n. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
illustrator [‘ɪləstreɪtə] n. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
illustrator 插画师 ←同首词→ illustrate 图解
eg. The illustrator is illustrating a book.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》
关于 “illustrator“(插图师)的一些短语,附带中文解释:
- Talented illustrator: 有才华的插图师
- Freelance illustrator: 自由插图师
- Professional illustrator: 职业插图师
- Digital illustrator: 数字插图师
- Children’s book illustrator: 儿童图书插图师
- Cartoon illustrator: 卡通插图师
- Comic book illustrator: 漫画插图师
- illustrator‘s portfolio: 插图师的作品集
- Magazine illustrator: 杂志插图师
- Fashion illustrator: 时尚插图师
- Storybook illustrator: 故事书插图师
- Concept illustrator: 概念插图师
- Editorial illustrator: 编辑插图师
- Scientific illustrator: 科学插图师
- Medical illustrator: 医学插图师
- Nature illustrator: 自然插图师
- Realistic illustrator: 现实主义插图师
- Fantasy illustrator: 幻想插图师
- Book cover illustrator: 书籍封面插图师
- Character illustrator: 角色插图师
- Watercolor illustrator: 水彩插图师
- illustrator‘s workshop: 插图师的工作坊
- Collaborative illustrator: 合作插图师
- illustrator‘s style: 插图师的风格
- Sketchbook illustrator: 素描本插图师
- Magazine cover illustrator: 杂志封面插图师
- Graphic novel illustrator: 图像小说插图师
- Animation illustrator: 动画插图师
- Editorial cartoon illustrator: 社论漫画插图师
- illustrator‘s tools: 插图师的工具
- Mixed media illustrator: 混合媒体插图师
- Commercial illustrator: 商业插图师
- Conceptual illustrator: 概念插图师
- illustrator‘s process: 插图师的创作过程
- Graphic designer and illustrator: 平面设计师兼插图师
- Fashion magazine illustrator: 时尚杂志插图师
- Advertising illustrator: 广告插图师
- Technical illustrator: 技术插图师
- Storyboard illustrator: 分镜插图师
- Whimsical illustrator: 异想天开的插图师
- Nature-themed illustrator: 自然主题插图师
- Digital art illustrator: 数字艺术插图师
- Abstract illustrator: 抽象插图师
- Magazine article illustrator: 杂志文章插图师
- illustrator‘s studio: 插图师的工作室
- Experienced illustrator: 经验丰富的插图师
- illustrator‘s contract: 插图师的合同
- Magazine editorial illustrator: 杂志编辑插图师
- Graphic illustrator: 平面插图师
- Print illustrator: 印刷插图师