Psycho 3 is crazy.
Psycho 3 is Anthony Perkins deciding that he’s not going to tiptoe around that legacy
anymore and he’s going to go to 11 with it.
《惊魂记2》很有节制 很冷静 而《惊魂记3》则色彩斑斓 很花哨
Where Psycho 2 is very sort of measured and calm, Psycho 3 is colorful and garish and
还很奇怪 他用吉他
weird and he bashes Jeff Fahey’s
head in with a guitar.
当时这部影片很受欢迎 但我认为《惊魂记3》应该被重新审视
It was sort of well-received at the time but I think Psycho 3 is due for a massive reconsideration
because it’s Anthony Perkins grappling with this thing that he’s had to live with for
并最终决定决定拥有它 我认为这是该类型片中的一个
20-some odd years at that point and decided to own it which I think is a significant moment
in the genre.
《惊魂记2》和《惊魂记3》比《惊魂记》的翻拍版好得多 但我不会说
Psycho 2 and Psycho 3 are miles better than the remake of Psycho which is I wouldn’t say
这是可憎的 但我认为这只是我听过的电影中
an abomination but I think it’s just one of the most misguided ideas for a movie
I’ve ever heard of.
并不是说它制♥作♥得很糟糕 或者类似的东西 而是说它不是一部电影
Not that it’s terribly made or anything like that but it’s just such a non-movie.
这就像 为什么
It’s like, why
有人说 这是因为孩子们不看黑白电影
And somebody said well, it’s because kids won’t watch black and white.
你知道我怎么说吗 如果他们看不了 那就别看
And you know what I say Fuck em if they can’t
你必须和其他演员一起翻拍这部电影吗 这太荒谬的
watch black and white. You have to remake the movie with other actors That’s ridiculous.
《火魔战车》(1986) – 预告片
如果一部电影完全由可♥卡♥因♥驱动 会发生什么
What happens when a movie is made completely driven by cocaine
《火魔战车》由斯蒂芬·金执导 改编自他在《守夜》里的短篇小说《重型卡车》
Maximum Overdrive has Stephen King directing from his Night Shift short story Trucks.
His one and only time behind the camera as a director King has since said publicly that
在拍摄期间 他因服用可♥卡♥因♥而失去了理智
he was coked out of his mind for the duration of the shoot.
He didn’t know what he was doing and it shows.
尽管如此 这部夸张的电影还是有很多值得人们喜爱的地方
Still, there’s lots to love about this over-the-top movie.
《Dead Meat》主持人
当然 埃米利奥·埃斯特维脱颖而出 站在了《火魔战车》的最前线
And of course, Emilio Estevez coming off the Brat Pack and seeing him at the forefront
《Daily Dead》主编
我知道这不是一部伟大的电影 但是它很有趣
of Maximum Overdrive like look, I know it’s not a great movie but boy is it fun.
一颗彗星通过赋予所有机器生命的方式 让它们自然产生杀戮之心
A comet passes by bringing all machinery to life with a mind to kill naturally.
教练被碳酸饮料罐击中 还有其它的一些荒谬的场景
You have coaches getting pelted with soda cans and just ridiculous over-the-top moments.
这部电影的另一个有趣之处是 主角是参演《辛普森一家》之前的雅德利·史密斯
It’s also fun because the cast features a pre-Simpsons Yeardley Smith.
如果这部电影有什么了不起的地方 那一定是那杀手级的AC/DC配乐
If it’s anything great that came out of this movie it’s that killer AC/ DC soundtrack.
I’m the biggest supporter of Maximum Overdrive.
人们讨厌这部电影 但听着 我从这部电影中获得了乐趣
People hated the movie but listen, I derive pleasure from watching that film and as well
就像很多其他糟糕的电影一样 我知道它有缺点 我也能承认
as a lot of other bad movies and I think as long as I recognize those flaws and can admit that,
不过那又如何 我喜欢
Just let me have my thing man, I like it.
Tommy Jarvis had his own kind of three picture arc in the Friday the 13th franchise.
他由不同的演员扮演 《13号♥星期五6》的开场进展很快
He was played by different actors. Friday 6 begins pretty fast.
You got Tommy Jarvis, you got his friend and a pickup truck.
他们要去墓地把杰森挖出来 确保他死了
They’re going to the grave site to go dig up Jason and make sure he’s dead and I’m like,
why would you do that man
杰森的复活方式很老套 他是在闪电中复活的
Jason gets a resurrected in a very Universal monsters fashion with the bolt of lightning
and he becomes zombie Jason.
当杰森回来的时候 看到营地里有那么多孩子 我就想 天哪
When Jason returns and there’s all these kids at the camp, I was like, oh my God, Jason’s
going to kill all these kids.
但当汤米最终在火海中面对杰森的时候 然后他突然
But when Tommy finally faced Jason in the lake of fire and then like he drops to
带着杰森沉入了湖底 我就知道 你救了孩子们
the bottom of lake I was like yeah man, you saved the kids.
对我来说最重要的就是拯救孩子们 因为我和他们差不多大
That’s all that mattered to me, just save the kids because I was about the same age as those
kids and I went to summer camp.
So, I didn’t want Jason killing me.
如果我知道汤米能解决掉杰森 那么一切都会好起来的
And if I knew Tommy took care of Jason everything was going to be okay.
《变蝇人》(1986) – 预告片
80年代的许多恐怖片中表演都被低估了 因为业界歧视恐怖片
So many performances in horror in the ’80s were slept on because horror was disreputable.
Seth Brundle is one of the great anti-heroes.
我是说他是个英雄 但他也是自己最大的敌人
I mean he’s a hero but he’s his own worst enemy.
Seth Brundle’s speech in The Fly about his insect politics
于我而言 可能是这十年的巅峰
may be the pinnacle of the decade for me.
昆虫没有政♥治♥ 它们很残忍♥
Insects don’t have politics. They’re very brutal.
他既是英雄又是恶棍 同时也是受害者
He’s hero and villain and he’s victim all-in-one.
But I think a horror protagonist that gets really overlooked in the ’80s is Veronica from
The Fly.
她经历了坠入爱河和分手的过程 这段经历轰轰烈烈
She goes through a very powerful arc of falling in love of a breakup.
里面有个堕胎的情节 这在80年代是很热门的 而且她
There’s an abortion subplot in there which is pretty hot button for the ’80s and she’s
在影片的最后 将自己的伴侣安乐死了
essentially euthanizing her life partner at the end of the film.
And her sobs at the end of that are maybe one of the most real moments of ’80s horror
I’ve ever seen.
她是这一流派中最复杂 最全面的女性主角之一
She’s one of the most complex and most well-rounded women protagonists in the genre.
Cronenberg’s always rife with allegory.
《变蝇人》 他要告诉你的我也同意 这不是关于艾滋病 而是关于死亡和垂死
The Fly, he will tell you and I agree, it’s not about AIDS, it’s about death and dying
and watching someone who you love become a different person by degrees.
无论是疾病和衰老 还是仅仅止于一段关系
And whether that’s about disease and aging or whether that’s just about a relationship
随着时间的推移 我发现《变蝇人》是一个超级强大的寓言
running its course, I find The Fly to be a super powerful allegory.
我觉得《太空僵尸》有趣的地方在于 它是弗雷德·德克尔的一次尝试
I think what’s interesting about Night of the Creeps, it’s Fred Dekker’s attempt at
他在拍一部现代恐怖怪兽电影 但他还在把一些东西拼凑在一起
making a current slasher kind of monster movie but he’s still jamming some things together.
我的意思是 它开始于外星人的喊声进入你的大脑
I mean it starts with aliens for crying out loud that get into your brain so now you’ve
got a zombie movie basically started from alien origins and Jason Lively running around
杰森·莱弗利在舞会之夜到处乱跑 是成熟 是性 是衣冠楚楚 是彻夜不眠
on prom night. It’s coming of age, it’s sex, it’s dressing up, it’s staying out late but now
但现在你得和僵尸外星人战斗 在你大脑里蠕动的怪物杀死了你的
you got to fight zombie aliens, slither monsters in your brain that have killed your
best friend.
太疯狂了 太80年代了
It was just so bonkers and so ’80s.
My personal favorite of any film that I’ve done.
它有点像《人体异形》 但其实并不是
It’s sort of like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers only it isn’t.
这些看起来像鼻涕虫的小东西 你一张嘴它们就会钻进你的嘴里
These little creeps, they look like slugs and they shoot into your mouth when you open
从嘴里进去之后 就开始从里面吃掉你 你就变成僵尸了
your mouth to go ah, they’re in and then they eat you out inside and you’re a zombie.
My job is to destroy them.
The girls are all waiting for their dates to arrive.
我走到窗前 向外望去 我说 好吧 姑娘们
I walk to a window and I look out and I say, well girls…
我有一个好消息 还有一个坏消息
I’ve got good news and bad news girls.
The good news is your dates are here.
What’s the bad news
They’re dead.
They’re dead.
Anything that Tom Atkins says in that is probably the best.
Creepy crawlies…
and a date for the formal.
这很经典 斯班吉
This is classic, Spanky.
当然 你还要刺♥激♥我
And of course, you got “thrill me.”
So, that’s just like what is that
Thrill me.
Thrill me.
Thrill me.
Thrill me.
Thrill me.
这是一个大家都知道的梗 我们可以在任何时候想用这句话的时候
That’s an iconic statement that everybody knows now that we can use at anytime that
you want to.
在浴室那场戏里 有一个《降妖别动队》的彩蛋
In the bathroom scene, there’s a Monster Squad easter egg.
在墙的后面 我猜是弗雷德得知《降妖别动队》获得了许可那一周
On the back of the wall that was sort of I guess the week that Fred had learned that
Monster Squad had got a green-light and so we had his art department graffiti
Go Monster Squad on the back tile of that bathroom.
We had the best time shooting that movie.
The biggest treat of all is an action figure of Detective Ray Cameron with the shotgun
and a beer.
How about that
阿特金斯 动作达人
Atkins – Man of action.
对我来说 托比·霍珀是一个不朽的人物
Tobe Hooper for me is a monumental figure.
作为电影制♥作♥人 他勇于冒险 敢于给他的经典电影拍续集
He took risks as a filmmaker and he was making a sequel to his original classic that was
对我来说 这是好事
not lost on me.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
