

[noun] excessive pride or self-confidence
[名词] 过分的骄傲或自信


Hubris 是一个与常见单词 debris (残骸、碎片、破片)结尾相同的单词,该词于1884年逆构自英语形容词 hubristic (傲慢的、自大的、自恃的),或者说源自希腊悲剧用语 hybris (肆无忌惮的暴力、蛮横、暴行),最初进入英语后也是指招来天谴(nemesis)并最终导致自己毁灭的“傲睨神明、狂妄野心”。

不过发展到现在, hubris 更多的是泛化表示“傲慢、狂妄、自大、自恃”,即过分骄傲的说话或行为方式,往往意味着带有这种说话或行为方式的人无视法律和警告,从而导致自己下台、受到惩罚甚至死亡,比如:

  • 我们公司名义上的老板因为自大而受到了惩罚。
    The nominal head of our company was punished for his hubris.
  • 我那睿智的老祖父告诉我应该摒弃傲慢和偏见。
    My sage old grandfather told me to say no to hubris and prejudice.


Come on. Show some hubris. Come on, impress me.

出自2009年上映的美国喜剧电影《在云端》(Up in the Air)。


  • It features hubris, nemesis and partial redemption, as well as clashing personalities and losses in the billions of dollars.
  • Simpson views this as Google’s hubris, pointing out that other car companies view self-driving technology as a complement, not replacement, for the driver.


1. Definition: 定义

  • Definition of hubris (hubris 的定义)
  • Excessive pride or self-confidence (过度的骄傲或自信)
  • Arrogance leading to downfall (骄傲导致的失败)

2. Origin and Mythological Background: 起源与神话背景

  • Hubris in Greek mythology (希腊神话中的傲慢行为)
  • Hubris as a tragic flaw (傲慢作为悲剧性缺陷)
  • The story of Icarus and hubris (伊卡洛斯与傲慢的故事)

3. Examples in Literature and History: 文学与历史中的例子

  • Hubris in Shakespearean plays (莎士比亚戏剧中的傲慢)
  • Hubris in Greek tragedies (希腊悲剧中的傲慢)
  • Historical figures and hubris (历史人物与傲慢)

4. Effects and Consequences: 影响与后果

  • Hubris leading to downfall or nemesis (傲慢导致的失败或报应)
  • Hubris and its impact on relationships (傲慢对关系的影响)
  • The role of hubris in conflicts and wars (傲慢在冲突和战争中的作用)

5. Modern Usage and References: 现代用法与参考

  • Hubris in contemporary society (当代社会中的傲慢)
  • Hubris in politics and leadership (政治和领导中的傲慢)
  • Hubris in business and finance (商业和金融中的傲慢)


hubris (HYOO bris) This classical Greek word for “an excess of pride that may lead to a downfall” is used both for what happens within Greek trag-edy and for what happens in modern day life.

  • Whenever a protagonist declares himself as equal to the gods, the audience may expect that such hubris will be punished.
  • Mona’s claim that she’ll be CEO of General Motors someday seems hubristic, for she has only been out of business school for three years.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
傲慢(HYOO bris)这个古典希腊语单词,意思是“过度骄傲,可能导致垮台”,既用于希腊悲剧中发生的事情,也用于现代生活中发生的事。

  • 每当主角宣称自己与众神平等时,观众可能会认为这种傲慢会受到惩罚
  • Mona声称自己有一天会成为通用汽车公司的首席执行官,这似乎有些傲慢,因为她刚从商学院毕业三年



arrogance: the quality of being arrogant
conceit: excessive pride in oneself
vanity: excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements
