-每次都是跑步 -加油
Always running. -Go get ’em.

我们将训练你带球进去 然后逃出来
We’ll work on you driving in and escaping out.
当你拿着锥桶进去 把它放下时
So as you take the cone in and place it down,
那些球迷会大声嘘你 所以你得赶紧逃离麻烦
those fans are gonna blow it at you, so you gotta escape trouble, quick.
对 我知道很难
Yeah, I know it’s tough.
Knees up!
Let’s go!
好 我们把大家伙搬出来
Okay. Bring out the big guy.
你得提高你的精准度 你得命中小目标
You gotta work on your precision, hit small targets out there.
来吧 你必须穿过这个 不要思考
We gotta get right through this. Don’t think about it.

Go, go, go, go.
低点 健将 来吧
Down low. Athletic. Athletic. Athletic. Come on.
对 你是个健将 很好 把它翻过来
Yeah. Let’s go. You’re an athlete. Let’s turn it around.
Go! Go!
2:22. It’s you against you out there.
你的对手是你自己 现在你被自己打败了
And right now, you is kicking your ass.
♪ They ain’t got no muscle, no hustle ♪
♪ No backbone, I stand alone ♪
♪ Not tripping, just saying I’m different ♪
♪ Ain’t hanging on the coattails Of the next man ♪
Go! Go! Move it!
加油 宝贝!
Let’s go, baby!
快点 推 加油!很好!
Push. Let’s go! Yes!
快点!40秒 加油!快点!
Come on! Forty seconds. Let’s go! Go! Go! Go! Come on!
好 让我看看你的能耐 对 低点
Yeah. Stay low. Low. Low. Low. Low.
手脚配合 传!
Hands and feet work together. You’re thinking too much.
好 你想得太多了 来吧
Come on. Hey. Hey. Hey.
嘿 不能超过五下 记住
Gotta do this in under five. Remember that.
来吧 弹过来
Come on. Pound it.
Run for me. Let’s go.
♪ Get it while I’m living ♪
♪ All I ever hear Is the clock tick, tick, ticking ♪
♪ So I’m ’bout my business And I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’ ♪
好 燃起来!很好!
Yep! That’s it!
-快点 伙计 -别他妈挡着路!
Get outta the fucking road!
Push it! Catch that prick!
We’ll get there.
再来一次 穿过去 好
Let’s go again.
现在传球 对 用那个
The hips low. Yeah. Right. Use that.
-狗屁 -嘿 快点
¡Vamos! -Hey. Let’s go.
I don’t care about that shot. It’s about the next shot.
重要的是下一个投篮 以及下一个 再下一个投篮
And the next shot. And the next shot.
好的 很好
Okay. Yes, sir.
看看他是怎么突然启动的 你要突然启动
Now, see how he explodes. Explodes. You gotta explode right off.
对 就是这样
Yeah, that’s it.
All right.
♪ Baracus, that BS, that whackness ♪
♪ Get no play in my axis Make ’em jump like AJ Hackett ♪
♪ Guarantee you in these boots ♪
很好 全靠手腕 来吧 屁♥股♥放低
That’s it, all in the wrist. Come on. Lower the hip.
感受那团火焰 见鬼 好
Feel the fire. God damn it, yes.
Push! Go right through him! That’s it!
推这个小混♥蛋♥ 快点!
Track two. Go. Push this little asshole, come on!
♪ Music from the soul Don’t need them to help me ♪
♪ If they fiending for the flash They should take another selfie ♪
有进步 再来一次
We’re moving forward. Let’s go again, though.
用力 不 用不着这样轻轻放下 它没事
Hard, hard. Nah, you don’t have to put it down so soft. It’ll be okay.
Let’s go again. Let’s go again.
来吧 加油!
Let’s go. Come on! Come on! Come on!
Keep going to the top! You’re not done.
传球 快点
Pass clean. Pass clean.
来吧 伙计 悠着点
Come on, man. Easy.
你快没力气了 伙计!
You’re running out of steam, pal!
♪ Running with them, yeah ♪
♪ They don’t wanna give it up We gon’ make it out ♪
What are you gonna say to him?
什么都不说 他会对自己说的
Nothing, kid. He’s gotta tell himself.
来吧 伙计
Come on, man.
开始 继续
Let’s go. Back in. Back in. Back in. Back in.
别停 别放弃 加油
No stopping. No quitting. No quitting. Let’s go.
加油 很好
Let’s go. That’s it. Right through. Right out.
穿过去 来吧 好好想想
Come on. Think about it.
来吧 低点
Let’s go. Down now.
穿过去 完成这个动作
Right through. Finish that shit. Whoa!
很好 回到原位 有进步
That was nice. Okay. Switch it back. Getting good, bud.
-差不多了 斯坦利!差不多了! -你越来越棒了
Almost, Stanley! Almost! Cool! You’re getting good. Let’s go.
Pretty close.
比昨天强 宝贝
Better than yesterday, baby.
你今天很有活力 笨蛋!
Ah! You’re crispy today, cabrón!
A good player knows where he is on court.
A great player knows where everybody else is.
加油 很好 继续
Get to it. Get to it. That’s it. Go. Go.
按红色的 然后传给我 我们加速 你得更快一点
To the red. Then to me. Let’s pick it up. You got to be faster.
不错 伙计!科鲁兹!
Look good, man! Cruz-ing!
好的 阿博
All right, Bo.
要始终保持低位 同时保持平衡
You always wanna be low and have good balance.
Guess who? Attack!
Step back! And finish!
-很好 -始终保持低位
Good. -Always staying low.
保持低位 对抗压力 来吧 抓住它
Stay low. Handle the pressure. Let’s go. Grab that.
比赛时压力会更大 很好 保持强劲
You can get more than that. That’s it. Stay strong.
Good. Good. Good.
-嘿!大胆点 伙计! -很好 宝贝
Hey! Be bold, man! Be bold! -Yeah, baby.
跑起来!别停 宝贝!坚持到底!
Go! Don’t stop, baby! Go! Right through it!
And, Bo!
我们快成功了 宝贝!
We’re getting there, baby!
我们势头不错 加油
We’re on the right track. Let’s go!
Let’s go! ¡Mi roble!
见鬼 闻着像一卡车狗屎
Damn. Smells like a truck full of shit
emptied itself into your mouth.
Nothing affects this young man.
我喜欢 嘿 很好
I like that. Hey. Nice.
I’m gonna catch those feet! –
Oh, look how scared he is!
No stopping.
Got nothing for you.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Yes, sir!
You know how much I love that.
勤奋工作 宝贝
Hard work, baby.
我第一眼见到你 就知道你是个勤奋的笨蛋
I knew when I saw you. That’s a hardworking fool.
You’re going somewhere.
我们一起成就 -我们一起成就
We’re going together. We’re going together. Whoo!
好的 看看四周
Okay, good. Look around.
谁没人防守?耐心点 出手!进攻!
Who’s open? Be patient. Now! Attack! Go! Go! Go!
上!好的 撤退 对 很好
Okay, retreat. Yeah, that’s good, man.
很好 等等 你会找到时机的 你会冲到篮下的
That’s it. Wait. You’ll find times you go down there,
不过先等等 你会找到时机的
and nothing’s open, wait, you’ll find it.
你很帅 宝贝!你很帅
You’re hot, baby! You’re hot.
Bo Cruz coming down!
低点 对…
Low, yeah
要能在压力下传球 很好!
Gotta make passes under pressure. That’s it!
好 不错 漂亮 最后一个
Okay, nice. We’re cooking. Last one.
Push it! Get into the next gear!
Go! Go! Go!
吉米•巴特勒在防守你 怎么办?
Jimmy Butler’s up on you. Now what? Now what?
我们这样做 是因为没人这样做 来吧!
We’re doing this ’cause nobody else is doing this. Come on!
-很好 后退 传球 -加油 阿博
That’s it. Back. Pass. Let’s go, Bo.
-完成那个 来吧 阿博! -很好 传球!好样的 阿博!
Finish that. Come on now, Bo! Good, Bo! Yeah, Bo!
Use that clock! Use that clock!
Find a shooter! That’s it! Hit that!
我们领先了 宝贝!冲刺!
You’re ahead, baby! Now!
On your right! Kick his ass!
