But you must promise me to go there and see for yourself.
A burglar?
什么 在这幢房♥子里
What? Here in this house?
Good Lord.
过来 喝一口 好好给我讲讲
Here, take a sip of this and just tell me all about it.
当时很黑 他就在那儿
It was pitch dark and there he was.
高高的个子 蓝色的眸子 苗条的身材 风流倜傥
Tall, blue eyes, slim, quite good-looking…
但是个残忍♥卑鄙的家伙 爸爸 是个可怕的人
in a brutal, mean way. Papa, a terrible man.
傲慢 无情 不知廉耻
Arrogant, ruthless, no sense of guilt or shame…
or anything.
就这些 是吗
So you discussed all that, did you?
后来 我开车送他回家
That was later, when I was driving him home.
我别无选择 爸爸
I had to, Papa,
I shot him in the arm with your old pistol…
但那纯属意外 我觉得
but it was an accident, I think…
My darling…
不妨再讲一遍 我想听听细节
supposing you start all over again and tell me what happened in detail.
I caught him in the act of stealing.
I kept him back with the pistol…
and I was telephoning the police when I saw what he was stealing.
-梵高 你的梵高 -什么
-The van Gogh, your van Gogh. -What?
And I didn’t know what to do.
我担心他一旦被捕 画就会曝光
I was afraid if he was arrested it might mean publicity.
确实如此 警方调查 可是件麻烦事
Of course. A police investigation, that might have been very awkward.
-我就是这么想的 所以我放了他 -干得好
-That’s what I thought. So I let him go. -Good!
-我这么做 对吗 -完全正确 也许他只是个初犯
-I did the right thing, didn’t I? -Of course. Maybe he was a first offender.
If you’d have seen how he was carrying on when I was dressing his wound.
他的伤口可能已经感染了 一切都糟透了 爸爸
He might have got an infection. The whole thing was too awful, Papa.
晚安 爸爸
Good night, Papa.
晚安 亲爱的
Good night, my darling.
Have a good sleep.
这个高大 英俊 蓝眸子的恶棍
This tall, good-looking ruffian with blue eyes…
他没调戏你 是吧
he didn’t molest you in any way, did he?
Not much.
Good morning.
We meet only under the most artistic circumstances.
You wouldn’t dare.
别害怕 我下班了
Fear nothing, I’m off duty.
庞奈小姐 你能赏光 不胜荣幸
Miss Bonnet. A pleasure to have you here.
格拉蒙先生 博物馆馆长
Mr. Grammont, the Director of the Museum, and…
-我叫德莫特 幸会 -你好 先生
-Delighted. -How do you do, sir.
我们是老朋友了 我们曾在一起练射击
We are old friends. We used to shoot together.
这个展览很棒 琳琅满目
Wonderful exhibition. So many beautiful things.
-而且价值不菲 -确实
-And so valuable! -Yes.
来看看 保护你们稀世雕塑的
And observe, please, the security precautions…
protecting your great sculpture.
-你对艺术感兴趣吗 德莫特先生 -很感兴趣
-Are you interested in art, Mr. Dermott? -lndeed I am.
And in security.
好极了 请让我带你参观一下
Splendid. Let me show you, please.
劳驾 你看那些微弱的蓝色光束
Excuse me. You see those tiny blue beams.
They are infrared circuits.
-我得走了 -继续 我觉得很有趣
-I have to go. -Go on. I find it fascinating.
Be careful.
Because those beams create a circuit around the Venus…
只要切断了这个回路 就会响警报
and anything that breaks the circuit, instant alarm!
妙啊 谢谢你…
Bravo! Thank you…
It’s the Electric Eye Detection and Alarm System.
We call it the E.D.A.S.
-很机警 -很好
-Very clever. -Nice.
I know the question you’re going to ask:
“What if a burglar got to it and turned off the alarm?”
不 我从没这个念头
No. The thought never entered my mind.
有意思 我刚想问
Funny, I was going to ask that very thing.
问得好 答案是 他办不到
Good question. The answer is, he cannot.
你看 它的作用就如保险库的门 只有两个可信的警卫
You see, it operates like the door to a vault, and only two trusted guards…
当然还有我 知道密♥码♥
and myself of course, know the combination.
-Let me show you… -I have an appointment.
-再见 -我还有点时间
-Goodbye. -I can spare a few minutes.
-你要跟我来吗 -好吧 如果你非要走 再见
-You’re coming with me. Aren’t you? -All right. If you insist. Bye-bye.
走开 不然我要报♥警♥了
Now go away or I’ll call a policeman.
Yours is a capricious nature.
你总是这样随心所欲吗 我说
Do you always blow hot and cold like this? Say!
听着 我有要事相告
Listen. I have something very important to say to you.
Now don’t go away.
嗨 终于来了
Well, finally!
昨晚我在里兹等你 我还以为你被抓了
I waited at the Ritz for you last night. I thought you’d been caught.
-没有 -出什么事了
-No. -What happened?
我只是个业余的盗贼 那是份苦差
I’m only a part-time burglar, and it’s hard work.
Did you find the van Gogh?
-小菜一碟 -然后呢
-Easily. -And?
It disturbs you, doesn’t it?
Not a bit.
It’s a great van Gogh.
是梵高的画 但那是谁画的
Of course it is, but who painted it?
我亲爱的伯纳德 庞奈有一尊价值…
My dear Bernard, Bonnet has a Cellini sculpture on exhibition…
一百万美元的塞里尼雕塑正在展出 他根本不需要伪造
right now which is worth $1,000,000. He doesn’t need to forge paintings.
-除非你认为那尊雕塑也是假的 -不 不可能
-Unless you think that’s a forgery too. -No, not that!
1910年它首次被展出时 庞奈只有八岁
For one thing, it was first exhibited in 1910 when Bonnet was eight years old.
而且 庞奈从未学过雕塑 但却学过绘画
Besides, Bonnet never studied sculpture. But he did study painting.
If he has $1,000,000 lying around loose…
为什么要去造假呢 他有何动机
why does he forge paintings? What’s his motive?
自负 空虚 欺骗全世界
Ego, vanity, hoodwinking the whole world…
and having a wonderful time doing it.
西蒙 想象一下 庞奈曾是个年轻的画家
Simon, imagine Bonnet as a young painter.
同很多人一样 他通过临摹来学习大♥师♥的技巧
Like many others he copies the masters to learn their secrets.
It is his hobby.
但多年以来 他难以自拔
But over the years, it becomes an obsession.
他深谙明暗 用色 深浅 形态的所有细节
He learned every nuance of light, of color, of shade, of form.
He identifies with them completely.
他临摹梵高时 他就是梵高
When he paints a van Gogh, he is van Gogh.
他就是罗特列克 塞尚 他能随心所欲
He’s Lautrec, Cezanne, he’s any painter he chooses to be,
and that is his motive…
and also his profit.
-那么庞奈的女儿呢 -尼科尔 她怎么了
-What about Bonnet’s daughter? -Nicole? What about her?
-你觉得她也参与了吗 -参与什么
-Do you think she’s in it with him? -In what?
按你的说法 根本没人作假
According to you, there is nothing.
-对的 -但你错了 走着瞧
-That’s right. -You’re wrong. And you’ll see.
Come in.
-你好 爸爸 -晚上好 亲爱的
-Hello, Papa. -Good evening, my dear.
马赛尔告诉我 你要出去吃饭
Marcel tells me you’re dining out.
With an American tycoon I met today.
-他是做计算机的 -什么
-He makes computers. -What?
Well, that might be the basis of an enduring friendship.
他在那儿 就在驾驶座上
And there he is. Right on the executive button.
一辆加长凯迪拉克 很不错 对吗
An enormous Cadillac. Does that sound right?
-他叫什么 -戴维斯·利兰
-What’s his name? -Davis Leland.
-你肯定 -你认识他吗
-Are you sure? -Do you know him?
不认识 但我很想见他
No, but I’d very much like to meet him.
Yes, he is one of the most open-handed art collectors in the whole of America.
I’ll go and keep him company.
He didn’t say a word about a collection.
Didn’t he tell you that he’s got the great Toulouse-Lautrec…
from the Bonnet collection?
Your Lautrec or Lautrec’s Lautrec?
Mine, naturally.

Oh, no.
Are you implying that my Lautrec is in any way inferior?
听着 爸爸
Listen, Papa.
虽然听起来很含糊 但他可能提到了你的名字
