
iatrogenic (eye AT tro JEN ik) This adjective comes from the Greek for “brought forth by the healer.” It’s used to describe illness caused by med-ical intervention.

  • Doctors say many cases of goiter are iatrogenic: they develop in response to medicine that has been prescribed for the patient.
  • In the mid-twentieth century, some mental health professionals discovered that patients developed neuroses based on a doctor’s comments to them: in short, their problems were iatrogenic.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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医源性的(eye AT tro JEN ik)这个形容词来自希腊语,意思是“由治疗师带来的”。它用来描述由医疗干预引起的疾病。

  • 医生表示,许多甲状腺肿病例是医源性的:它们是对为患者开具的药物产生反应而发展起来的
  • 在二十世纪中叶,一些心理健康专业人员发现,患者根据医生对他们的评论患上了神经症:简而言之,他们的问题是医源性的




  1. Iatrogenic disease – 医源性疾病
  2. Iatrogenic infection – 医源性感染
  3. Iatrogenic complication – 医源性并发症
  4. Iatrogenic injury – 医源性损伤
  5. Iatrogenic medication error – 医源性药物错误
  6. Iatrogenic side effects – 医源性副作用
  7. Iatrogenic surgery risk – 医源性手术风险
  8. Iatrogenic diagnostic error – 医源性诊断错误
  9. Iatrogenic harm – 医源性伤害
  10. Iatrogenic complications of medication – 药物的医源性并发症

其他短语(Other Phrases):

  1. The iatrogenic effects of the treatment were unexpected – 治疗的医源性影响是出乎意料的
  2. The patient suffered from iatrogenic complications due to a surgical error – 由于手术错误,患者遭受了医源性并发症
  3. The iatrogenic infection was traced back to unsanitary medical equipment – 医源性感染追溯到不卫生的医疗设备
  4. The iatrogenic harm could have been prevented with proper monitoring – 通过适当的监测可以避免医源性伤害
  5. The study focused on identifying iatrogenic factors contributing to patient dissatisfaction – 该研究着重于确定导致患者不满意的医源性因素
  6. Iatrogenic complications can arise from incorrect medication administration – 医源性并发症可能源于错误的药物使用
  7. The iatrogenic injury resulted from a misdiagnosis – 医源性损伤是由误诊引起的
  8. The iatrogenic disease was caused by the interaction of multiple medications – 医源性疾病是由多种药物相互作用引起的
  9. Iatrogenic errors can occur during medical procedures – 医源性错误可能发生在医疗程序中
  10. The iatrogenic complications led to prolonged hospitalization – 医源性并发症导致了长时间住院


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
