嗯 80年代的恐怖电影 即使是预算稍高的电影
Well, horror films of the ’80s even the ones made on slightly higher budgets still had
《AD Nauseum & Fangoria》作者
that kind of down and dirty feel about them.
即使它们是由制片厂制♥作♥的 也不像是商业电影
They didn’t feel like commercial movies even if they were being made by the studios.
会有很多像托尼·斯科特这样的导演 像他在制♥作♥《千年血后》时
And you had a lot of directors like Tony Scott for example doing The Hunger and bringing
a very different kind of European aesthetic to a big-budget studio assignment.
The Hunger was such a sensual, sexy movie.
It was just melding this scary, creepy vibe with you know vampires.
And it was all so kind of sexual and creepy at the same time.
A lot of people dismiss The Hunger for being nothing more than style.
我不同意 因为我认为这部电影是关于风格和空虚的
I disagree because I think the movie is specifically about style and about emptiness.
可怕的是关系的可处置性 以及凯瑟琳·德纳芙对她的爱人
What’s scary about it is the disposability of relationships and how Catherine Deneuve
爱人太老了 她甚至不忍♥心碰他或亲吻他
as soon as her lover becomes too old, she can’t even bear to touch him or kiss him.
于是把他放在棺材里 藏在阁楼上 然后继续下一个
Just puts him in a box stows him in the attic moves on to the next one.
如果你活得足够长 那将是我们所有人都会经历的
That’s extremely horrifying and a universal horror that all of us have experienced if
you live long enough.
《惊魂记2》(1983) – 预告片
你不会认为《惊魂记》是一部恐怖电影 但它就是一切的开始
You don’t think of Psycho as a slasher movie but that was what kicked it all off.
它激发《月光光心慌慌》的灵感 启发了后来的一切
That’s what inspired Halloween which inspired everything afterwards.
《惊魂记》(1960) – 预告片
Psycho was the beginning of my love of movies.
这是心理上的 拍出了以前从未见过的视觉效果
It was psychological, it was visual in ways that you’d never seen before.
在诺曼·贝茨 安东尼·帕金斯之前 没有连环杀人犯
Before Norman Bates, Anthony Perkins, there wasn’t a serial murderer.
There wasn’t a killer that had psychological dimension.
That’s all Hitchcock and Joe Stefano.
这个系列肯定会在80年代回归 因为那是一个恐怖电影的时代
It was inevitable that he would return in the ’80s because that was an era of cinematic
这个时代欢迎一切连环杀手 杀人犯 而《惊魂记》
horror that celebrated the serial killer, the slasher and he was the original, he was
the granddaddy of them all.
《血溅回旋路》的澳大利亚导演理查德·富兰克林来找我 说要拍《惊魂记2》
Richard Franklin came to me, an Aussie director who’d done Road Games and said let’s do Psycho 2
and I said you are crazy.
This is prior to sequels being a way of life in the movie business.
没有人愿意这样做 因为你知道你会被批评者骂惨的
Nobody wanted to do it because you knew you were going to get ripped apart by the critics.
在《惊魂记2》中 诺曼·贝茨拥有了极大的人性 获得了观众的同情
In Psycho 2 Norman Bates was afforded a great deal of humanity and sympathy.
He’s been released from prison.
他蹲够了刑期 接受了他的治疗 还真诚地为受害者们
He served his time, gone through his therapy and he sincerely kind of apologetic for having
snapped and killed all of those women and his mother.
他只是想尝试一下 真诚地努力成为最好的自己
And he’s just trying to make a go of it, trying sincerely to be the best version of himself
but society won’t let him be.
所以 他们又把他变成了一个怪物 在那部电影结束时
And so, they turn him into a monster again so by the end of that movie he is sort of
returned back to square one.
他身边的每个人都死 但他没有杀死任何人 可我们也不知道到最后发生的事
Everybody’s dying around him but he doesn’t kill anybody but we don’t know that to the end.
他最终还是杀了人 他在脑海中以为那个老妇人是他的妈妈
He finally does kill somebody, this little old lady who had missed that she’s his mother
她一直在杀戮 于是他给她端上了毒茶
and she’s been doing some of the killings and he serves her poisoned tea.
当她开始因毒茶而呕吐濒死时 他拿起一把铲子
And as she starts to gag and die in the poisoned tea, he picks up a shovel and brings it smashing
down on the back of her head.
这是他在整部电影中第一次杀人 这时你意识到
And it’s the first time that he’s killed in the entire movie and you realize that
he’s totally now totally insane.
I remember having to audition and screen test for a movie off this giant book that intimidated
the crap out of me.
我应该在试镜之前读一读它 好像是一部关于妈妈和孩子
I was supposed to read before I auditioned and was like this is a movie about a mom
and a kid are stuck in a car with this dog?
好像是 嗯 它真的很吓人
It’s like oh, yeah, that’s actually pretty scary.
电影的2/3都是两个人在车里 对吧
For 2/3 of the movie it’s two people in a car, right?
一旦你出去就会死 但如果你呆在里面 没有人找到你 你也会死
If you get out,you’re dead and if you stay in like no one’s going to find you and you’re dead.
And it’s sort of like the original Escape Room.
每当我们在一个可怕的故事中设置一个小孩时 他肯定能安全回家
Anytime we put a young kid in a scary story it really brings it home because you never
因为你永远不想伤害一个孩子 我认为这会在生物学层面上与每个人
want harm to come to a child and I think that resonates on a biological level with every
human being.
比起狼人 我更害怕《狂犬惊魂》
I was more terrified of Cujo than I was of werewolves.
恐惧是真实的 痛苦是真实的
The terror felt real, the panic felt real.
You could feel the heat, the stifling stagnancy of being inside that car with them and the
能感觉到绝望 你要如何摆脱它呢
desperation of well, how do you get out of this?
我现在看它 作为成年人会觉得有趣 不过当我还是孩子时
And as an adult it’s interesting because now I watch it and I feel kind of bad now for
我看到它会觉得很难过 你懂得 虽然它是条臭狗
Cujo where as a kid I was like you know, screw that dog and like now, I’m like oh,
but he got bit and I feel bad for him now.
所以现在觉得有趣 但小时候看很可怕
So, it’s interesting but as a kid Cujo was terrifying.
而且我认为这就是斯蒂芬·金的作品如此出色的原因 他知道怎么
And I think that’s what makes Stephen King’s stuff so great is that he knew how to prey
利用你的恐惧 而且这些恐惧各不相同
on your fears and it wasn’t always the same fears.
《血腥死亡营》(1983) – 预告片
《血腥死亡营》是一部很棒的低成本电影 因为你对它的期望并不高
Sleepaway Camp is such a great little film because you’re not expecting a lot from it,
《good bad flicks》主持人
你只会觉得 这又是部野营砍杀片
you’re thinking oh, it’s another campground killer film.
就像不能杀年幼的孩子一样 在今天这是个很大的禁忌
It’s mostly like younger kids that are getting killed and that’s such a big no-no today.
这真的很可怕 它也做得很好 对于这么一部小成本的电影来说
It’s really scary. It’s really done well. It’s got some amazing effects for such a small
它的视觉效果惊人 而且作品很有趣
little film and it’s just really entertaining.
Sleepaway Camp breaks all the rules.
这是部颠覆性的虐杀片 我认为这是它吸引力的一部分
It’s an upside-down slasher and I think that’s part of its appeal.
All the males are sex objects.
看看那些穿着战利品短裤的营地辅♥导♥员 他们切断了你所知道的
Look at those camp counselors in those booty shorts that cut off all the circulation in
their you know genitalia.
The females in the movie are all monsters.
当然 影片里的最后一枪是所有恐怖片史上最难忘的
And of course, it has that final shot that’s one of the most memorable moments in all of
horror history.
I remember watching it with a bunch of friends for the first time.
We knew nothing about it.
在互联网剧透一切之前 我们对影片内容都一无所知
Before the internet was spoiling everything and back then we had no idea.
我们就是在 看一部叫《血腥死亡营》的发生在树林里的恐怖片
We are like hey, this Sleepaway Camp a horror movie in the woods and we’re watching it
我们津津有味地看它 然后突然到了结局
and enjoying it and then the end came.
Me and all my friends were just, ”What?”
《克莉丝汀魅力》(1983) – 预告片
《克莉丝汀魅力》在《怪形》之后上映 是一部斯蒂芬·金小说改编的汽车闹鬼电影
Christine came along after The Thing and it was a Stephen King novel haunted car movie.
It just seemed right to do.
我们在活着吗 我们有灵魂吗
Do we live on? Do we have a spirit?
Can it live on in a 1958 Plymouth Fury?
这部片是卡彭特接手的 他自己完成了
That was taken on by Carpenter and he made it his own.
它是如此的精致 可以说 它达到了你想从一部杀手车电影中得到的
It’s so lean, it’s mean, it really gets to the nitty-gritty of what you would want out of
a movie about a killer car.
And I think Keith Gordon actually gives one of the best performances that we’ve ever seen
《Daily Dead》主编
in a horror movie of the ’80s.
《克莉丝汀魅力》里有一个场景 一群恶霸刚刚打坏了汽车
There’s a scene in Christine where the bullies had just destroyed the car and the kid is
紧接着孩子站在车前说 给我看 然后音乐响起 感觉就像
standing in front of the car and he says, “Show me” and just the music kicks in and it’s like…
Show me.
Christine put itself back together again.
我们必须弄清楚它是如何工作的 并令观众信服 所以我们把车开进去
We had to figure out how that worked and was convincing so we pull the car in and shoot
it in reverse.
我们的车上有钩子 你只需将它压碎 然后倒着拍 它就会打开
We’ve got hooks on the car and you just crush it and then in reverse, it opens –
it becomes.
It worked out pretty well for us.
这是一个很简单的操作 但是效果惊人 而且很匹配
It’s an amazing effect for something so simple but it’s done so well and matching that up
with his score.
It just works perfectly.
I’m getting like goosebumps thinking about it.
It’s so good.
I never wanted to work in 3D.
这就是个交易的噱头 一直都是
It’s just a gimmick deal, it always has been.
《Wolfman’s got nards》导演
我一直对3D的可能性很感兴趣 我依然在等待它
I was always intrigued about what 3D could be and I’m still waiting for it.
The first 3D horror movie I saw was actually one of the 1950’s classics, Creature from
