

[noun] extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion
[名词] 过分的或密集的宣传或推广


Hype 是一个与 hyper (亢奋的、精力旺盛的,作前缀时表示“过度、过多、超出”)容易混肴的单词,该词在某种程度上逆构自英语单词 hyperbole (夸张、夸张法),同时也源于俚语动词 hype (以多收或少换的方式诈骗)。

1967年起 hype 开始在英语中用来表示现在的主要含义,即电视、广播、互联网等媒体中言过其实的“促销广告、促销讨论”或者说“大肆的宣传、炒作”,多指为了吸引所有人的兴趣而密集地推销或宣传某个产品或想法,并经常夸大其好处或重要性,甚至是为了招引人注意而欺骗、糊弄、耍花招,比如:

  • 别相信那些天花乱坠的传媒炒作——那本书没那么好。这本书里有着汹涌的崩溃、自杀、憎恨与欲望。
    Don’t believe all the media hype─the book isn’t that good. It is a book in which breakdown is rampant, suicide is rampant, hatred is rampant, lust is rampant.

用作动词时, hype 自然相应表示“夸张地大肆宣传、炒作”某个事物,常用搭配 hype sth (up) ,比如:

  • 本周他那部被大肆炒作的新电影在上海上映,该片是纪录片与娱乐片的有趣混合。
    This week his much hyped new movie, which is an interesting hybrid of documentary and entertainment, opens in Shanghai.

此外,受瘾君子在俚语中用 hype 缩略表示“皮下注射针(hypodermic needle)”影响而来, hype 还可以使用动词短语 hype (sb) up 表示“煽动、使兴奋、使激动”,多指像注射毒品那般似的使人兴奋和活跃,比如:

  • 当时,我们两人都对买这所房子感到紧张兴奋,等不及要进去看看。最终,我们一时冲动买了这所房子。
    At that time, we were both so hyped up about buying the house, we could not wait to get in there. In the end, we bought the house on a whim.


I had a feeling she was all hype.



  • A demonstration of quantum computing’s power is a defining moment for a field prone to hype.
  • Which isn’t to say that it lacks hype, but rather that its hype is more self-contained and self-regarding.


词源: “hype” 这个词的词源不确定,可能源自美国黑人英语中的 “hyperbole”(夸张)一词。它在美国俚语中逐渐演变为 “hype”,用来表示过度宣传或炒作。

用法: “hype” 作名词和动词,常用于描述对某物过度宣传或炒作的行为。它可以指虚假或夸张的宣传手段,常用于商业、媒体和娱乐领域。

英英释义: 根据牛津词典,”hype” 作名词的英英释义为:

  1. 过度宣传或炒作。
  2. 夸张或不实的宣传手法。


  1. The movie didn’t live up to the hype surrounding its release. (这部电影没有达到发行前的炒作效果。)
  2. The product’s hype exaggerated its benefits. (对该产品的宣传过分夸大了它的好处。)


  1. Hype up (炒作,夸大)
  2. Hype train (炒作风潮)
  3. Hype cycle (炒作周期)

文化背景: “hype” 这个词在商业、媒体和娱乐领域非常常见。它常用于描述新产品、电影、音乐等的过度宣传或炒作现象。在当代社交媒体的影响下,”hype” 也常用于形容某个事物在网络上广泛传播和引发热议的情况。

文学例句: “hype” 这个词在许多文学作品中有出现,下面是其中一些例子:

  • “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger: “What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn’t happen much, though. I wouldn’t mind calling this David Copperfield up. I wish he was my brother. I laughed all the way through it. It’s really funny. It’s sort of funny. It’s funny, but not funny. It’s partly funny. It’s funny, but it’s also very serious and all. It’s not the kind of a book you could put down, anyway. I read it right straight through. Do you know what I mean? It’s one of those books that if you started reading it, you wouldn’t stop till you’d finished it, if you were hungry or sleepy or whatever. You don’t feel like sleeping for a week afterwards. It’s that kind of a book. You don’t feel like doing anything afterwards. You don’t feel like having any fun. You don’t feel like going to a show.


publicity: the giving out of information about a product, person, or company for advertising or promotional purposes
advertising: the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services
promotion: the publicizing of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
