你会记得最后一个人 或最后一个女孩 最后一个英雄 最后一个女主角
You remember the final person or the final girl or the final hero or the heroine.
那是经过斗争的领导者 他们挺过来了 但无论如何 这些都只是
That’s the leader that made a struggle, came through, but these are all just iconic
hero stories anyway.
This is just our new literature.
80年代的主题是从怪物中幸存下来的人们 以及不知何故被扭曲的地方
The ’80s were about the people surviving the monster and somehow or another that got twisted
怪物 明星和人都是偶然的
around where the monsters the star and the people were incidental.
还有最终女孩这个词的出现 它让我听起来好像我已经100岁了
And that’s what the term final girl reared its head and it makes me sound like I’m
但我说过 在我那个年代我们称其为电影明星
100 years old but I said in my day we call that the star of the movie.
It’s almost like we had to qualify making these women the protagonist of the movie by
我们坚持这个公式 她是最终女孩 她是尖叫女王
saying well, we’re adhering to this formula and she’s the final girl and she’s a scream queen.
但实际上你所拥有的是一个大女主的类型 这非常酷
But really what you’ve got is a genre full of women protagonists which is pretty cool.
这太多了 以至于当它是像《猛鬼街2》中的耶西或
So much so that when it’s a guy like Jesse in Elm Street 2 or Charlie
《天师斗僵尸》中的查理时 简直就是失常
in Fright Night, it’s almost an aberration.
尖叫女王 最终女孩 这只是粉丝给的标签
Scream Queen, Final Girl, it’s just fan shorthand.
It doesn’t really mean anything to me.
My gender is specific.
I am a woman.
I love living my life as a woman.
我喜欢以女性的身份在恐怖电影中生活 因为我的决定 我的直觉
I love living my life in horror films as a woman because the decisions and the instincts
and the actions I take are predicated on my gender
我不会像男人一样行事 我也不想这样做
I don’t act like a guy and I don’t want to.
我是物质的 我是性的 我是有智慧的 我是精神的
The fact that I’m physical, that I’m sexual, that I’m an intellectual, that I’m spiritual,
所有这些都是基于我是女人的事实 所以我不一定想要平等
all of those things are grounded in the fact that I’m a woman so I don’t necessarily want
equality of public perception or public acceptance.
当我想到最终女孩这个词时 我畏缩了一下 因为它仍然在区分
When I think about the term final girl I wince because it’s still differentiating between
a final boy and a final girl.
We’re going to be judged about how we fought the monster and not because of the gender
that we were when we fought him.
韦斯·克雷文也许是很勇敢 让一个女孩担任主角 但我认为今天
Wes Craven was brave maybe to have a girl be his lead but I don’t think anybody would
give him any credit for it today.
Equal opportunity ass-kicking is what I’m all for.
现在性别意味着开放性 多么地美妙
The openness of what gender means now is so wonderful.
这就是它的流动性 以及人们不希望被性别所限制
It is how fluid it is and how people don’t want to be identified by gender.
I’m so curious how this will play out in film and the horror genre.
I look forward to seeing more transgender more LGBTQ figures in horror and what they
他们将带来什么 这才能真正为恐怖电影带来全新的维度
will bring that will really bring an entirely new dimension to horror movies.
That’s what’s going to be exciting.
I want to see that.
《夜困杀人场》(1986) – 预告片
好的 我们要去贝弗利中心拍摄 哇哦 这将是
Well, we’re going to shoot at the Beverly Center and I went oh, this is going to be a
class act.
Chopping Mall is a movie with these robots in a mall that are security bots.
《good bad flicks》主持人
建筑物被闪电击中 改变了机器人们的算法
The building gets struck by lightning and it changes their algorithm and so they go
于是机器人们开始狂暴杀人 然后刚好有一群青少年在里面
on a murderous rampage and there’s a bunch of teenagers that are in the mall.
他们闯进了一家商店 然后就都呆在那里 因为他们可以
They’ve broken into the one store and they’re all staying in there so they can drink and
在里面喝酒 做♥爱♥等等
have sex and whatnot.
They’re then trapped in the store by the killbots.
It was called Robot.
我记得我们都站在那里 说是要拍一部叫《杀人机器》的片
I remember us all standing around hearing that it was going to be called Killbots
and we all went…
We didn’t sign up to do Killbots.
他们考虑过《杀人机器》这个名字 但最终没用
Then they ran that title in it and didn’t sell.
后来我们听说它叫《夜困杀人场》 我想我们都会死在里面了
And when we heard it was Chopping Mall, I think that we all just died inside I guess.
《夜困杀人场》你觉得 好像是人们会在商场里被砍 这听起来很酷
Chopping Mall makes you think oh, people are chopped in a mall and that sounds really cool but
nobody got chopped at all.
他们被机器人激光照射了 但我想这是一个有争议的问题
They got lasered by the robots but I guess that’s a moot point.
我们所有的演员 扮演在商场里生活的这群青年 就像是
When we were all cast, we were friends in a mall having a party sort of living the movie
that we were making.
They didn’t shut down the mall.
We had to wait for the stores to close.
当商场的人被清场后 我们马上进入状态
When everybody was out of there, we set up really fast.
We shot until it was time for the stores to reopen.
晚上拍电影 这是怎么做到的
Doing a movie at night, how do you even do that?
I’ve never stayed up like all night for a month in a row.
How am I going to sleep during the day?
Suzee Slater’s head had to explode from being lasered by the robot.
That was a really cool kill.
If we want to get gleeful about kills.
My favorite kill is when I kill the killbot.
我绝对觉得 我在《夜困杀人场》里笑到了最后
I definitely feel like I got the last laugh in Chopping Mall.
The Toxic Avenger is basically a satire.
The movies that Michael Herz and I have made it’s all about the underdog.
我们喜欢喜剧 也喜欢社会问题和政♥治♥ 喜欢裸体的人 当然也喜欢男人和女人
We like comedy and we like social issues and politics and we like naked people, men and
women of course, and we like mixing the genres.
所以 《毒魔复仇》不算是恐怖片
So, The Toxic Avenger is not a horror film.
It has elements of horror.
It probably has the first full head crushing scene in history.
The thirteen-year-old boy has his head crushed by the wheel of an automobile.
The MPAA made us cut I think 2O minutes out of the original Toxic Avenger.
毒魔是一种畸形的生物 它具有超人的体型和力量
The Toxic Avenger is a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength.
不幸的是 他的武器只有拖把 还有跳跃能力
His weapon unfortunately is only a mop and he can jump.
That’s about it.
我们认为这很有趣 因为当时
We thought that was amusing because the mainstream
movies of that time have all sorts of super-duper
weapons and sound effects and special effects and we thought it would be funny just to have
it be a mop.
And the movie is an environmental movie.
那么 还有什么比拖把更好的武器呢
So, what better weapon than a mop?
一个人在这里徘徊 找工作
A guy wandered in here looking for a job.
I showed him the rough cut in the editing room.
他说你应该称其为 新泽西第一位超级英雄
He said you should call it, The First Super-Hero from New Jersey.
A guy off the street.
好点子 大家都会喜欢的
Great idea. People loved it.
《吵闹鬼2:另一边》(1986) – 预告
They’re back.
《Dead Meat》主持人
这几乎就像是 他们试图再次在瓶子里捕捉闪电
It’s almost like they’re trying to capture lightning in a bottle again but this time
但这次是卡罗·安妮给玩具电♥话♥配音 神奇的吵闹鬼部队
it’s the toy phone that has voices for Carol Anne as the otherworldly Poltergeist forces
follow the Freeling family to Phoenix, Arizona.
Britt director Brian Gibson was trying to make sense of this movie since Tobe Hooper
因为托比·胡珀退出 而史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格专注于制♥作♥
was out of the picture and Steven Spielberg was focused on making more serious fare like
更严肃的电影 比如和儿童时的克里斯蒂安·贝尔拍摄《太阳帝国》
Empire of the Sun with a kiddy Christian Bale and also probably wondering why the Academy
dissed him over The Color Purple.
这一次 他们请来威尔·萨姆森扮演美洲原住民萨满巫师
This time they recruit Will Sampson as a Native American shaman to show the white folks how
to triumph over cult creatures.
HR·吉格设计了电影中的两个生物 包括杀人者
HR Giger designed two of the film’s creatures including the killer who knows what it is
that Steven barfs out after he swallows the worm and gets possessed.
但是 喝多了以后不是都会有些眩晕吗
But don’t we all get a little possessed when we drink too much?
《吵闹鬼2》肯定是有缺陷的 唯一值得重刷的点就在于
Poltergeist 2 definitely has its flaws but it’s worth checking out alone just because
of Julian Beck as Reverend Henry Kane.
He’s so creepy with his little hat and sing-songy voice.
You’ll never forget that performance.
下一站 芝加哥
Next stop, Chicago.
托尼可能是我见过的最聪明的演员 他有欧洲艺术电影的
Tony was probably the smartest actor that I’ve ever met but he had a European art film
所以 当《惊魂记 3》立项时 他坚持要导演
So, when they came back for Psycho 3, he insisted on directing it.
Psycho 2 is a very respectful film.
It’s sort of tiptoeing around a giant legacy.
