


hypnotist [‘hɪpnətɪst] n. 施催眠术的人
hypnotist 施催眠术的人 ←同首词→ hypocritical 虚伪的
eg. We all think that the hypnotist is hypocritical.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


关于 “hypnotist“(催眠师)的一些短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Professional hypnotist: 专业催眠师
  2. Stage hypnotist: 舞台催眠师
  3. Certified hypnotist: 认证催眠师
  4. Clinical hypnotist: 临床催眠师
  5. hypnotist training: 催眠师培训
  6. hypnotist session: 催眠师会话
  7. hypnotist techniques: 催眠师技巧
  8. hypnotist induction: 催眠师诱导
  9. hypnotist script: 催眠师脚本
  10. Professional hypnotist services: 专业催眠师服务
  11. hypnotist demonstration: 催眠师演示
  12. hypnotist show: 催眠师表演
  13. hypnotist performance: 催眠师表演
  14. Stage hypnotist show: 舞台催眠师表演
  15. hypnotist clinic: 催眠师诊所
  16. hypnotist session: 催眠师会话
  17. hypnotist appointment: 催眠师预约
  18. hypnotist consultation: 催眠师咨询
  19. hypnotist techniques: 催眠师技巧
  20. hypnotist certification: 催眠师认证
  21. hypnotist training program: 催眠师培训项目
  22. hypnotist stage presence: 催眠师舞台表现
  23. hypnotist rapport: 催眠师默契
  24. hypnotist suggestions: 催眠师建议
  25. hypnotist relaxation techniques: 催眠师放松技巧
  26. hypnotist deepening techniques: 催眠师加深技巧
  27. hypnotist trance state: 催眠师催眠状态
  28. hypnotist therapeutic approach: 催眠师治疗方法
  29. hypnotist subconscious exploration: 催眠师潜意识探索
  30. hypnotist suggestibility: 催眠师易感度
  31. hypnotist hypnosis scripts: 催眠师催眠脚本
  32. hypnotist relaxation exercises: 催眠师放松练习
  33. hypnotist client confidentiality: 催眠师客户保密
  34. hypnotist guided imagery: 催眠师引导想象
  35. hypnotist pain management: 催眠师疼痛管理
  36. hypnotist weight loss program: 催眠师减肥计划
  37. hypnotist smoking cessation: 催眠师戒烟计划
  38. hypnotist stress reduction: 催眠师压力减轻
  39. hypnotist phobia treatment: 催眠师恐惧症治疗
  40. hypnotist self-confidence enhancement: 催眠师增强自信
  41. hypnotist performance improvement: 催眠师表现提升
  42. hypnotist memory enhancement: 催眠师记忆增强
  43. hypnotist public speaking skills: 催眠师演讲技巧
  44. hypnotist anxiety management: 催眠师焦虑管理
  45. hypnotist insomnia treatment: 催眠师失眠治疗
  46. hypnotist addiction recovery: 催眠师戒毒康复
  47. hypnotist past life regression: 催眠师前世回溯
  48. hypnotist positive affirmations: 催眠师正面肯定
  49. hypnotist mental relaxation: 催眠师心理放松
  50. hypnotist emotional healing: 催眠师情感疗愈
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
