这三个词组合在一起的时候 尤其有力量
It’s just those three words just had such power especially when combined.
但是当我看过第一部时 我彻底傻眼了 它让我大吃一惊
But when I came out of Chainsaw, I was completely dumbfounded. lt just completely blew my mind
and I realized that the cure for Chainsaw was not to see it a hundred times and try
to dismiss it, but it was basically to join the Sawyer family.
He had already been hired off of a little movie
he had made a parody called The Texas Chainsaw Manicure.
托比拿到了一份拷贝 由此邀请了比尔
A copy of it got to Tobe and Tobe hired Bill off of that film.
我很震惊 Chop-Top是一个重要的部分
And I was shocked that Chop-Top was a big part.
《德州电锯杀人狂2》的理念非常幽默 我认为它真的令人
Now the idea that Chainsaw 2 had a great sense of humor to it, I think really took people
by surprise.
我最喜欢的场景之一是Chop-Top的介绍 我进来威胁斯特雷奇
One of my favorite scenes is the introduction of Chop-Top and I come in to threaten Stretch,
Caroline Williams, the DJ.
她回到了唱片库 被皮脸和卢·佩里曼的I·G恐吓
She’s back on the record vault getting terrorized by Leatherface and I.G. Lou Perryman comes
然后我跳出跳台 用羊角锤砸他的头
in and l jump out of the record vault and start pounding his head in with a claw hammer.
The hammer itself was foam rubber.
托比叫我行动的时候 我就开始打I·G的头
When Tobe would call action, I started pounding on I.G.’s head.
然后编几句台词 比如如果我有一把锤子 一二三
And making up stuff like if I had a hammer and a one and a two and a three
and just pounding away.
我们拍了12次 托比说 太棒了 太棒了
We’ve done about 12 takes and Tobe goes yeah, yeah, that was great that was great.
Let’s just do one more take.
我看着托比问 我做错什么了吗
I looked at Tobe and I said Tobe, “Am I doing something wrong”
他看着我说 哦不 比尔 我只是看着你很开心
And he looked at me and he goes oh, hell no, Bill, I’m just having fun watching you.
毫无疑问 整部电影的标志性时刻就是电锯贴到我的两腿间
Undoubtedly the signature moment in the whole movie is the chainsaw between my legs.
这在当时被认为是一个反女权主义的时刻 恰恰相反 我认为它是
Considered to be at the time an anti-feminist moment, to the contrary I consider it to be
the quintessential feminist moment.
这个女人 她几乎被一个电锯 被一个工具强♥奸♥
This is a woman who is being almost raped with a chainsaw with an implement.
她设法把握住了这一瞬间 并尽可能地把它变成她的优势
She manages to take that moment in hand and turn it as much to her advantage as she can
saving her own life.
如果她在那一刻被杀了 那么电影就结束了
If she’s killed in that moment the movie is over.
What does she do
She’s is going to go after him.
It sort of launches the rest of the action for the rest of the film and that crazy inverted
bloody, nutty trip through Oz.
It’s one of the moments I’m proudest of.
在我们拍摄这部电影的时候 我所能想到的就是不要让我妈妈看这部电影
At the time we shot it all I could think is I don’t want my mother to see this movie.
《活魔人》(1986) – 预告片
在《活魔人》中 斯图尔特想要证明这将是一部更严肃的电影
In From Beyond, Stuart wanted to prove that it was going to be a more serious movie.
《活跳尸》的幽默元素可能让他有点吃惊 所以他想要
The humor element of Re-Animator perhaps took him a little bit by surprise so he wanted
to make sure that the tone of the next movie didn’t replicate that.
I remember getting that note a lot that this is serious business this movie.
It’s a very cinematic idea.
The idea that you can’t trust your five senses.
我们的感官是如此有限 我们甚至不知道所有这些东西
That our senses are so limited, we’re not even aware of all this stuff.
There’s these other dimensions and things that are around us all the time.
It’s a really great concept.
洛夫克拉夫特 他是个忧郁症患者 他认为空气中这些
Lovecraft, he was a hypochondriac and the idea of these invisible things that are in the
air that can kill you.
在《活魔人》中 芭芭拉扮演了一个疯狂的科学家
In From Beyond, Barbara plays the mad scientist essentially.
杰弗里·库姆斯是受害者 从某种程度上来说《活魔人》颠覆了他们
And Jeffrey Combs is the victim in a way From Beyond reversed the roles that they played
in Re-Animator.
由于Resonator 我能在一部电影的空间中做很多表征
I was able to do a lot in that characterization in the space of one movie because of the Resonator
I was able to get in touch with my deep urgings and repressed feelings.
当然还有更多施虐受虐的变♥态♥ 整部电影都是关于
There’s certainly more sadomasochistic kinky kind of – that the whole movie is about stimulating
the people’s sexuality.
All of that pent-up comes roaring out.
芭芭拉·克兰普顿和我都曾经说过 我不理解这个少即是多这句话
Barbara Crampton used to say and I used to say I don’t understand the expression
我认为多就该是多 她说不 如果斯图尔特和你在一起的话
less is more and I used to say, I think it should be more is more and she said no, Stuart with you
it’s more is not enough.
Look at Jeffrey Combs coming out of Pretorius’s blobby figure and trying to save Katherine
试图拯救凯瑟琳·麦克迈克尔 然后却被怪物吸收了 全身都是黏糊糊的粘液
McMichaels and then being absorbed by the monster and it was all this gooey slime.
我全身都是 杰弗里全身都是 泰德·索雷尔也全身都是 就像怪物一样
I had it all over me, Jeffrey had it all over him,Ted Sorel as the monster had it on him
and it was just this grotesque disgusting mass.
有一段时间 怪物就像在我的头上 试图把我给吸走
And at one point the monster was like over my head and trying to absorb me and suck me
我得说 这真是太脏了
inside and it was a dirty business I got to say.
我每天都要化那样的妆 从没觉得自己会像卡西莫多一样丑
I never felt so ugly or hideous like Quasimodo in this makeup and you’re in it all day.
Crawford has the pineal gland sticking out of his forehead.
斯图尔特曾经说过 这是红色芦笋矛
Stuart used to say, well it’s a red asparagus spear.
不 是狗鸡♥巴♥ 那就是狗鸡♥巴♥
No, it’s a dog dick, that’s what it is. It’s a dog dick.
Each movie carries its own signature.
正是这些声音开始侵入寂静和黑暗 创造了
It’s the sounds that begin to intrude on the silence and on the darkness that create the
biggest element of fear in a horror film.
It builds the sense of anticipation that something is about to happen.
Sound design is really what gives the movie that kind of creepy feel.
例如 《猛鬼街》中弗雷迪沿着小巷走的那个画面
For instance, just that image of Freddy in A Nightmare on Elm Street 1 walking down the alley.
刀子贴在墙上 就像要刺穿你一样
The knives against the wall and it just like goes through you.
That’s what creates really memorable lasting memories of movies.
It’s not just the image.
就像乐队里的贝斯手 如果他做对了 你永远不会注意到他 但如果他做错了
It’s like a bass player in a band if he does it right you never notice him but if he does it
wrong, you’re like mad at them the whole time.
所以 我认为声音设计也是如此
So, I think the sound design is the same way.
它支撑着这个故事 所以你会陷在故事中 也许你没有真正注意到
It’s supporting this story and so you get lost in the story maybe you don’t really notice
the sound design.
We talk about the point of view camera in Friday the 13th.
使它真正起作用的关键是 有一种声音符合
One of the things that makes that really work is that there was a sound that went with that
point of view.
每次你在杰森身边时 那种声音就会出现在音乐的结构中
Every time you were around Jason that sound would be there it’d be in the fabric of the music.
如果你用默片的形式看《13号♥星期五》或别的恐怖片 就不会那么可怕
If you watch Friday the 13th or any movie without sound, it wouldn’t be that scary
但是 当你把音乐放进去 一切都变了
but oh boy you put that music in, it’s everything.
《13号♥星期五》的第一次放映 似乎非常接近最终的剪辑
Our first screening of Friday the 13th which was pretty much close to the final cut seemed
没完没了 冗长乏味 好像什么都没发生
endless and so long and tedious because nothing happens
剪辑到一个月后 我们把声音放进去 我们把整个东西混在一起后
Cut to a month later and we had laid in the sound, we’d mix the whole thing and it became
exciting… same footage.
不知怎么的 你的情绪被卷入其中 因为音乐直接进入了你的心灵
But somehow or other your emotions get involved because the music goes straight to your heart,
直击你的灵魂 它只是告诉你 你应该有什么样的感觉
straight to your guts and it just, it tells you how you’re supposed to feel and where
你要去哪里 你是否可以放松或害怕等等
you’re going and whether you can relax, or be afraid or whatever.
That’s the vital, vital element of a very good score.
令人毛骨悚然的场景加上非常酷的音乐才会更好 哈里·曼弗雷迪尼是一个天才
A creepy scene can be so much better with very cool music and Harry Manfredini is a genius.
The music delivers the drama.
每部电影都有紧张 追逐和杀戮
Every film has tension, chase, kill.
作为一名电影作曲家 你的工作就是传达故事
Your job as a film composer in general you have to deliver the story.
不管是惊吓还是大笑 杀人还是有人哭
Whether it’s a scare or a laugh, a kill or someone crying.
你觉得是它突然出现在你面前更恐怖 还是通过我的引导
Is it a better scare if it just jumps out at you or is it a better scare if I’m really
leading to it
Those are actual mechanical compositional things that you deal with.
If you’ve already got the audience at a seven like they’re really agitated and they’re really
那么恐怖场景出现时 冲击力只有3 因为满分就是10
nervous, the biggest hit you’re going to get is a three because you can only go to ten.
但如果你把音乐拉出来 让观众冷静下来 然后你再开始吓人
But if you pull the music out and you let the audience calm down then you hit,
那你就有机会跳到里氏7级 你知道吗
then you’ve got a chance of getting a seven on the Richter scale of jump, ya know
I think Harry doesn’t get enough credit for his discofied Friday the 13th Part 3 score.
《AD Nauseum & Fangoria》作者
Well, the piece of horror music I’ll always remember was John Carpenter’s opening theme
都是恐怖音乐 因为我记得我坐在剧院里 灯光熄灭 然后
from Halloween because I remember sitting in that theater and the lights go down and
音乐响起 南瓜在旁边 吓到我了
that music comes on with that pumpkin on the side and that scared me.
Just the music got me frightened.
That was my first encounter with music that really set a mood and got me creeped out before
