iconic character. That could have worked out just fine.
It just didn’t work out that way.
汤米·李·华♥莱♥士♥ 我认为他在指导和制♥作♥《月光光心慌慌3》方面
Well, Tommy Lee Wallace I thought he did a wonderful job directing and putting together
Halloween 3.
Nobody sets out to make a bad movie.
人们拥护它并且能接受它 它本身就是一部很好的独♥立♥电影
People have very much rallied to it and embrace it, it’s a good standalone movie by itself.
它从来都不需要迈克尔·迈尔斯 如果他们感到失望 那就很难了
It doesn’t need Michael Myers and never did, and if they’re disappointed tough.
Q is perfection to me.
I love seeing Q the winged serpent flying over New York in all his stop-motion glory.
先是很棒的拉里·柯恩式摄影 几个人在屋顶上做俯卧撑
There’s just some great Larry Cohen-isms where there’s like somebody on the rooftop doing
有一个人无聊在数数 然后翼龙飞过来
push-ups and there’s a guy just going okay, he’s counting them off and then Q comes in
抓走了一个人 很棒的场景
and steals one of them. It’s so good.
这是部很奇怪的野营电影 我喜欢它
It’s such a weird campy movie. I love it.
我们去了纽约 我做了一天的准备
We went to New York, I had one day’s prep.
第二天我们搞到了直升机 拍摄了所有和直升机有关的场景
We got the helicopter the next day, we shot all the helicopter stuff and when I brought
当我把带子拿给特效人员时 他们对我说 哦 你做错了
the picture to the special effects people, they said to me oh, you did this all wrong,
you’re supposed to come to us first.
我们要勾勒它的轮廓 再为你画出故事板 告诉你
And we outline it and we draw everything for you storyboards and tell you where to put
把怪物放在哪里 演员放在哪里 等一切都提前计划好了
the monster and where to put the actors and everything is all planned in advance and you’ve
你再来拍摄整个画面 所有的镜头 现在你指望我们就这么
come in and shot the whole picture, all the footage and now you expect us to put the monster
把怪物放进去吗 我说是
into it? And I say yes.
他和戴夫·艾伦一起拍摄定格动画 真是可怜的大卫
He shot with Dave Allen doing his stop-motion… So poor David.
He had all these helicopter backgrounds bouncing like this.
他必须想办法把怪物放进去 不过效果很好
And he’s got to try to figure out it how to put his monster in it. But it works out great.
这些做这些效果的人是一丝不苟的人 但他们的关注点非常狭隘
These guys who do these effects they’re meticulous guys but they have a very narrow focus
and not much of a sense of humor.
《鬼作秀》(1982) – 预告片
《鬼作秀》是班戈 缅因州和匹兹堡廉价座位上的两个人
Creepshow is the reaction of the sort of the Spielbergification of horror from two guys
in the cheap seats in Bangor, Maine and Pittsburgh.
所以斯蒂芬·金和罗梅罗聚在一起 他们将制♥作♥欢乐恐怖电影
So Stephen King and Romero get together and they’re going to make their funhouse horror movie.
这不同于罗梅罗做过的任何事情 也不同于金做过的任何事情
It’s unlike anything Romero had ever done and it’s unlike anything King had ever done
and I think that informs the energy of that movie.
由五个短篇小说组成 其中没有一句废话
It’s five short stories, there’s not a dud in the bunch.
它们都是道德寓言 每个故事都是
They are all moral fables. Every single one of them.
The one with Leslie Nielsen deals with greed.
He wants to get revenge on the man who’s seducing his wife and stealing her away from him.
还有 马歇尔想要在他的小岛茧中保持封闭
E.G. Marshall who wants to remain closeted in his little insular cocoon.
韦薇卡·琳德佛斯的父亲对她不好 但她仍然会出现在父亲节
Viveca Lindfors whose father treated her badly but she still shows up for Father’s Day and
she still goes to his grave.
Nathan crawling out of his grave is amazing.
The musical sting when the hand comes out.
It’s magic.
除了在 我想要我的蛋糕 中产生巨大影响之外
Beyond the fact that has great effects in “I want my cake.”
You can’t not talk about that segment and not talk about Ed Harris’s dancing.
It’s the greatest thing ever.
I think that’s one of the fun things about ’80s horror is you see a lot of actors who
now have gone onto do like prestige movies, these big things but they’re all in these
他们都在这些80年代恐怖片中扮演奇怪的小角色 你就像挖到宝藏一样
like weird quirky little roles in ’80s horror and you’re like “Wow, that’s kind of cool”.
And just getting to watch like somebody like Adrienne Barbeau who I knew from The Fog
她扮演这个疯狂 头晕目眩 醉醺醺的女士 一直对她的丈夫大喊大叫
playing like this crazy, ditzy, drunk lady yelling at her husband all the time.
She was nervous about playing such a bitchy character.
Then you get to watch her get eaten by this beast in the crate.
It’s a movie that offers a lot for everybody.
我喜欢蓬松 喜欢盒子里的生物 喜欢贝德莉亚和她的生日蛋糕
I love Fluffy, I love the creature in the box, I love Bedelia and her birthday cake.
And I loved seeing Ted Danson buried in sand and all of that.
But the most memorable part of that is Stephen King covered in meteor shit.
对 流星粪
Yeah, meteor shit.
乔治·罗梅罗说 有什么角色是你想演的吗
George Romero said is there anything in there you would love to do?
我说 我很想扮演乔迪
I said yeah, I would love to play Jordy.
他说 不行 斯蒂芬·金要演那个角色
He said well, Stephen King’s going to play that role.
Would you do me a big favor and play the dad in the wrap around, the beginning and the end?
斯蒂芬金的儿子乔·金 他扮演我的儿子 我把那本漫画书
Stephen King’s son Joe King, he played my son and I threw that comic book into the garbage
到前面的垃圾桶里 最后他用我的稻草人把我给诅咒死了
can out front and then he voodoos me to death at the end over my cornflakes but I had to
但我得快点结束这段戏 因为斯蒂芬一直在房♥间里
smack him early on and Stephen was never out of the room.
汤姆 你不会伤害他的 是吧
Tom, you’re not going to hurt him, are you Tom?
你不会真的打他吧 汤姆
You’re not going to really hit him, are you Tom?
他是我的孩子 你不会的 他只有9岁
He is my boy, you’re not going to, he’s only 9 years old Tom.
我说 斯蒂芬 放松 我是一名专业演员
And I said Stephen come on, I’m a professional actor.
How do you wrangle the hundreds of cockroaches?
Some exotic cockroaches were allowed to escape into the wilds of Pennsylvania.
Don’t tell anybody.
这是部很关键的电影 但是没有让他们得到应得的荣誉
It’s such a pivotal movie that didn’t get them the credit they deserve I don’t think.
Because in the years following that Twilight Zone: The Movie comes out the next year and
《魔界奇谭》也拍成了一个系列 但根源都在《鬼作秀》上
then Tales from the Crypt comes out as a series but I think it all stems from Creepshow.
在约翰·卡彭特的《月光光心慌慌》成功后 我们确实看到很多电影人
With the success of John Carpenter’s Halloween, we did see a lot of films sort of come out
《Daily Dead》主编
都在拓展这个想法 如果我们可以把一个假期和我们的作品挂钩
in response to that idea of well, if we have this holiday and we can turn it into this moment
in the genre why not capitalize on that?
And we did see the onslaught of My Bloody Valentine, April Fool’s Day, Leprechaun basically
cashing in on St. Patrick’s Day.
大量的圣诞节恐怖片出现 尤其是80年代的《平安夜,杀人夜》
We saw a ton of Christmas horror come out especially in the ’80s with Silent Night, Deadly Night.
The recurring theme with having a holiday become a horrific experience.
It’s an obvious grab whether it’s Carrie or Night of the Creeps, these are prom night movies
但和观众的预期大不相同 观众本想看到的是成年庆祝活动
but they go horribly different than what you’re expecting because it’s supposed
to be your coming-of-age and celebration and like prom night movies are transitioned into
adulthood almost.
情人节应该是关于你重要的另一半的 应该是
Valentine’s is supposed to be all about your significant other and that smashing together
把好的 轻松的和值得庆祝的东西混合在一起
of that juxtaposition of what’s supposed to be good and light-hearted and celebratory
into holy crap, this is bloody and evil and people are dying.
That idealism and that adolescence that comes to a screeching halt when it slams into something
一年中的这些时刻具有普遍性 我认为这是将
There’s a universality to these moments in the year and I think that’s a good way to
sort of bring the genre into that fold.
The relationship of body to mind is a potent one in Cronenberg’s world and I think particularly
《灵婴》(1979) – 预告片
特别是在80年代 他十分津津乐道
in the ’80s he attacked it with quite a bit of relish.
Cronenberg had a history of really getting at the psychic horror around physical afflictions.
Videodrome was a step further.
Sort of saying we are entering a period of humanity of human existence, cultural existence
that is going to fuse technology and the body in organic ways.
对我来说最有力的片段之一 是詹姆斯·伍德的角色将他的手
One of the most potent sequences to me is when James Wood’s character sticks his hand
in the vagina-like slit in his stomach that has developed.
His hand becomes a flesh gun.
那是非常吉格尔式的画面 机器 肉体和金属合为一体
You have a very Gigeresque image of machinery and flesh and metal becoming one and shooting
并射出癌症子弹 导致你这些被子弹射中的受害者
out cancer bullets basically that cause a decay of the flesh of the victim which you
shoot with these bullets.
它同时具有令人难以置信的想象力 寓言和排斥性
And it’s unbelievably imaginative and potent and allegorical and repellant all at the same
time but devilishly entertaining.
这些都是关于录像带的 你现在看着它 你会想 天哪
It’s all about videocassettes and you look at it now and you just think gosh, it is so
它太神秘了 但它真的很天才 因为它真的在很多方面都
like arcane but it’s really genius because it really was predicting in many ways where
预测了文化的发展方向 以及普通消费者将在多大程度上参与其中
culture was going and how much more involved the average consumer was going to become
pre-sort of where things went in the information age.
而遗忘就是邪教领袖 政♥治♥人物和彻头彻尾的低级小贩
And Oblivion is this kind of cross between a cult leader, a political figure and a complete
low-grade huckster.
它预示了里根时代最黑暗的一面 就像那种类型的人
It’s predictive of the darkest side of the Reagan era of like where those types of people
would lead us as a culture.
The movie really encapsulates the beginning of the transition of global culture from analog
从消费者如何接受媒体 以及这对你产生了什么样的影响
into digital, from how the consumer took in their media and what impact that had on you.
无论你什么时候看到它 它都会深入你的骨髓
No matter how often you see it, it will get under your skin.
