也许 有点太高兴了
…a little too happy, perhaps.
欧 真可疑
Oh! Creepy.
I was starting to have my suspicions.
问题 她送那些点心给谁
Question: Who does she move the goodies for?
它们从哪来 被送去了哪
Where do they come from? Where are they going?
And why the hood?
Twitchy, you scared me.
嘿 头儿 我刚呼了你 收到了吗
Hey, boss, I beeped you. Get my beep?
-冷静点 -我起了个大早 拿了工具
-Calm down. -I got up early. Got the gear.
我正监视那个小姑娘 跟你交待的一样
I was watching the girl like you told me to.
不错 你看到她去哪里了
Yeah. Did you see where she went?
Past porcupines and the bird’s tree,
还遇到个留胡子的家伙 现在她正往小溪去
guy with the beard, now she’s up the creek!
She sings everywhere!
我先出发你守在后面 我们去看看她究竟为谁在工作
I’m way ahead of you. We gotta find out who she’s working for.
You got the camera?
The 220x and photograb with autofocus!
-彩色还是黑白的 -无所谓
-Color or black and white? -Doesn’t matter.
-我带了闪光灯 -那个不要带
-I brought a flash! -Put that away!
-这是偷♥拍♥ 不能用闪光灯 -秘密进行 明白
-It’s covert. No flash. -Undercover, got it.
神不知鬼不觉地 按下 嘿嘿
Nobody sees, nobody knows. Click-click. Hee-hee.
You ever thought about decaffeinated coffee?
I don’t drink coffee!

不好意思 借过 借过
Excuse me. Pardon me. Pardon.
I decided to get the word on the street from one of my top informants.
-过得好吗 伍尔沃斯 -伙计 你在这儿干嘛
-How’s it going, Woolworth? -Man, what are you doing here?
牧羊人经过会看到我跟你说话的 我正要抓个骗子呢
The shepherd comes by and sees me talking to you, I’m gonna get the crook.
是吗 还有更厉害的骗子正逍遥法外呢 我正盯着这事
Yeah? There’s a bigger crook on the loose that I’m concerned about.
-知道点心盗窃团的事吗 -我怎么会知道
-What ya hear about the Goody Bandit? -What do I know?
你好 维奇
Hiya, Twitchy.
The little girl in the red hood.
不知道 从没听说过她
Don’t know, never heard of her.
小红帽 处理中
Little Red? Processing…
对 对 现在想起来了
Yeah, yeah, it’s coming back to me now.
可爱的小姑娘 不像那个牧羊人
Sweet gal. Not like that Bo Peep.
那小子在这装了隐形栅栏 我都自给自足一个星期了
Brat put in an invisible fence. I tasted my own fillings for a week!
专心点 带兜兜帽的小姑娘
Focus! The girl in the hood.
你常在山里活动 她为谁工作
You get around the mountain. Who does she work for?
我怎么会知道 我可没那么好奇
How should I know? I ain’t that curious.
是家族生意 你听说过帕吉特外婆吗
Family business. Ain’t you ever heard of Granny Puckett?
-帕吉特 -她的外婆
-Puckett? -Her grandma.
帕吉特外婆 你存心要把我弄糊涂是吧
The Granny Puckett? You pulling the wool over my eyes?
哈哈 大笑话 这可是你自己说的 真好笑
Ha-ha. Hilarious. Come up with that yourself? That’s funny.
-你现在看起来很好吃 -干嘛那么快就翻脸
-You’re looking pretty tasty. -Why you gotta be like that?
All I know is that the old lady lives up high in the hills.
-很少有人去看她 -除了那个小姑娘
-Not a lot of visitors. -Except the little girl.
She’s been known to take the cable car up the mountain.
Cable car?
那些羊让我都觉得饿了 这事完了以后 我们去赌一把
Those sheep made me hungry. After this, we’re grabbing a bite.
听起来不错 听起来不错
Sounds good. Sounds good.
我不知道做什么好 要打给她吗
I don’t know what to do. Should I call her?
-还是我应该耍耍酷 -得把选择权留给她
-Am I supposed to play it cool? -Keeping her options open.
看看其他人 照做就行了
Seeing other people. You should do the same.
嘘 就在那
Shh. Up there.
Do you mind?
噢 抱歉
Ooh. Sorry.
嘿 你都去那么远送点心
Hey, you deliver up this far?
松饼店主 外婆的秘方
The Muffin Man… Granny’s recipes…
…an evil plan.
…shut down everyone in the forest…
I knew it.
她正是为那个老太太工作的 维奇
She’s working for the old lady. Twitchy.

噢 欧
Ooh! Uhh!
欧 欧 欧
Uhh! Ooh! Ugh!
So you’re the little girl in the red hood.
That’s quite a bit of falling you did just now.
Gravity’s working.
What are you doing in the big, bad forest?
You taking goodies to someone in particular?
嗯 我外婆
Um… Granny.
You don’t have anything else in that basket?
-你的问题太多了 先生 -我是个好奇的人
-You ask a lot of questions, mister. -Well, I’m a curious guy.
-让我看一下 -这可不行
-Let me have a look. -I’d rather you didn’t.
我的意思是”请” 回来这里
I mean, “please.” Come back here!
-你都在做些什么 -抱歉 我正在摇那东西
-What are you doing? -Sorry, I was winding.
快点 我们要跟不上她了
Come on! We’re gonna lose her!
小红帽 骑车的小红帽
Red! Red Riding Hood!
We’ll never catch her.
哇 就是她 我们超过她 停这里就行
Whoa! That was her. We passed her. Right here’s fine.
嫌犯走路过来了 偷来的秘方就在篮子里
Suspect is approaching on foot, stolen recipes in basket.
I’m about to catch her red-handed.
Hand over the basket!
-啊 -呀哈
-Aaah! -Hyahh!
So you really took a beating…
-是那个小姑娘干的 -嘿
-…from a little girl? -Hey!
-嘿-呀 -欧
-Hai-yah! -Ooh!
过来呀 小家伙
Get back here, you little brat!
一 二 扣 准备好了没 我来了
One, two, buckle to you Ready or not, here I come
Don’t you run away
A-B-C 我会念 也可以兑现之前所说的
A-B-C, I can read And the sign up ahead said
孩子 你就是1-2-3-4 敲敲门
Son, you’re the 1-2-3-4 Knock on the door
打开门 开始逃跑
Open up, gotta run away
好吧 这不酷 啊
OK. Not cool. Ahhh!
You can’t hold onto those recipes forever!
我会逮到你 还有你的外婆
I’ll get you, and your little Granny too!
好吧 确实可疑
Well, that’s fishy.
什么 她们是魔鬼 我能证明的
What? They’re evil. I’ll prove it!
-可以吃饭了吗 -当然 用失败填肚子怎么样
-So can we eat? -Sure. You hungry for failure?
不然用失业也行 因为这就是今天中午的大菜
Maybe a side of unemployment? ‘Cause that’s what’s for lunch.
-我们接着做什么 -我们就去所有线索的根源
-What do we do? -We go right to the source.
We gotta get to Granny’s before the kid.
-是惊喜对吧 -什么
-Is it a surprise? -Excuse me?
你们是要去外婆家给小红帽个惊喜 因为今天是她生日
You’re going over to Granny’s house to surprise Red. Is it her birthday,
是什么惊喜 有舞会吗 我可最擅长舞会
or what is it? Is there a shindig? ‘Cause I’m great at parties.
-看我把自己从帽子里变出来 -耶
-Watch me pull myself out of a hat! -Yeah.
充满惊喜的舞会 你知道怎么到那儿吗
Big surprise party. You know how to get there?
嗯 是的 是的 事实上 我还知道条近道
Oh, yeah. Yeah. In fact, I know a shortcut.
听到了吗 他知道近道
You hear that? He knows a shortcut.
Over the woods and through the river…
不 你们不会想趟过河 因为会湿透的
No, you don’t want to go through the river, you’ll get all wet.
你瞧 维奇 要是有柠檬就能得到柠檬汁
You see, Twitchy, you get lemons, you make lemonade.
然后柠檬汁会变苦 接着发酵最后成了喂猪的泔水
And then that lemonade goes bitter and ferments and turns to pig swill.
决不要相信一只兔子指的路 维奇
Never trust a bunny with directions, Twitchy.
一定不 头儿 绝不相信兔子
Sure thing, boss. Never trust a bunny!
好的一面是 至少我身上终于干了
The bright side is, at least I finally dried off.

Why couldn’t I write movie reviews?
我们现在进退两难 都是我的错
We are in a pickle, and I blame myself.
That bunny was worthless,
不值一提 他居然把路线图画在复活节彩蛋上
not to mention he wrote directions on an Easter egg,
-太难看明白了 -我们要死在这儿了
-which is hard to read. -We’re gonna die here!
嘿 现在的情况 就是他们说的阿♥拉♥莫吧
Hey, now, that’s what they said at The Alamo.
那 那是什么 谁
Wha… what was that? Who’s that?
