She was a connecting dot to the Nightmare on Elm Street movies that was needed.
它有很多出色的特效 我最喜欢的一个是弗雷迪头上的巨型蠕虫
It’s got so many standout special effects in it and one of my favorites is the giant
worm with Freddy’s head especially because that’s when he first sees Nancy Thompson again.
We had three units shooting.
两个是给主要演员的 有两个摄像机导演查克·拉塞尔参选
Two were for the principal actors with two cameras. Chuck Russell the director would run
back and forth between each set.
And the third unit was specifically just for special effects.
凯文·雅格给罗伯特化第二 第三次妆
Kevin Yagher did Robert’s makeup on the second and the third one.
Rodney Eastman in Nightmare on Elm Street 3 he’s stuck to a false bed with a false chest and
鲍勃·库兹曼和我不得不修改所有的字母 写着 贱♥人♥来找我之类的
Bob Kurtzman and I had to rig all the letters to say come and get me bitch and that
took hours and hours and hours.
There was a lot of creative killings.
My absolutely favorite scene was when Freddy put Jennifer’s head through the television
说 欢迎来到黄金时段 贱♥人♥
and said, “Welcome to prime-time bitch.”
在这部电影中 弗雷迪·克鲁格风趣幽默的形象也发挥了作用
This is also the movie where the quippy almost fun Freddy Krueger comes into his own.
The brilliance of a lot of it was Robert.
Robert really came up with a lot of those lines.
Robert Englund was the boogey man.
他是木乃伊 他是德古拉 他是所有的一切 因为他可以出现在你的梦里
He was the Mummy, he was Dracula, he was all of them because he could be in your dream.
My favorite Kincaid line was…
Let’s go kick the motherfucker’s ass all over dreamland.
韦斯·克雷文有他自己的风格 他确保了
Wes Craven had his own style and he made sure
that an African American was the first to survive a horror film and return to a sequel.
He had a great influence on horror.
Now we don’t get killed.
I’ve always been kind of afraid of dolls.
I remember when I was a little kid somebody brought a ventriloquist dummy to my house
然后把它从手提箱里拿出来 我就在一秒半的时间里离开了那个房♥间
and took him out of a suitcase and I was like out of that room in a second and a half.
我发现在我拍过的所有电影中 玩偶可以说
The thing I’ve discovered with dolls was of all the movies that I’ve done a lot of people
consider it the scariest.
Dolls certainly was a poster before it was a movie.
The little female doll that’s holding her own eyes.
《鬼娃回魂》《Chucky Franchise》主创
That’s just wrong.
是因为海报 我们才拍下了那一幕
And we made sure that we shot that scene because of the poster.
I was not expecting to make that movie at all.
我当时在拍《活魔人》和查理·班德开了个会 他说我们想要你
I was working on From Beyond and had a meeting with Charlie Band and he said we’d like you
to make another movie using the same sets.
他给了我一个剧本 叫做《恶魔娃娃》 最初是由艾德·那哈写的
And he tossed me a script for what was called ”The Doll”originally by Ed Naha.
斯图尔特的想法是做得实际一点 做普通的漂亮的娃娃 而不是可怕的娃娃
Stuart’s idea was to do it all practically and to do regular nice dolls but not scary dolls.
他说 他们就是这么做的
And he said well, it’s what they do
that’s scary.
在这部电影里 真的有上百个娃娃活过来了
You had literally hundreds of dolls coming to life in this movie.
An army of dolls.
It wasn’t just one doll.
It wasn’t just like Chucky.
这是一项重大的任务 我们使用了几乎一切
That turned out to be major undertaking and we used to just about every technique
we could.
我们用了木偶 我们用了机械娃娃 让戴夫·艾伦做了定格动作
We used puppets, we used mechanical dolls and we got Dave Allen to do stop motion for the
还有一些我们想不到怎么处理的场景 结果又多花了一年的时间
scenes where we couldn’t get it done any other way. It ended up taking an extra year to make
that movie.
它是在《活魔人》之后上映的 因为特效太难做了
It came out after From Beyond because the effects were so difficult.
Well, the big scene in Dolls is the one where the evil stepmother is killed by the dolls.
这是你第一次真正看到玩偶的行动 那部分是我妻子
That’s the first time you really see the dolls in action and that was my wife Carolyn played
that part.
当我在拍那部电影的时候 我自己的孩子也来过片场
My own kids came to the set when I was working on that movie.
我把他们的玩具娃娃拿走 变成杀人机器的想法
The idea that I was taking their toys, their dolls and turning them into killing machines
did not sit well with them at all.
There is one scene in particular.
角色们听到树林里有沙沙声 那是一只泰迪熊
The characters hear a rustling in the woods and it’s a teddy bear.
这是一只傻乎乎的泰迪熊 从树林里出来 角色好像说 不
It’s a kind of goofy teddy bear comes up out of the woods and the character is like no, not
然后泰迪熊就变成一只真正的熊 吃掉他们
Then the teddy bear like transforms kind of into a real bear and devours them.
It kind of sums up the appeal of what that movie is.
《鬼玩人2》(1987) – 预告片
从我们登陆北卡罗来纳州再到我们离开的那一刻 《鬼玩人2》
Evil Dead 2 was a blast from the minute that we landed in North Carolina to the minute
that we left.
和山姆·雷米一起的工作 是我永远不会忘记的经历
Working with Sam Raimi was just a complete experience that I’ll never forget.
他很有想象力 很有趣 他所热爱的和所做的一切
He was so imaginative, so funny. So much of what he loves and what he does is based on
the comedy.
如果你看看原版的《鬼玩人》 你会发现它非常恐怖
If you look at the original Evil Dead it’s pretty terrifying.
当我们制♥作♥《鬼玩人2》时 我们中的许多人都认为它会像第一部一样恐怖
I think when we did Evil Dead 2 a lot of us were assuming it was going to be as relentless as the
只是特效化妆要好得多 而山姆那时是一位
first movie just a lot better special-effects makeup and Sam was a much more seasoned
director at that point.
他说得很具体 这对我帮助很大 因为我心里没有疑问
He was really specific which helped me a lot because there was no doubt in my mind what
I had to do for each shot.
He had the whole script planned out to a T.
I remember we got the draft of the script.
有一场戏是重写的 琳达的头被工具棚的钳子夹住了
There was a rewrite and it’s the scene where Linda’s head is in the vice in the tool shed
门开了 琳达的无头尸体进来了 头上顶着电锯
and the door flies open and Linda’s headless corpse comes in with the chainsaw over it’s head.
我觉得这是我读过的最可怕的东西 因为我们在
And I was like this is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever read. Because we shot that
early in the schedule,
I really hadn’t at that point really understood Sam’s sense of humor.
每次要拍血液喷溅的时候 并不是说你不会
The fact that every time blood would spray it wasn’t like you would never use just a
little syringe of blood.
You would use like a fire extinguisher.
有几辆大卡车停在舞台外 装着几百加仑的
I had like a couple of big trucks outside the stage with hundreds and hundreds of gallons
of colored liquid.
Let ‘er rip boys.
那肯定有几千加仑 而布鲁斯在下面 没有假人
It must have been thousands of gallons and Bruce was down there, there was no dummy,
there was no stuntman.
Very physical role.
Bruce Campbell was game for damn near anything in fact.
我们在拍他用盘子砸自己的场景 最后他
We’re shooting the scene where he’s smashing himself with the plates and he ends up by
一个空翻 这全都是他自己演的
flipping himself completely and that was all him.
That was not a stunt person.
他什么都愿意做 他自己化妆 剪头发 穿衣服
He was up for anything and he did his own makeup for the cuts and all that, that he wore
for most of the movie.
That was his own makeup.
《AD Nauseum & Fangoria》作者
首先 他是一个不幸的人 只是想尽一切办法求生
The first one he was just kind of this hapless guy just trying to survive any way he could
and then he became this very active and also snarky hero in Evil Dead 2 and then
Army of Darkness later on.
我想和阿什在一起 我们只是觉得他今天过得很糟糕
I guess with Ash we just get the sense that he’s having a really bad day.
You don’t feel like he’s going to be scarred for life because of what’s going on.
比如他失去了手 他的反应就是 哦 你们这些混♥蛋♥
Like losing his hand, his reaction is just like oh, you bastards.
《鬼玩人2》中的所有内容都可以作为梗 从时髦到现在谁在笑
Everything in Evil Dead 2 is a very quotable moment from groovy to who’s laughing now and
he’s like chopping off his hand with the chainsaw.
We were such nerds in high school.
我的意思是 我们聊天时会cue到那部电影 直到我们脸色发青 没人知道
I mean we would quote that movie till our faces turned blue and no one knew what the hell
we were talking about.
当那只手掉下来的时候 它就会四处乱跑 甚至惊到鸟
When the hand comes off then it’s running around and flipping him the bird and then
他把它放在桶下的那一瞬 然后播放了
I think it was the moment where he puts it under the bucket and puts A Farewell to Arms
《永别了 武器》
on top of it.
我想 那就是雷米想要的那一个完美的瞬间
That’s what I got what Raimi was going for and that’s also kind of a perfect moment in
horror comedy history.
哦 我们今天要开枪打邪恶之手哦 我的天哪 我们该用哪一个
Oh, we got to shoot the evil hand doing this today and oh my God which one do we use
我们有一只无线电控制的手 还有一只特技手 一只手会伸出手掌
We had a radio-controlled hand, we had stunt hands, a hand that would come up palm up on
放在地板上 它的假肢残肢粘在下面的一个人身上
the floor where it had a prosthetic stump glued to a guy underneath.
