Who knew?
《活死人归来》(1985) – 预告片
The Return of the Living Dead I think is such a great horror comedy because it never stops
它从未停止过恐怖 但它也非常有趣
being horrifying but it’s so gut-bustingly funny.
我记得《活死人归来》里一个非常重要的场景 当时他们在脑补这件事
I remember a very significant moment of watching The Return of the Living Dead when they brain
但没有什么用 因为那时你认为你知道的一切都在窗外
the thing and it doesn’t work because then everything you think you know is out the window.
这可能是第一部符合这些期望的元僵尸电影之一 他们会
And it’s one of the first maybe meta zombie movies that’s playing with those expectations
where they take a moment to explain all the rules that they learn from watching
Night of the Living Dead.
我记得你说 如果我们摧毁它们的大脑它就会死
I’d thought you said if we destroyed the brain it’d die?
它会在电影中起作用 但是弗兰克 现在不行了
It worked in the movie. Well, it ain’t working now Frank.
You mean the movie lied?
然后 当这些规则不适用于你所处的情况时 它会突然变成
And then when those rules don’t apply to the situation you’re in, it suddenly becomes…
very anything could happen.
They weren’t the mindless flesh eaters.
《good bad flicks》主持人
他们跑得快 还很聪明 不是你想象中的那种
They were fast, they were smart, they were not what you were expecting.
他们正在杀死医护人员 还会杀死警♥察♥
They’re killing the paramedics; They’re killing the cops.
其中一个僵尸在CB电台上喊 派更多警♥察♥来
And one of them gets on the CB radio and is like ”Send more cops.”
这很有趣 因为你以前从未在僵尸电影中看到过这样的情景
And it’s just hilarious because you’ve never seen that in a zombie movie before.
The Tarman scene,
我记得我那时看着它 完全不知道他们是如何做到的
I remember looking at it and thinking I had no idea how they did it because something
so specific is happening with the anatomy of that thing.
这是设计 演员和他的举止方式所意外引发的
It’s just one of those accidentally iconic moments of horror with the design,
with the actor, with the way he was carrying himself.
It’s an indelible image of ’80s horror.
他们切成两半的那个女人尸体 是我的朋友托尼·加德纳制♥作♥的
That woman corpse that they cut in half, it was made by a friend of mine Tony Gardner
who has done Chucky for the last few movies.
他们把她绑起来 和她谈话 他们说 你为什么要大脑
They tie her down and have this conversation with her. They say, “Why do you want brains?”
And she says…
“It makes the pain go away.”
对我来说 这是我在恐怖电影中
That to me is one of the most horrifying concepts
听到过最恐怖的概念之一 同时也很搞笑
I’ve ever heard in a horror movie and so hilarious at the same time.
I find that movie fascinating.
《破胆三次2:你姐姐是狼人》(1985) – 预告片
What can I say about Howling 2?
我可以说 克里斯托弗·李为参与其中向我道歉
I can say that Christopher Lee apologized to me for being in it.
我可以不管菲利普·莫拉在想什么 我没想到它会出现在电影中
I can say that to whatever Phillippe Mora was thinking, I don’t think it probably got on film.
但是你要知道 西碧尔·丹宁在片尾字幕中撕了
It does have however Sybil Danning’s dropping her dress 72 times during the end credits
72 次裙子 这很重要
which you know, that counts for something.
The problem with Howling 2 is that it just doesn’t make any sense.
特别是它彻底颠覆了第一部的结局 第一部的最后新闻播音员在
Particularly in that it completely blows the ending of Howling 1 in which the newscaster
全体电视观众面前变成了狼人 但在《破胆三次2》中却没有人看到它
turns into a werewolf in front of the entire TV audience and then in Howling 2 nobody saw it.
It’s like it must have been the lowest rated newscast in history.
它是在特兰西瓦尼亚或类似的地方拍摄的 弗迪·梅恩也在其中
And it was shot in Transylvania or someplace like that. Ferdy Mayne is in it.
我的意思是它的一部有趣的片子 但是它根本没有任何意义
I mean there are things about it that are interesting but it just doesn’t make any sense at all.
我作为粉丝 喜欢的是斯蒂芬·金重点描写的小镇故事
When Stephen King focuses in on small-town stories that’s what I love as a fan.
《Daily Dead》主编
Well, Silver Bullet was done by Dan Attias who was one of my assistant directors.
It’s a werewolf picture.
Another one of those movies ’80s movies with a kid hero.
是的 这是部非常感人的电影 因为很多电影就像《我是少年狼》一样
Yeah, it’s a pretty affecting movie because a lot of these movies much like I Was a Teenage
都是关于青春期的寓言 《银色子弹》更适合于这一类别
Werewolf are parables about adolescence and Silver Bullet it fits into that category I think much
more so than like something like The Howling or An American Werewolf.
The Coreys were kind of everything in the
Silver Bullet was my first-time seeing Corey Haim
in anything and I just fell in love with that kid.
And I thought there was something very special about him in that movie.
还有 加里·布西 他认识红叔叔和他有的小红叔叔 你知道吗
And of course, Gary Busey, he knows Uncle Red with all his little Uncle Red-isms, you know?
这让我再次害怕黑暗 因为那里藏着什么东西
And it made me scared of the dark again because there’s something out there.
埃弗雷特·麦吉尔饰演洛威牧师 贡献了精彩的表演
Everett McGill as Reverend Lowe it’s such a great performance.
对我来说很有趣的是 在那部电影中 他甚至不必打扮成狼人模样
And it’s interesting to me that in that movie he didn’t even have to be the guy in the werewolf
但他这样做 是因为他太有方法了
costume but he did it because he was so method.
《活跳尸》(1985) – 预告片
I had no idea that Re-Animator would become a cult classic.
We needed to find a way to separate our film from so many of the others because everyone
was making horror films then.
大体上讲 洛夫克拉夫特是想做一版他的弗兰肯斯坦
Basically, Lovecraft doing his version of Frankenstein it’s about someone who has a
这个主角有着积极的梦想 但结果变得很糟糕
dream that’s a very positive thing that turns awful.
It’s sort of like be careful what you wish for.
The idea of bringing the dead back to life is something we all wish that we could do.
我喜欢看人头说话的电影 像《不死之脑》
I like movies where the heads talk and The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.
我只是觉得 这对我来说真的很恐怖
I just think there’s something about that that’s real horror to me.
赫伯特·韦斯特 他太自负了
Herbert West, he’s so full of himself.
然而我们还是忍♥不住喜欢他 因为他非常热情
And yet we can’t help but like him because he’s so enthusiastic and he always makes a
choice you didn’t guess it.
I think the unsung power of Stuart is his storytelling ability.
斯图尔特有着无上的光荣 他就是为此而生的
Stuart’s gloriously outrageous, he just goes for it.
It’s big and it’s brave.
因此 我们必须为《活跳尸》创造一个女性角色 于是我们
So, we had to invent a female character for Re-Animator and we invented the dean’s
daughter Megan Halsey that Barbara Crampton plays in the film.
当然 影片里最引人注目的场景就是那段
And of course, the scene that got all the attention is the scene in which we sometimes
call it the head gives head scene.
We knew that no one was going to do a scene like this.
他们在做很有趣的事情 挑战视觉的极限
It was a funny thing that they were doing, this visual pun.
我想我不能拒绝这个 因为屏幕上的这一幕
And I thought I can’t turn this down because of this moment on screen that I’m going to
have to do.
如果我当时就知道我现在所知道的 那我也怀疑自己是否能够完成
If I knew then what I know now I don’t know if I would have been able to go through with
what I went through on Re-Animator.
It was quite exploitive.
在某种程度上 这确实是开创性的
It was really groundbreaking in a way.
That scene is still shocking and taboo.
幸运的是 它在真正变坏之前就停止了
The fortunate thing is it stopped before it really gets bad.
It just goes right up to the edge there.
如果没有那个处于困境中的少女 就不会有《活跳尸》
There wouldn’t be Re-Animator without that damsel in distress like that.
We wouldn’t be talking about it.
Stuart Gordon’s maybe signature achievement in horror is the ironic tone, the over-the-top
pleasure of the horror.
The fun of it.
他给《活跳尸》带来了一种体验 表明一部廉价的恐怖电影
He brought kind of an experience to Re-Animator that showed that a cheap horror movie
can be really good.
老实说 我以为没有人会看这该死的东西
I honestly thought no one will ever see this bloody thing.
What did I know?
Ash played by Bruce Campbell.
《AD Nauseum & Fangoria》作者
He was one of the first actors
who become famous in horror for playing a hero rather than a villain.
Horror stars from the 30s on down through to Vincent Price and Christopher Lee etc…
这些恐怖明星往往都以扮演怪物 恶棍而闻名
were tended to be known for playing the monsters, the villains.
男性恐怖明星都是以作为对手而闻名的 但布鲁斯坎贝尔
The male horror stars were known for being the antagonists and Bruce Campbell’s a little
He was the Bruce Willis of horror.
He was just that every man who was like stuck in a situation that was way out of his league.
他只会说去他妈的 我不会死的
He just said screw it, I’m not going to die.
他以反击邪恶而闻名 这使他在恐怖界的历史上
He was known for being the guy fighting back against the evil so that made him kind of
unique in horror history.
Every boy in the world must have wanted to be Kurt Russell in The Thing.
He battles an alien creature in sub-zero temperatures.
