到科里·费尔德曼我都会跟他说 谢谢你送我去医院
I like to tell Corey Feldman whenever I see him that uh, thank you for sending me to the hospital.
在片场或者只是和其他人混在一起玩 都是美好的回忆
Being on the sets or just goofing off with the other guys is a really good memory.
陈词滥调和古老的警告都说不要和孩子一起拍戏 不要和动物一起拍戏
The old cliché and the old kind of warning is don’t work with kids, don’t work with animals
and don’t work with special effects.
还有《降妖别动队》 仅此而已
And Monster Squad, that’s all it is.
你会看到大量的砍杀者 恶棍和梦中怪兽
You’re having this kind of swell of these slashers and villains and Dream Monsters and
戴着曲棍球面具的人很棒 但我想还有个问题
guys in hockey masks which is awesome but then I think there’s that question.
It’s like how did we get here
Where are the origin stories
Where are the original monsters
Fred Dekker what he did was take the original monsters that launched this whole thing.
让我们把它们带回来 向它们致敬
Let’s bring those back and pay a little tribute to those.
吸血鬼 弗兰肯斯坦 黑湖怪物等等怪物们
Characters who are meant to be Dracula, Frankenstein, Creature from the Black Lagoon,
they managed to skirt the Universal copyright through some clever dodges.
实际上我认为这属于对旧形象的改编 因为你并没有重新创造什么东西
I actually think that improved them because you weren’t recreating something.
小汤姆·伍德拉夫当时正在与斯坦·温斯顿的工作室合作 他实际上是设计师
Tom Woodruff Jr. is working with Stan Winston’s shop at the time and he actually designed
the Frankenstein applications redesign.
我最喜欢的皮套怪人 到现在为止依然是《黑湖妖潭》里的怪物
My favorite man in a monster suit always was and still is the Creature From The Black Lagoon.
我想成为那个穿怪物服的人 斯坦给了我第一个角色
I wanted to be the guy in the monster suit and Stan gave me my first role when I played
the Gillman in Monster Squad.
店里的另一个人问我 你锻炼好走路了吗
Somebody else in the shop said well, have you worked out your walk yet
我在想 是哦 我不止需要弄清楚走路的方式 我还得学会走路
And I’m thinking uh-oh. Not only is there a walk to figure out apparently but I haven’t learned it
现在我开始思考 我感觉我有信心了
and now I’m thinking and I could feel my confidence now starting…
I’m thinking what did I do
我说 我甚至不知道术语
I said, I don’t even know the terms.
The fascinating design done unlike any other creature design suit and build and actual application
它的构造和实际应用强于当时任何人的作品 然后由汤姆拉上拉链并
of it than anybody had ever done at the time and then now Tom’s zipped up and glued into
粘在这件连体套装中 我必须弄清楚如何演绎这个角色
this one-piece suit and has to figure out how to be this character.
We’re on the back lot at Warner Brothers and climbing out of the fake manhole cover and
和一群热情的特技演员用硬橡胶棒打了一场仗 然后不得不撤进商店
going through a fight with some very enthusiastic stuntmen with hard rubber clubs and then having
霍勒斯拿着他的猎枪站在店前 就在那时 我终于意识到
to move in on the store with Horace stuck out front with his shotgun and that’s when I finally
thought now it’s time for my walk.
It was sort of like a monster effects buffet.
I got to sample everything.
这里有特技表演 有烟火 要摔倒 走路和呼吸
Some stunts here and some squibbing and falling and my walking and breathing.
All that stuff.
