# It’s alone #
# 她被她的命运 #
# She’s forsaken #
# 所抛弃 #
# By her fate #
# 要说的话 #
# Words to tell #
# 没有确切的话语可言 #
# It don’t have approximation #
# 她笑得那么甜 #
# She smiles fairly well #
# 她笑得很有感染力 #
# Her smile is contagious #
# 我生来为爱她而活 #
# I was born to love her #
# 但是她知道高高在上的王国 #
# But she knows that the kingdom #
# 在等着她 #
# Waits so high above her #
# 于是我跑 #
# And I run #
# 然后我和它比赛 #
# But I race #
# 不过我不够快 #
# But it’s not too fast to stand #
# 但是我必须要自♥由♥ #
# But I’ve got to be free #
# 而且我不在场 #
# And I’m not there #
# 我已经离开 #
# I’m gone #
# 好吧,要待在这里实在太难 #
# Well, it’s too hard to stay here #
# 但是我又不想离开 #
# And I don’t want to leave #
# 太少的睡眠让我很疲倦 #
# It’s so hard for so few #
# 但是她有些#
# Sleep, but she’s hard #
# 呼吸困难 #
# Too hard to breathe #
# 这是一种沉重感 #
# It’s a load #
# 这是一场犯罪 #
# It’s a crime #
# 她蛮横地对待我#
# The way she mauls me around #
# 但是她不会打电♥话♥来说恨我 #
# But she don’t phone to hate me #
# 不过现在正是扮小丑的时候 #
# But it’s time to make the clown #
# 是的,我相信这是正当的 #
# Yes, I believe that it’s rightful #
# 我相信在我的心中 #
# I believe it in my mind #
# 已经有人告诉我 #
# I been told #
# 就像我在继续我的苦差前 #
# Like I slept #
# 好好的睡过 #
# Before I carry on the grind #
# 灵魂的法官告诉她 #
# Yes, the soul judge had told her #
# 我应该继续 #
# That I should carry on #
# 那孩子受到了伤害,成了孤单一人 #
# The child’s been hurt and alone #
# 然而我已经离开 #
# Then I’m gone #
# 妈妈,从我身上把徽章拿走吧 #
[歌♥名:Knocking on Heaven’s door 专辑:Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid(1973) 这里的歌♥词和原版不同]
# Mama, take this badge off of me #
# 我再也用不到它了#
# I can’t use it anymore #
# 天变得灰暗 #
# It’s gettin’ dark #
# 太黑所以什么都看不见 #
# Much too dark to see #
# 感觉我就在轻叩天堂之门 #
# Feel I’m knocking on heaven’s door #
# 敲,敲,敲着天堂之门 #
# Knock, knock, knockingon heaven’s door #
# 敲,敲,敲着天堂之门 #
# Knock, knock, knockingon heaven’s door #
# 敲,敲,敲着天堂之门 #
# Knock, knock, knockingon heaven’s door #
# 敲,敲,敲着天堂之门 #
# Knock, knock, knockingon heaven’s door #
# 妈妈,把我脸上的血迹擦去 #
# Mama, wipe this blood from my face #
# 我已经厌倦了战争 #
# I’m sick and tired of the war #
# 不知道现在是夜晚 #
# Don’t know if it’s night #
# 还是艳阳天#
# Or if it’s the sun #
# 高高升向天空 #
# Rising higher #
# 惊怕着我是否就在轻叩天堂之门 #
# Scared I’m knockin’on heaven’s door #
