真的就差一点 顺便告诉你一下…
That’s very close, by the way… I’m just saying.
这是我的小宝贝 你是我的小宝贝吗?
This is my little man. You my little man?
这个就是我的第6任丈夫 最好的一任!
That’s my 6th husband right there. The best of them!
塔尼娅是我的第五个孩子 和第四任丈夫生的
Tonya’s my 5th child from husband number 4.
她挺难带的 我想是我们惯坏她了
She was always a handful. And I guess we spoiled her.
就是你人生一无所有的时候 还像帽子戏法般生了一堆孩子
Which is a goddamned hat trick when you haven’t got shit your entire life.
尽管如此 我开车送她去各种比赛和训练 为她缝制所有的比赛服装
Still, I drove her to competitions, practices. I sewed her all her costumes.
But to her, her mother’s a monster.
通常 人们要么很爱塔尼娅
Generally people either love Tonya or are…
not big fans.
就像人们要不就很爱美国 要不就不怎么喜欢 是一个道理
Just like people either love America or are not big fans.
Tonya was totally American.
你知道吗 杰夫和塔尼娅原本想干掉南希·克里根的
You know originally Jeff and Tonya wanted to take out Nancy kerrigan.
干掉她 然后… 我跳出来说…
Take her out. And.. I was the one who popped up and said…
there’s other ways to disable people.
所以 不谢
So. You’re welcome.
好吧 我之前是《哈德拷贝新闻》的记者
Well, I was a reporter for hard copy,
A pretty crappy show that the legitimate news outlets looked down on.
And then became.
这样的 我27岁那年成了全美最受唾弃的人
Well. I mean at 27 I was the most hated man in America.
Maybe the world.
Um… with a mustache I still…
他们还是不肯放过我 我的名字甚至成了个动词
can’t apologize enough for. My name was a verb.
比如 有人拿棍子敲了谁的膝盖 就是“吉卢利”了他们
Like, if you bash someone in kneecap, you ‘Gillooly’ them.
不过… 那还是挺酷的
That was… that was cool though.
What’s people’s impression of me?
就是 我是一个真实的人
That I’m a real person.
我从不会因为出身贫穷 或者因为自己是个粗人 而感到抱歉
No. I never apologize for growing up poor or being a red neck.
Which is what I am.
你知道的 在运动界 他妈的评审都希望你是…
You know, in a sport where the friggin’ judges want you to be this..
Old-timey version of what a woman’s supposed to be.
For being the first U.S. Woman
To land a triple Axel.
So fuck ’em.
戴安娜! 我是拉沃娜·哈丁
Diane! Lavona Harding.
I spoke with you on the phone.
等我几分钟好吗? 非常好
Just give me a minute okay? Very good.
Mrs. Harding.
拉沃娜 叫我拉沃娜
Lavona. It’s Lavona.
不好意思 冰场内不允许吸烟
I am so sorry. But there’s no smoking on the ice.
哦 好吧 那我就悄悄的吸
Oh well, I’ll smoke it quietly then.
This here’s my daughter Tonya.
哈丁女士 我在电♥话♥里已经说过了 – 我记得你跟我说的
Mrs. Harding. I told you on the phone. – I know what you told me.
Only you never seen her skate.
我不训练初学者 – 她整天都在说滑冰
I don’t train beginners. – All she does is talk about skating.
没完没了 我根本没法让她闭嘴
All day, and night. I can’t make her shut up about it.
所以我只能让她上场试试 这样我更省心 你明白我的意思吗?
So it’s easier for me to put her on ice if you know what I mean.
And we figure with the right training…
她就可以把天赋发挥到极致 就像”白雪溜冰团”那样的
she can make the most of her gift like Ice Capades maybe one day or something.
你几岁了 亲爱的?
How old are you, honey?
Um… She’s a soft 4.
She’s a very pretty girl.
但是很抱歉 我不收这么年纪小的学生
But I’m sorry. I don’t take on students this young.
就这样吧 失陪了 还有学生在等我
Now if you’ll forgive me. I have a class waiting.
你感觉怎么样? 还好吗?
How do you feel? Is this good?
去吧 滑冰去
Go on. Skate.
六个月之后 我赢了我的第一场比赛
I mean 6 months later I win my first competition.
我当时才4岁 我觉得那些小屁孩根本不知道我的厉害
I was 4. Okay? I mean those bitches didn’t know what hit ’em.
太普通 没什么特色
Ordinary. Nothing special there.
你尽力了么? 我在这陪你还不如去我自己想去的地方
Are you even trying? Cause there’s other places I’d fucking rather be.
你这算干净利索吗 天啊?
Call that a clean skate, for Christ sake?
你能不能别在孩子们面前说脏话 拉沃娜?
Could you not swear in front of the kids please, Lavona?
我没说脏话 婊♥子♥
I didn’t swear, you cunt.
嘿 不许和她说话!对 那女孩是你的敌人!
Hey. Stop talking to her! Yeah. That girl is your enemy.
You’re not here to make friends.
你现在是要去哪? -我要去洗手间
Where do you think you are you going? – I have to go to the bathroom.
Don’t tell me what you have to do.
我花钱是让你来这里滑冰的 你就得给我待在冰上滑冰
I paid for you to skate. You’re gonna stay on the ice and skate.
Get over here.
反正你迟早得出来 你听见了没有?
You gotta get off the ice sometime. You hear me?
I’ll be right here waiting.
Oh shit!
Skate wet.
要听她给你讲 那得夸张到我每天都会不给她打麻药就给她做手术一样
To hear her tell it, I would operate on her daily without anesthesia.
So this one fuckin’ time.
那次我用梳子打她 你这个狗屁混球 失败者!
I hit her one time, with a hairbrush. You’re terrible, scum sucking, loser!
看什么? 孩子有时候是需要人管教的
What? A child sometimes wants to be corrected.
Answer me when I talk to you.
我有这种感觉的时候 就会批评她 别那样!
When I felt this, I gave her criticism. Stop that.
塔尼娅这人就是 她只有暴怒的时候她才能滑得更好
The thing about Tonya was, she skated better when she was enraged.
If there was no you can’t do it type of thing,
she wouldn’t do it.
在冰上 我只是在那里激励她 不在冰上的时候…
On the ice, I was there to inspire her. Off the ice…
她是一个开心 正常的女孩
She was a happy, well adjusted girl.
这枪漂亮 塔尼
Clean shot, Tonnie.
我知道啊 你教我瞄准眼睛的
I know it. I was aiming for her eyes like you said.
要不然 我可能就打死它了
Otherwise I could’ve got her probably.
No sense in shooting a bunny if you shoot half the meat off her.
我长大之后 就会在办公室里工作 还有最后期限什么的
When I’m older I’m gonna work in an office and have a deadline.
我以为你要在冰上跳舞呢 – 我两样都可以做啊
I thought you wanted to do ice capades. – I can do both.
Yesterday mom made me wear my skating costume to school.
红色那件 底下有穗穗
The red one with the tassels.
Everyone made fun of me.
Why’d she do that?
Cause they were taking school pictures, they said
we could use the samples for competitions.
我告诉妈妈 玛姬·萨斯曼管我们叫白人垃圾
I told mom that Margie Sussman called us white trash.
Mom told me “Spit in her milk!”
I hope you didn’t do that.
Not yet…
Do you love her?
我觉得是的 你呢?
I guess. Do you?

Like you love me?
好的 塔尼 但是出来要更快些
Good Tonnie. But check out sooner.
她为什么他妈的要穿毛皮大衣? 我他妈的都没一件毛皮大衣
What does she need a fucking fur coat for? I don’t have a fucking fur coat.
因为这不止是滑冰而已 评委们希望花样滑冰运动员都是
Because it’s not just about skating. The judges want figure skaters to be
是啊 希望他们是有钱 过分讲究的 混♥蛋♥们 – 要全面发展
Yeah. Rich, prissy, a-Holes – Well rounded.
这有助于她融入集体 – 她才12岁 就可以完成
It’s a question of fitting in. – She’s 12 and she lands
他妈的转体三周跳了 她才不要融入什么集体 她突出就行
fucking triples. She doesn’t fit in. She stands out.
她是突出的 她突出是因为 她看起来像每天早上起来砍柴的人
She stands out because she looks like she chops wood every morning.
She does chop wood every morning.
拉沃娜 你就不能配合我一点吗?
Lavona. Would you wanna work with me a little?
23 students I train so I can coach Tonya full time.
是啊 我给你全天做的服务员也是为了给你缴训练费啊
Yeah, and I waitress full time to pay for your coaching.
是啊 但是她不是我的孩子 – 是我的 但是我不会花钱
Yes, but she’s not my child. – No she’s mine. And I’m not throwing
my money away so she can fit in with these little shits.
你要是给别的猪打扮 随便怎么弄 你明白我说的话吗?
You can dress up a pig however you want, you know what I’m saying?
这不只是融入集体的问题 这事关她的成长
It’s not about fitting in. It’s about how she’s growing up.
舔我屁♥股♥吧 戴安娜 她可是可以做转体三周的人
Lick my ass, Diane. She can do a fucking triple.
我小时候没什么乐趣可言 我的意思是
We didn’t have a lotta fun growing up. I mean..
我们从没去过 那些什么 迪斯尼乐园 没去旅行过
We never went to you know, Disneyland or on trips.
如果我想要什么 我必须自己想办法才能得到
If I wanted something, I had to come up with a way to get it.
What kind of coat is that?
Go on! Get out! I thought you’d never leave!
