and the next, you’re a compost heap.
你们不感到困扰吗 因为这个可怕的死尸
Doesn’t that bother you? Because it scares the living piss outta me!
没想到会发生这种事 我们现在还没体认吗 威先生
I never thought this could happen. Don’t we have what we need now, Mr Wilson?
这还不足以证明飞机 必须更新
This should be enough to prove that our planes need replacing.
不 那些飞机必须在 战斗中失利引起世人注意 这是小事情
No. They have to fail in combat for the world to take notice. This is a minor incident.
小事情 我损失了一个最好的属下
Minor? I just lost one of my best men.
你在求我们吗 布拉克
Are you backing out on us, Block?
I’m doing this for my country,
not for you.
We’ll need the backup plan.
举枪 发射
Ready? Fire!
老天 他们回来了
Jumpin’ Jesus, they’re back!
大伙 找掩护
Take cover! Hit the deck!
Cover me!
汤太太 恶魔
Battle stations! Battle stations!
Have they no respect for the dead?
老天 我喜欢这个丧礼
God, I love a good funeral.
托普 你要去哪
Topper, where are you going?
我去递辞呈 你对了 你说我很危险 确实是
I’m handin’ in my resignation. You were right. You said I was dangerous, and I am.
托普 等等
Topper, wait.
拜托 我们谈谈
Please, let’s talk.
他们对了 我没比我爸爸好
They’re right. I’m no better than my father.
似乎不论我做什么 都会伤害到人
It seems, no matter what I do, I end up hurting someone.
你不能一再把自己 跟你父亲比 你们是不同的两个人
You’ve got to stop comparing yourself with your father. You’re two different people.
两个人都杀人 那只是巧合
– We both killed a man. – That’s just a coincidence.
他喜欢爵士乐 我也是
He loved jets. So do l.
He was a loner, just like me.
老天爷 我连眼睛都长得跟他一样
For God’s sakes, I’ve even got my father’s eyes.
托普 拜托 那只是运气
– Topper, please. – Ah, they’re just for luck.
You’ve got to make your own luck.
你必须回到空中 证明你自己
Get back in the sky and prove yourself.
Besides, there’s something else.
我们第一次在我办公室谈话后 我把评估寄给布拉克指挥官
After our first meeting in my office, I sent my evaluation to Commander Block.
我说你应该停飞 我怕有人会受伤
I recommended you be grounded. I was afraid someone might get hurt.
What are you saying?
我想有人希望睡臭鼠 任务失败
I think someone wants Sleepy Weasel to fail.
那是大事 绝对是
– That’s heavy. – Totally.
That’s the other reason why you need to fly.
托普 这可能是你唯一 拯救此一任务的机会
This could be your only opportunity to save the mission
并解决你的个人问题 只要你参加
and solve your personal problems, all in one fell swoop.
倒着念 法兰辛
Now read it back to me, Francine.
如果你敢动手碰我太太的手 我会…
“And if you ever put your goddamn hands on my wife again…”
你要见我 长官 对 进来
– You wanted to see me, sir? – Oh, Blank. Come in.
I’ve been expecting someone.
就到这里 法兰辛 是 长官
– That’ll be all, Francine. – Yes, sir.
布丁 不 谢谢 长官
– Pudding? – No, thank you, sir.
我要把话说清楚 少校 汤普森的死非常冤柱
I’ll put this to you straight. Thompson’s death shocked us all.
那个大牌哈里该负责任 我要那滑溜混家伙滚蛋
And that hot shot Harley is responsible. I want that smirking little wise-ass outta here.
这个基地根本一团乱 看那外头
Morale on this base is shot to hell. Just look out there.
好静 根本没人在动
Quiet. Now, hardly a man moving.
Roy? Roy!
我跟那个人是同校同学 现在不同的
Huh? I even went to school with that man. It’s just not the same.
无知的往日 使我想起一个人…
Been ignoring me all day. Remind me to send him a note.
长官 我能说几句话吗
Sir, may I say something?
I know Harley acted irresponsibly.
但是他非常勇敢 总是愿意冒险
But his kind lives on the edge. Always willing to take a chance.
这个任务需要托普 原因就在此
Now, we need Topper for this mission for just that reason.
I like your thinking, Colonel.
Besides, Thompson wasn’t that good a pilot.
有个小家庭 孩子讨人嫌 老婆野得很
He only had a small family. The kids are a pain in the ass. The wife’s on the sauce.
没什么 死了算了
Poor bastard’s better off dead.
What size shoes do you wear?
九点 好
– A nine, sir. – Good.
It’s settled. We’ll send Harley to the front.
还有 要谢谢你前晚陪我晚餐
By the way. Thank you for having us over to dinner the other night.
Cheryl and I loved the stroganoff.
长官 我们前晚没共进晚餐 真的
– Sir, we didn’t have dinner the other night. – Really?
那我到底在哪儿 谁是雪洛
Well, where the hell was l? And who’s this Cheryl?
不重要 走吧 孩子
Doesn’t matter. Run along, Sid.
我来拿我的厨师用具 我们的命令下来了 一小时后出海
I came to get my chafing dish. Our orders just came. We’re shipping out in one hour.
Are you comin’ along this time?
厨师用具不是你的 是我的
– The chafing dish is not yours. – It is.
不是你的 好 我不要
– It isn’t. – OK, I don’t want it.
给我 你别管这件事
– I’ll take it. – You stay out of it.
This is not the time or place.
我们总要比个高下的 朋友
I’ve got a big score to settle with you, my friend.
Excuse me.
I’ve hurt him.
托普 你走吧 我要想一想
Topper, you better go. I have to think.
Well, I don’t.
我像个瞎小子为你倾倒 对不起
– I’ve fallen for you like a blind roofer. – I’m sorry?
我的心像件湿裤子 落到脚踝上
My heart is fallin’ down around my ankles like a wet pair of pants.
My whole life, all I’ve wanted to do is fly.
轰炸 射倒敌人
Bomb stuff. Shoot people down.
但我们共同经历那么多 蕾玛拉 我需要你
But we’ve been through so much together. Ramada, I need you.
I want you.
Only you
Can make this world seem bright
Only you
Can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone
Can thrill me Iike you do
And fill my heart with Iove for only you
T opper!
I love you!
I love you.
You are my destiny
没那么简单 蕾玛拉
It’s not that easy, Ramada.
This is one night you’re not turning me out.
The magic that you do
You’re my dream come true
My one and only you
Oh- oh only you
Can make this change in me
For it’s true
You are my destiny
When you hold my hand
I understand
The magic that you do
You’re my dream come true
My one
And only
托普 我心里很乱 我需要时间独处
T opper, I’m so confused. I need time alone.
Somewhere in the Mediterranean
Admiral Benson!
真的 我也叫那名字
Really? That’s my name, too.
北佬 请注意 我是狐狸呼叫奶昔 请查700呎 请求准予降落
Yankee Doodle Floppy Disk, this is Foxtrot Zulu Milkshake. Request permission to land.
知道了 狐狸 我是奶昔 你们可以降落 欢迎莅临地中海
Roger that. You are cleared to land. Welcome to the Mediterranean.
落后仔 是你吗
Wash Out, is that you?
正是 他们让我负责雷达 从今天起 我是你们地面的眼睛
You bet! They put me in charge of radar. I’m your eyes on the ground.
全体到飞行甲板报到 全体到飞行甲板报到
AII crews report to the flight deck. AII crews report to the flight deck.
Have you no decency
The open sea.
神 希望你嗅到了 嘿 或许该上理发厅
Oh, God. I wish I could smell. I had my nostrils fried in Panmunjom.
Admiral Benson!
请你来见战技顾问 威尔斯和罗斯♥诺♥先生 他们来观察战技操演
Meet Mr Wilson and Mr Rosener of Rockman Aviation. They’ll be observing the operation.
Yes, of course.
我没事 没问题
It’s OK. I’m all right. No problem.
我踩到骰子滑倒 谁把骰子摆在那里
I slipped on the crab. Who put that crab there?
骰子 没看到骰子呀 别说没有 那里有两个骰子 是一双
– Crab? I didn’t see any crab. – There were two crabs. They work in pairs.
I went to Annapolis for Christ’s sake.
五角大厦拍来的 长官 我们刚译出来 好 你帮我看 我眼睛是陶制的
– From the Pentagon, sir. We just decoded it. – Help me with this. My eyes are ceramic.
四处参观一下好吗 要看什么呢 欣赏地中海
A bazooka round at Little Bighorn. Or was it Okinawa? The one without the lndians.
是最后命令 我们明早六点攻击
It’s final orders. We strike tomorrow at 0600.
太好了 五点半叫醒我
Excellent. Wake me up at, oh… 5:30.
脱掉飞行制♥服♥ 先生 你哪儿也不会去 你在说什么
– Get outta your flight suit. You’re not going. – What do you mean?
