the Black Lagoon.
《黑湖妖潭》(1954) – 预告片
小时候 半鱼人对我造成了巨大的影响
The Gill Man had a huge impact on me as a kid.
3D lasted only a very short time in the 1950s.
There was this revival of 3D that began with the movie Comin’ At Ya!
《枪手哈特》(1981) – 预告片
That kind of kicked off this whole wave of new 3D movies that were done in the 1980s.
Producers saw this as one more way to make a little more money.
手头上有许多特许经营权 正好可以开拍第三部续集
You had a number of franchises that happened to be up to their third sequel.
所以 我们做3D版本似乎是有道理的
So, it just seemed to make sense that hey, we’ll do version 3D.
我喜欢看东西向你袭来 爆米花向你袭来 鱼叉向你袭来
I like where things come at you, popcorn comes at you, harpoon comes at you,
and it was spectacular.
首先值得注意的是 这是杰森·沃里斯第一次
Really notable first off because this was the first time that Jason Voorhees actually
put on the hockey mask.
Every few minutes something pokes you in the eye.
这部电影中有很多3D的画面 他们找到了让角色使用悠悠球和
There are so many 3D moments in this movie they find reasons for characters to have yo-yos
棒球棒 还有各种有趣道具的理由 让它们逼近镜头
and baseball bats and all kinds of fun stuff that they can stick into the camera and then
there are some really great 3D deaths.
它在叙事上比较糟糕 因为你必须得等待3D噱头 观众过去看
It messed with the storytelling because you had to wait for the 3D gag so people go oh, look
会说 哇 这里来了个砍刀
there at the machete.
There’s a character who gets speared on a pitchfork.
Probably the greatest moment in the film is when Jason squeezes a character’s head so
hard that the guy’s eye pops out right into the camera.
The first horror 3D movie in the ’80s wave was Parasite.
It marked one of the first screen appearances by a very young Demi Moore.
I have a pair of Parasite glasses here.
It was shown in polarized 3D.
大使♥馆♥影业发行 查尔斯·班德导演
Directed by Charlie Band released by Embassy Pictures.
这是他们为这部电影推出的宣传工具包 一个向观众展示《寄生魔种》的
This is a promotional kit that they put out for the movie, a pop-up promo that shows you
the Parasite.
1982年还上映了一部叫《地狱犬》的电影 或叫《地狱犬罗威纳犬》
Also released in 1982 was a picture called Rottweiler also known as Dogs of Hell or Rottweiler
The Dogs of Hell.
经过基因改造的狗被训练成军事武器 最终在北卡罗莱纳州的
Genetically modified dogs that have been trained to be military weapons that end up in this
small North Carolina town where they go on a killing spree.
These are Rottweiler glasses.
3D为一部好电影增彩 但如果你要拍的是一条狗 那么3D并不会
3D can enhance a good movie but if you’re already starting with a dog the 3D isn’t gonna
really do much for it.
Amityville 3-D came out in 1983 directed by Richard Fleischer.
An early screen role for Meg Ryan.
地下室有一个坑 显然是通向地狱的
There’s a pit in the basement that apparently leads to hell.
There are some really good 3D moments in the movie.
管子直接穿过挡风玻璃 最终戳到你的脸上
And the pipe comes right through the windshield and ends up sticking right into your face.
有一大群苍蝇合成在一起 看起来就像
There’s a swarm of flies that’s sort of composited in and
meant to look like it’s coming off the screen.
所有人都记得的那一幕 恶魔从地下室的洞里钻了出来
The moment that everyone remembers, this demon pops up through the hole in the basement floor and
grabs one of the characters.
The big three of the ’80s 3D horror films were the ones that were all the third sequels.
因此制片厂找到了推广这些3D电影的有趣方式 《大白鲨3》也不例外
So, the studios found interesting ways to promote these 3D movies and Jaws 3-D was no exception.
Another pop-up where the shark comes right at you.
The third dimension is terror.
我认为如果它不叫《大白鲨》 还会是一部更好的电影
Which I think this would have been a better movie if it wasn’t called Jaws and they just
而他们只是把它称为 3D大白鲨或鲨鱼袭击 向你袭来
called it like Sharks in 3D or a Shark Attack – Coming at You.
Young Lea Thompson made one of her first screen appearances as one of the water skiers
who gets attacked by the shark.
The plot takes place at this aquarium sort of Sea World kind of place.
Probably the best 3D moment in the movie the shark has already eaten Simon MacCorkindale
and he was holding a hand grenade.
拿着手榴弹的手臂还在鲨鱼的嘴里 所以他们伸手拉动销子
The arm with the hand grenade is still in the shark’s mouth so they reach in and pull
手榴弹爆♥炸♥了 炸死了鲨鱼 鲨鱼身上所有的碎片都
the pin and the grenade goes off, blows up the shark and all these shark bits come flying
扑到了镜头前 包括鲨鱼的下颚
right at the camera including the shark’s jaws.
用3D进行巨大血腥的水下爆♥炸♥ 这可能就是我会许可该3D电影的原因
Having a giant, bloody underwater explosion in 3D that may be why I give that 3D movie a pass.
I don’t think that the 3D really helped any of these movies improve their box office.
在大多数情况下 制片厂只是将其当作噱头
For the most part the studios were using it just as a gimmick.
我应该提一下 1991年的《猛鬼街6:佛莱迪之死》
I should note that in 1991 the sixth movie in The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise
Freddy’s Dead, the big climax of the movie was a 3D sequence.
他们等到第六部才这么做 而不是以3D作为一次重启
It’s kind of a shame that they waited until the sixth movie to do it rather than having a
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3D back when they could have.
《玉米田的小孩》(1984) – 预告片
Children of the Corn has taken from the Nightshift Stephen King short story and stars a pre-30
something Peter Horton and pre-Terminator Linda Hamilton as they find themselves in
the wrong the Nebraska town at the wrong time with the wrong kids.
《Dead Meat》主持人
如果你是80年代长大的孩子 有人对你说玛拉基书
If you’re a kid who grew up in the ’80s and somebody says to you Malachi or Malachi you
《Daily Dead》主编
knew exactly what they meant.
The idea that kids would band together to kill an entire community of adults at the
behest of this other entity, that’s horrific.
我从来没有把我这个年纪的人视为威胁 但那部电影让我意识到
I never saw people my age as a threat and that was a movie where I realized like oh,
people my age can do horrible things.
在整部电影中 他们都在谈论那个在谷堆后面的存在 当你最终看到他时
In the whole movie they’re talking about he who walks behind the rows and when you finally
你会发现它只是一个四处移♥动♥的大土堆 这种80年代的视觉效果
see him it’s just a big mound of Earth that’s moving around and its actually kind of impressive
令人印象深刻 他们是怎么做到的
for 80’s effects. How’d they do that?
高♥潮♥的效果有点俗气 但如果你是金的原教旨主义者
The effects in the climax are kind of cheesy but if you’re a King completist there’s enough
in here to make it worthwhile.
它可以追溯到《蝇王》的同类故事 无人看管的孩子是邪恶的
It goes back to Lord of the Flies kind of the same type of story – kids unsupervised are evil.
It’s automatically scary.
《13号♥星期五:终结篇》(1984) – 预告片
在《13号♥星期五:终结篇》中 我们安排约瑟夫·齐托
In the fourth installment of Friday the 13th we get Joseph Zito directing a new cast of
《Dead Meat》主持人
指导杰森准备屠宰的新肉 他在上一集中获得了新的面貌
fresh meat ready for slaughter by Jason who’s now in his full hockey mask mode after picking
up his new look in the last installment.
演员阵容很强大 其中有金伯利·贝克 彼得·巴顿和饰演汤米贾维斯的科里·费尔德曼
It’s a great cast that features Kimberly Beck, Peter Barton and Corey Feldman as Tommy Jarvis
他是一个反复出现的角色 我们还会看到他两次
who’s a recurring character that we will see two more times.
It’s also got a pre-Back to the Future Crispin Glover who’s got the best dance moves I’ve
ever seen this side of Footloose.
Crispin’s dance is just one of the greatest moments ever.
他全力以赴 我非常感动
He gives it his all and I appreciate that.
太棒了 就像是电影史上最伟大的场景
Amazing, like one of the greatest scenes in all of cinema history.
我不知道是否有人可以跳那种舞 但它有点像
I don’t know if anyone could do that dance but it’s something like…
就像这样 我不知道 伙计
It’s something like that. I don’t know man.
Ask him.
我喜欢那个痴迷于怪物面具的小科里 他有他的小电脑
I love that little Corey who was obsessed with like monster masks and he has his little computer
就像我一样 他就像是个怪物书呆子 这很酷
like whoo, he’s like a monster nerd like me. That’s pretty cool.
泰德·怀特扮演的杰森·沃赫斯扔出斧头 我认识的每个人 包括我在内
Ted White takes on the Jason Voorhees chopping chores and I know everyone loves Kane Hodder
都很喜欢凯恩·霍德尔 但泰德·怀特可能是我最爱的杰森
and so do I but Ted White might be my favorite Jason.
小家伙鼓起勇气 大刀阔斧地把杰森带了出去
Little monster man found courage and took Jason out in a big way.
我想说 谁知道剃光头会有这种效果
I mean who knew shaving your head would have that effect?
Corey did.
那把砍刀刺入杰森头部的一侧 然后他跪倒在地
The effects work of that machete going into the side of Jason’s head and then he falls
on it and his head like slides down the machete.
That has got to be some of my favorite special effects in any horror movie.
I love that machete face slide man.
所以 在80年代 改编斯蒂芬·金的小说
So, there was a kid in the candy store kind of thing happening in
the early ’80s with Stephen King adaptations.
Everybody’s got to do a Stephen King adaptation.
我们要拍《闪灵》 我们要拍《克莉丝汀》 我们要拍《狂犬惊魂》
We’re going to do The Shining, we’re going to do Christine, we’re going to do Cujo
and Firestarter was part of that wave.
《凶火》(1984) – 预告片
John Carpenter decides he wants to make Firestarter
because it’s got an anti-authoritarian streak in it,
是一部公路电影 也是西部片 所以他喜欢它
it’s a road movie and he’s a westerns guy so he loves that.
它有一个父女关系 是情感核心
It’s got a father-daughter dynamic – an emotional core.
He’s super excited about that.
