That’s her arc.
那是她承认她知道的时候 因为有一次他们都
That is the point when she admits that she knows, because at one point they were just
going to kill her.
她只会烦人 她是会死的
She’s just going to be annoying and she was going to die.
但他们没有 因为她就像是最相关的角色之一
They went no, because she’s like one of the most relatable characters.
电影有一种魔力 一切都可能是正确的 但它只是平淡无奇
There’s a magic on a movie where everything could be right but it just lays there flat
然后你可以有未知和5美元来制♥作♥一些东西 只能倚仗化学反应或
and then you can have unknowns and $5 to make something with and just the chemistry or whatever
任何奇怪的东西 砰 这就是我认为我们都喜欢它的原因
weird thing that is… boom! And that’s why I think we all love it.
恐怖电影最可怕的点之一就是 有一个你无法与其交流的恶棍
One of the most scary things about horror movies is having this villain who you can’t
也因此 你确信自己会死
reason with and you’re sure that you’re going to die.
They’re going to kill you.
哦 80年代大潮流里的反派太多了 你都能喜欢上
Oh, there were so many villains in the ’80s cannon that you were really into.
我会被一些愚蠢的东西所吸引 所以我觉得小精灵们真的很酷
I gravitated to a little bit of the silly so I thought the Critters were really cool.
Gremlins were cool.
I always loved monsters.
高个子在80年代有点像他自己 不是吗
The Tall Man kind of came into his own in the ’80s, didn’t he?
《鬼追人》一直都有那种狂热的地位 但是当《鬼追人2》出现时
Phantasm always had that kind of cult status but when Phantasm 2 came around
that was rock and roll.
《鬼追人2》(1988) – 预告片
80 年代的恐怖片对邪恶角色来说是个好时代 因为它开始流行起来了
’80s horror was a good time for villains because it started to get a little heightened.
它开始变得有点卡♥通♥ 也许有点野蛮 带有些色彩
It started to get a little cartoonish and maybe little campy, a little colorful.
Greg Stillson in the Dead Zone.
这些天 他常在我的脑海中
He’s very much on my mind these days.
I love the one-two punch of Dr. Hill from Re-Animator and Dr. Pretorius from Beyond.
Real old-school almost Karloff-like in the way that they come across.
Norman Bates is a guy who lives next door.
皮脸 弗雷迪·克鲁格 杰森·沃里斯 他们的角色都很夸张
Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, they were all exaggerations and they were
mythologized Slashers.
以弗雷迪·克鲁格为例 他在一场大火中被烧伤 伤痕累累
In the case of Freddy Krueger, he was burned in a fire and is scarred.
杰森·沃里斯也伤痕累累 但他把自己隐藏在曲棍球面具后面
And Jason Voorhees also horribly scarred but hidden behind a hockey mask.
而皮脸实际上也是戴着他杀死的受害者的脸 但在诺曼·贝茨身上
And Leatherface is literally wearing the faces of victims that he killed. But in Norman Bates
他是隔壁的男孩 但他也能够通过最可怕的谋杀来保护自己
he’s the boy next door but capable of the most horrendous murders to protect himself
and his family.
他有些疯狂 我们那时都很疯狂
He was a little mad and we all go a little mad sometimes
那是他的座右铭 应该印在他的T恤上
was his motto and it should be his T-shirt.
患有童年创伤而精神不稳定的人 然后将这些创伤表现在现实生活中的
Mentally unstable people with childhood traumas who then manifest those traumas into real
life horror shows.
对我来说 诺曼·贝茨是对可能发生的事情的真实反映 这很可怕
For me Norman Bates was kind of a real reflection of things that could happen and that is scary.
My favorite ’80s villain is Edward Herrmann from Lost Boys.
It was M. Night Shyamalan before M. Night Shyamalan.
这就是你喜欢的那种扭曲 不
It was that twist where you’re like, ”Nooo…
从虚空中来 他就是吸血鬼 这他妈是什么
Out of nowhere, he is the main vampire. What the fuck?!”
You watch that movie now with that knowledge and it changes everything.
其他人都在他们的邪恶中如此公开 而他 他是那个狡猾的人
Everybody else is just so overt in their evil whereas he… he’s the cunning guy.
如果凶手不是最重要的 那么杀戮就是
If the killer wasn’t over the top then the kills were.
The Friday the 13th films are the backbone of horror in the ’80s.
在80年代有相当多的电影 都令人印象十分深刻
The fact that there were so many of them in the ’80s, that’s pretty impressive.
Audiences wanted that character back so many times.
在整个电影系列中他的妆容完全不同 但你知道吗
Throughout the series of the films the makeup is completely different but you know what?
The fans don’t give a shit.
他们只是想再见到杰森 这就是为什么《13号♥星期五》拍了12部
They just want to see Jason again and that’s why there has been twelve Friday the 13th films
basically and they got to do one more.
Michael Myers has spanned over several films now.
It’s evil personified.
是的 你可以整天谈论续集的内容 以及你是否喜欢第5部
Yes, you could go off all day about how the sequels are and whether you like Part 5
或是第6部 还有罗布·赞比的电影 但那个角色仍然存在
or 6 or whatever or the Rob Zombie films or anything but still that character just remains.
他是一个标志性的形象 是恐怖名人堂的一部分
It’s an iconic image that just is part of the Horror Hall of Fame.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
有我和弗雷迪以及任何其他角色出场 人们只是喜欢
There’s me and Freddy and whatever and whatever that come out and that people just loved to
revisit the characters and stuff like that.
This is what made them happy.
钉子头在那些电影中是个不可思议的角色 因为他真的很可怕
Pinhead’s like an incredible character in those movies because he’s genuinely terrifying.
我是说 这个家伙的头上插了一百根钉子 还来自地狱
I mean here is a guy that has like a hundred nails stuck in his head, comes from hell,
穿着一身像BDSM皮装的衣服 只想和你一起玩 直到你被
dressed in like BDSM leather outfit and just wants to play with you until you’ve been ripped
to pieces.
他并没有躲在角落里 等着用细高跟鞋跳到你身上
He’s not hiding around a corner waiting to jump out on you with the stiletto blade.
There’s a whole process that goes on here.
You have to be interested in the idea of exploring pain and pleasure.
You have to have the right motivation behind the thumbs to make Pinhead ultimately interested
in you even then he wants to stop and discuss the weather and the price offish with you.
他真正感兴趣的是你思想 心灵和灵魂的
It’s the dark dirty corners of your mind and your heart and your soul that he’s really
interested in.
Then we might get down to the hooks and the chains.
The ’80s spawned a lot of franchises.
鬼娃恰吉是一个坏蛋 超级有趣 也令人讨厌
I mean Chucky was kind of a badass bad dude and super funny and fun to hate.
Chucky hides in plain sight.
他只是和所有其他角色坐在场景中 他们不知道房♥间里
He just sits in the scene with all of the other characters and they have no idea that
there is a ticking bomb in the room with them.
Who was the better antagonist?
杰森 迈克尔·迈尔斯还是弗雷迪
Jason, Michael Myers or Freddy?
在我看来 这三者中最复杂 写得最好的
In my opinion there’s no question the most complex and the most well-written of the three
is definitely Freddy Krueger.
How do you not love Freddy Krueger too?
我的意思是 拜托 他在第一部电影中一开始是不同的
I mean come on, he started out as something different in the first movie then they moved
away from that.
他杀了孩子 但我们把他放在这个基座上做成玩具娃娃
He killed children and yet we held him up on this pedestal and there were dolls and like
就像所有这些都是为孩子们准备的 为孩子们销♥售♥的
all these things that were for kids, marketed for kids.
A talking Freddy doll.
This is a child killer people.
显然 他在所有不同的电影中都从非常可怕到
Obviously, he runs the gamut from being really scary to being really corny across all the
different films.
But Robert Englund really brought a sense of style and charisma and just this attitude
to this character.
我尊重创造一个标志性人物是多么困难 向孩子们推销它是最佳的方式
I respect how hard it is to create an iconic figure and marketing it to kids is the best
当然对于弗雷迪来说 这是他成功的一大领域
way to do that and certainly with Freddy that is a giant piece of his successes.
营销 唱片 手套 衬衫 帽子 服装
The marketing, the records, the gloves, the shirts, the hats, the costumes the…
天哪 你可以买♥♥一件上面有弗雷迪的连体衣
Gosh, you can buy a onesie that has Freddy on it.
你可以买♥♥很多弗雷迪周边的东西 这确实是他成功的关键
