You can buy so much with Freddy on it and that really was the key to his success.
然后其他人都喜欢 这就是公式
And then everybody else were like oh, there’s the formula for that.
曲棍球面具 电锯 这一切都变成了一场大型的营销盛会
And the hockey masks, the chainsaws, it all becomes this big marketing extravaganza and
它可以用来制♥作♥标志性的人物 它真的很有用
it works to make iconic characters, it really does work.
《狼之一族》(1985) – 电视广♥告♥
Company of Wolves is magical.
它需要一个小红帽似的角色 使其变成真正具有挑衅性和弗洛伊德式的东西
It takes little red riding-hood and turns it into something really provocative and Freudian.
It has to do with red dresses and menstrual bleeding and werewolves.
在这部电影中 狼头从人的嘴里冒出来 这种变身的方式
In this one the wolf head emerges out of the human mouth and that transformation takes
place in a totally different manner than you’ve seen before.
它仍然是化妆效果 仍然是木偶和变头技术
It’s still makeup effects and it’s still puppetry and change-o head type technology but in a
totally different way.
这是一部非常特别的电影 看过的人不是很多
It’s a really special movie that not enough people have seen.
Company of Wolves was I thought a really interesting movie.
I was a little miffed when Neil Jordan said
那样的烂片时 我感到很生气
he didn’t want to make a piece of shit like The Howling.
所以我带有些偏见 但这确实是部好电影
So, it kind of prejudiced me a little bit but it’s a good movie.
《异形大灾难》(1985) – 预告片
The Stuff which is a blob movie basically
is about killer yogurt and it eats you.
It manages to be hilarious and scary at the same time.
这是对消费社会的批判 就算你没有消费罐头里的东西
It’s a comment on consumer society except you’re not consuming the stuff out of the can
the stuff out of the can is consuming you.
It’s terrific.
If you want to make a movie about American industry producing products that poison
那会是一部精彩的电影 但没有人会去看
the public that would be a wonderful movie but nobody would go to see it.
然后你采取同样的想法 设定成敌人是市场上推出的冰淇淋
Then you take the same idea and you may get ice cream that they’re putting out in the
冰淇凌会吃掉你 这就成了一部娱乐电影
marketplace that consumes you from within and now it’s an entertainment movie.
Sell your message at the same time as you entertain.
我们影片的整体想法是人们去购买♥♥这种产品 吃到它
The whole idea of our picture was that people go out and buy this product and eat it and
上瘾 然后爱上它
become addicted to it and love it.
所以 这是部关于上瘾的影片
So, it was about everything else that’s addictive.
迈克尔·莫里亚蒂在我们一起拍摄的第一部电影中表现出色 就是《翼龙》
Michael Moriarty was remarkable in the first picture we did together which was Q and
nobody could have been better.
所以 我自然会想再次与他合作
So, naturally I would want to work with him again.
我们和弗雷德·阿斯泰尔做了同样的事情 就是他在天花板上跳舞的那个
We did the same thing as Fred Astaire and that famous dance routine where he danced
on the ceiling.
他们转动房♥间 我们将房♥间 360 度颠倒过来
They turned the room; we turned the room 360 degrees upside down.
唯一的区别是 在过程中它着火了
The only difference is that in this one it was on fire.
I beat this stuff with a stick.
当它不想做我告诉它做的事情时 我不在乎
When it didn’t want to do what I told it to do, I didn’t care.
当没有人在看时 我会给它几下重击 这引起了它的注意
When no one was looking, I’d give it a couple of whacks and that got it’s attention and
it pretty well did what it was told after that.
对于演员来说这是一回事 因为他们有感情 他们有经纪人
With actors it’s one thing because they have feelings and they have agents and they have
他们有律师 但这团东西完全是我的
lawyers but the stuff was totally mine.
I could beat the shit out of it.
My father was one of the first horror hosts in the country in Pittsburgh,
his name was Chilly Billy and
他有一个名为寒冷剧场的节目 还有《活死人之夜》 我父亲也有参与
he had a show called Chiller Theater. And Night of the Living Dead, my father was in it.
乔治是一位大♥师♥ 他总是领先于他的时代
George was a master and he was always ahead of his time.
正如大家所说 他是一个巨人 一个高大的泰迪熊
As everybody says a giant of a man, a tall teddy bear.
他平易近人 爱演员 也给了我们自♥由♥
He was approachable, he loved the actors, he gave us freedoms.
莎拉紧紧地握着它 试图把它抱在一起
Sarah was holding it tight, trying to hold it together.
She had to hold it together.
她是一位科学家 试图弄清楚如何对付军队中所有的混♥蛋♥
She was a scientist trying to figure this out how to deal with all these jerk guys in the military.
她有温暖和同情心 但大多数情况下你看不到这一点
She had warmth and compassion but mostly you don’t get to see that.
You see her harder exterior.
At the time people were trying to compare Day of the Dead to Dawn of the Dead.
It was a completely different movie.
他们非常失望 尽管最终的结果上汤姆·萨维尼
They were very disappointed and it was too talky
they would say or not enough gore although at the end
Tom Savini and his crew did a beautiful job.
The practical special effects on Day of the Dead are remarkable.
格雷格·尼科特罗是影片中的一个年轻人 他看起来好像19岁
Greg Nicotero was a young guy on the show and he was like 19 years old but obviously
very talented.
Dawn of the Dead changed my life forever
just in terms of never knowing where George was going to take us.
我基本上是汤姆的助手 所以我为他管理部门 订购所有的物资
I was basically Tom’s assistant so I ran the department for him and ordered all the
还负责雇佣工作人员等等 诸如此类
supplies, hired the crew, all that kind of stuff.
He always wanted to use real intestines as often as we could.
没有比真实的东西更好的了 所以我们会用猪肠
You can’t get better than the real thing so we would use pig intestines.
The big showstopper in Day of the Dead is when Rhodes is torn apart.
The culmination of everything that we did in that movie led to that moment.
然后他们就用他的内脏 他的身体 手指和大部分胆
Then they just have a feast on his guts and his body and his fingers and his mostly the
guts inside.
当我们拍摄那个场景时 我们使用了腐臭腐烂的肠子
When we shot that scene, we used rancid rotted intestines.
And I remember a couple of the zombies actually took earplugs and stuffed them up their noses
because the smell was so bad.
当乔治喊停时 每个人都这样做 以便让腐烂肠子的气味
When George yells cut everybody’s doing this to wave the smell of the rotting intestines
away from Joe Pilato’s face.
We didn’t know any better to just go out and buy new guts.
We didn’t want to spend the 😯 bucks I guess I don’t know.
I think that the gore in Day of the Dead is actually very appropriate.
最后当然是夸张了 这就是乔治的幽默
It’s over-the-top at the end of course it is, that’s George’s humor.
That’s what was so remarkable about George’s films.
随着年龄的增长 它们变得越来越好
They get better and better with age.
Hot off the success of his Psycho 2 screenplay.
汤姆·霍兰德自编自导的《天师斗僵尸》 令所有人♥大♥吃一惊
Tom Holland wrote and directed Fright Night and took everyone by surprise.
《Dead Meat》主持人
它把伟大的电影怪物抛在了身后 我写了《天师斗僵尸》作为对此的回应
It left the great movie monsters behind and I wrote Fright Night in reaction to that and
也因为我从小就喜欢Hammer AIP的吸血鬼电影
also because I had grown up loving the Hammer AIP vampire films.
I love Christopher Lee.
它由威廉·拉格斯代尔 阿曼达·贝尔斯 斯蒂芬·杰弗里斯和罗迪·麦克道尔主演
It stars William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse, Stephen Geoffreys and Roddy McDowall opposite
Chris Sarandon.
What you do is to have a gonzo horror fan look out the window and see his next-door
neighbor a vampire chomping down on somebody.
当然 如果他是个恐怖电影迷 到处跑来跑去说吸血鬼
And then of course, if he’s a horror movie fan running around saying vampire, vampire
next door.
Nobody’s going to believe him.
You can’t make the villain all bad.
你必须为反派添加有可取之处的矛盾心理 使他成为
You have to add the ambivalence where there are saving graces to the villain to make him
a three-dimensional character.
他得到了永生 但他总是失去他所爱的人
He’s been given eternal life but he always loses the one he loves.
罗迪·麦克道尔以彼得·文森特的身份杀了它 这个名字是以彼得·库欣
Roddy McDowall kills it as Peter Vincent who’s a B-movie horror host named after Peter Cushing
和文森特·普莱斯的名字命名的B级恐怖片主持人 他被迫接受真正的交易
and Vincent Price and he’s forced to take on the real deal.
这是一部很酷的电影 也可以说很有历史感
It was a cool movie that actually had a sense of history as well.
It had everything you wanted.
有很大的血腥 有对麦克道威尔的怀旧致敬 以及
There was great gore, there were hints of nostalgia with McDowell and that kind of hit
towards the Hammer movies.
在那时 我拥有好莱坞迄今为止最好的特效团队 而《天师斗僵尸》
I had the best effects crew extant in Hollywood at that moment and Fright Night is full of
in-camera effects.
在最后一幕中 查理和彼得文森特在地下室与杰瑞丹德里奇对峙
There’s that final scene where Charlie and Peter Vincent confront Jerry Dandrige in the
basement and Amy gets in the way.
她说 查理你告诉过我 你会救我
And she says Charlie you told me that you’d save me.
然后她回到他身边 当她回到他身边时 我意识到
And then she comes back to him and when she came back to him, I realized there was a huge
scare that was there.
我去找史蒂夫·约翰逊 我让史蒂夫给她一张鲨鱼嘴
I went to Steve Johnson and I said Steve give her a shark’s mouth that will scare the hell
out of every kid.
然后它最终成为了一个标志 还有很多人cos这个形象
Then it ends up being the definitive image on the one street and has become cosplay.
