But The Thing was received poorly.
The Thing bombed and John Carpenter got Firestarter taken away from him as a result.
环球公♥司♥不让我拍《凶火》 因为当《怪形》上映时
Universal fired me from Firestarter because by the time The Thing came out the horror movie
market at that time had shrunk.
不能让十几岁的孩子进电影院 他们太年轻了
Teenage boys who couldn’t get in, they were too young.
That was the market for horror films.
你不能拍一部大预算的恐怖电影 只能拍一些小成本的电影
You couldn’t do a big budget horror movie, you had to do a little tiny one.
And I couldn’t do Firestarter that way.
迪诺·德·劳伦提斯介入 安排马克·莱斯特当导演
Dino De Laurentiis comes in, puts in I think Mark Lester as the director.
《凶火》有它的经典瞬间 所有幕后的东西都离不开
Firestarter has its moments and all of the behind the scenes stuff can’t take away from
those exchanges between Drew Barrymore and David Keith.
George C. Scott is in there doing his whole crazy ponytail blind eye thing and it’s
a lot of fun to watch.
Art Carney and Louise Fletcher as the kindly couple.
演员都眼的很好 这是一部好看的电影 而且烟火效果也很棒
It’s really well cast, it’s a nice-looking film and the pyro effects are pretty good too.
只是 我总是会感叹它原本可能的样子
It’s just, I will always lament what could have been.
《小精灵》(1984) – 预告片
Gremlins made a huge impression on me.
它发生在圣诞节 父亲得到了儿子的小精灵作为礼物
It took place at Christmas and the father gets the gremlin for his son as a gift.
That influenced me with Child’s Play.
对我个人而言 最明显的收获是电子动画以及它们的
The obvious takeaway for me personally was the animatronics and just how sophisticated
they were.
那些傀儡Gizmo Stripe等等
Those puppets Gizmo, Stripe etc…
They all had distinct personalities.
那部电影让我直观地感受到 没有什么是编剧能写出来
It became obvious to me with that film, there’s nothing that a writer could write that a good
animatronics team and team of puppeteers couldn’t actually put on camera.
Gremlins is a kind of an anarchic movie.
它最初是一部低成本的恐怖片 因为斯皮尔伯格想为他的安布林公♥司♥
It started out as a low-budget horror film because Spielberg wanted to create his first movie
制♥作♥他的第一部电影 并以一种他知道会成功的方式来制♥作♥
for Amblin and he wanted to do it in a genre that he knew would be successful.
但随着影片制♥作♥的推进 他得到了制片厂的支持 很明显
But as the picture went on and he got studio backing for it, it became apparent that it
它的观众越少 就越可怕
was going to have a smaller audience the more gruesome it was.
We shot material we didn’t use.
厨房♥里缺几个镜头 摩恩用刀刺伤了小精灵
There are shots missing in the kitchen where morn stabs the gremlin with a knife,
还有一个小鬼用刀在他身上扭动的镜头 他们把它拿了起来
There was a shot of the gremlin writhing with a knife in him. They took that out.
When Glynn Turman, the science teacher gets killed by the gremlin in the movie you just
你只看到他的臀部插着一根针 但在我们拍摄的镜头中
see his rear end with one needle in it but in what we shot was his entire face covered
他整张脸都像钉子头一样 满是针
with needles like Hellraiser.
一旦你看到你所拥有的素材 你就会说 好吧 它会变成什么样的电影呢
Once you look at what you’ve got, you say well, okay, what kind of movie is this becoming?
很明显 这是一部比恐怖片更异想天开的电影
And it was obvious that this was a much more whimsical movie than a slasher horror movie and
所以我们把所有的东西都调低了 即使那样 我们也受到了批评
so we toned all that stuff down and even then, got lots of criticism for like you’re making
说不该给孩子看这么吓人的电影 但是孩子们很喜欢它
a horror film for children, it’s horrible. But kids like it.
And it’s remained remarkably popular.
《小精灵》的问题在于 我们正在发明这项技术
The problem with the Gremlins was that we were inventing the technology as we went and so
many things that were called for in the script were impossible to do.
Gizmo 这个原本应该变成坏小精灵的
Gizmo, the little fuzzy character who originally
was supposed to turn into Stripe the bad gremlin and
但在最后一刻 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格想到了一个绝妙的主意
then at the last moment Steven Spielberg got the brilliant idea which I am convinced is
我相信这是这部电影仍然流行的原因之一 那就是Gizmo要贯穿整部影片
one of the reasons the picture still is popular that Gizmo should be in the whole picture
它应该是英雄的朋友 但我们没办法做到这点
and he should be a hero’s pal and we had no way of making him work.
He was made to run for one reel and then
然后突然之间 它就成为了电影的明星
all of a sudden it was like now he’s the star of the movie.
所以我们必须做很多快速的研发 试图将它作为一个角色来演绎
So we had to do a lot of quick R&D to try to figure out how to make him a character.
The one scene that was really complicated was the scene in the bar with Phoebe Cates.
我们必须让她在那里 所以我们等着大家回家后拍摄电影的结尾
We had to have her there and so we waited and shot it at the end of the picture after
我们只在这个酒吧里呆了一个星期 这些木偶浸满了啤酒和爆米花
everybody had gone home and we just spent one week in this bar with these puppets soaked
with beer and popcorn, making up gags basically.
好吧 如果有一个闪光小精灵会发生什么
Well, what would happen if there was a flasher gremlin?
What would happen if there was a Frank Sinatra gremlin?
And it took forever.
真的是花了很长一段时间 而且闻起来
I mean it was really a long time and the smell…
I can’t tell you how awful it smelled.
《猛鬼街》(1984) – 预告片
Of the three great slasher villains of the ’80s,
粉丝常常争论迈克尔 杰森和弗雷迪谁更强
Michael, Jason and Freddy people argue who’s better.
毫无疑问 最好的角色是弗雷迪·克鲁格
There’s no question that the best character was Freddy Krueger.
Wes Craven created a well-rounded villain that comes out of the nightmares of children.
他猥亵儿童 还会杀掉他们
He’s a child molester who can also kill.
There’s nothing scarier than that.
Wes was a visionary.
A Nightmare on Elm Street was so brilliant.
它来得正是时候 这部电影上映时砍杀片开始显出颓态了
It came at the right time when the slasher film was really starting to get a little tired.
All of a sudden it just wasn’t a guy running around with a knife killing people.
That really changed the direction of horror films.
The reason I think that it has such a powerful effect on people it’s because there’s not
不会有人只做美梦 不做噩梦
one person that doesn’t have a dream but doesn’t have a nightmare.
所以 这才是现实
So, it was a reality there.
Wes Craven was a very well-read and intellectual person.
我想说 每一个场景在哲学上都具有很重要的意义和世界观
I would say every scene has a much greater significance philosophically and a worldview
它讲述了纯真的丧失 你如何处理恐惧 潜意识
that talks about the loss of innocence, how you approach fear,
the subconscious and the power it has over everything that we do.
I don’t know of any other character that has the wits and the intelligence that Freddy has.
当我阅读剧本时 我并没有想到他有那么邪恶
When I read the script, it didn’t occur to me that he was that evil.
我的天呐 那真是太可怕了
Like oh my God, this is hideous.
I think Tina’s death scene might be the one scene that makes Nightmare on Elm Street not
only really scary but really great.
It was so sad and heartbreaking that
以至于我看到它时 我才意识到 我们处于一个完全不同的立场
when I saw it, I realized like wow, we’re in a totally different league.
并且有些镜头是韦斯没有想到的 超越了顶点
And there were shots that were shot that Wes didn’t include that just went over the top
and I think Wes realized they can’t go between the young girl’s legs more than once in a movie.
他在我的浴缸场景中这样做想到 当时那个镜头完全像是疯了一样
He does that in my bathtub scene which was completely like crazy at the time to think of that
它所在的摄像机极具挑衅性和威胁性 但它也绝对提高了
shot. The camera just where it’s located was extremely provocative and menacing but also it was
definitely raising the bar for kind of the sexuality and brazenness of that young girl situation.
所以 南希·汤普森作为一个角色是非常善良的 但她绝不完美
So, Nancy Thompson as a character is incredibly virtuous but she’s by no means perfect but
I think the virtue she embodies the most is her ability to face fear which everyone is
每个人每天都在努力做到这一点 对吧
struggling to do that every day of their lives, right?
罗伯特·英格兰德 他所做的一切都经过研究和考量 都是有原因的
Robert Englund, everything he did was studied and measured and he did it for a reason.
他非常小心地使用手套 而且总是在将手指合在一起时
He used the glove really carefully and it was always choreographed exactly when he would
open up his fingers when he would clank them together.
作为一个演员 他就是这么大方
He was just so generous as an actor.
讽刺的是 他从不想成为聚光灯下的焦点
He never wanted to be in the spotlight ironically.
这显然适得其反 因为每个人都在看弗雷迪
It backfired obviously on him because everyone’s watching Freddy.
你想如果每个人都走了 你会想办法生存
You want to think if everybody was gone that you would figure out a way to survive.
汤姆·埃弗哈特在创作时 采访了他女儿的一些朋友
Tom Everhart when he was writing this, he took some of his daughter’s friends out and
他问他们 如果是世界末日你会怎么做
he said okay, it’s the end of the world what would you do?
他们告诉他 他们会做很多的事情
And this is a lot of stuff that they told him that they would do.
他向上帝发誓 这不是社会评论
He swears to God that this is not a social commentary.
Of course it’s a social commentary.
It was a low-budget movie.
I thought this script was very funny.
I had no idea we were going to end up encapsulating the ’80s.
它让我穿上了颜色鲜艳的衣服 因为我是活着的最后一个
It put me in bright colors because I was the last thing alive that was pretending like
everything was okay.
有红色 紫红色 还有绿松石色 凯瑟琳·玛丽斯图尔特扮演我姐姐
It was red and fuchsia and turquoise and they had Catherine Mary Stewart who played my sister
她穿着单调的衣服 因为她知道发生了什么
in drab outfits because she knew what had happened.
所有的这些都很时髦 就是我们所穿的这些
All those fashions, I mean that’s just what we wore.
他们为我打造了那套啦啦队服 所以它像手套一样合身
They built that cheerleading outfit for me so that it fit like a glove first of all because
cheerleading outfits…
The one I wore in Fast Times at Ridgemont High did not fit me that way.
Cheerleader with an Uzi.
I don’t know that I can explain that.
我在这样做时 对我来说是非常有意义的
When I did it, it made perfect sense to me.
在我开始哭泣的那个场景中 我们本来要剪掉那个场景
In that scene where I start to cry. We’re gonna cut that scene.
