hobble 英 [ˈhɒbl] 美 [ˈhɑːbl]



  • As the countermeasures advance, regulators need to remember that their job is to hobble the bad guys without undermining the many beneficial uses of drones.
  • Stilettos may shrink or grow taller, but they continue to represent both the empowered woman and the hobbled one.


[verb] to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen
[动词] 使某人做某事或使某事发生更加困难


在古代,为了防止马等牲口走失,人们便用绳子等器具将牲口的两腿捆住,使其无法正常快速奔跑,也就达到了使之跑不远的目的。这种做法在英语中就用 hobble 表示。

两腿受到束缚的牲口行走起来就像是跛了腿,因此 hobble 进而用来表示“(尤指因腿受伤而)跛行、一瘸一拐地行走”,比如一瘸一拐地穿过马路(hobbled across the road)。

另外在生活中,经常可以看到一些客观原因或者说一些人为了种种自身利益,像捆住牲口的双腿一样“束缚、阻碍、妨碍”事物的发展,比如总统因国会的抵制而受掣肘(the President was hobbled by congressional resistance)、高昂的成本阻碍工业的发展(high costs hobble industry)。

当 hobble 用作名词时,自然便是指“跛行、跛行步态”或“束缚物、阻碍因素”,比如实现雄心大志的阻碍(hobbles to one’s ambition)。


This hobble of being alive is rather serious, don’t you think so?

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代的长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)。小说最初在杂志上连载,1891年开始以书籍发行,主要讲述英格兰有个贫家少女名叫苔丝,她美丽、单纯且富有责任感,却遭到命运的捉弄。




  1. hobble along: 蹒跚前行
  2. hobble with pain: 因疼痛跛行
  3. hobble on crutches: 使用拐杖跛行
  4. hobble due to injury: 因伤势跛行
  5. hobble slowly: 缓慢跛行
  6. hobble from an accident: 因事故而跛行
  7. hobble with a limp: 带着跛行的瘸子
  8. hobble after surgery: 手术后跛行
  9. hobble because of arthritis: 因关节炎而跛行
  10. hobble with a cane: 使用手杖跛行
  11. hobble from a fall: 因摔倒跛行
  12. hobble from a sprain: 因扭伤跛行
  13. hobble due to old age: 因年老而跛行
  14. hobble with a gait disorder: 因步态障碍跛行
  15. hobble with difficulty: 艰难跛行
  16. hobble with a leg injury: 因腿伤跛行
  17. hobble with a foot injury: 因脚伤跛行
  18. hobble after a sports injury: 运动受伤后跛行
  19. hobble from a twisted ankle: 因扭伤脚踝跛行
  20. hobble due to muscle strain: 因肌肉拉伤跛行
  21. hobble after a fall: 摔倒后跛行
  22. hobble due to a broken bone: 因骨折跛行
  23. hobble from a horseback accident: 因骑马事故跛行
  24. hobble from a car crash: 因车祸跛行
  25. hobble after a hiking injury: 徒步旅行受伤后跛行
  26. hobble with a leg cast: 腿部受伤后跛行
  27. hobble from a ski accident: 因滑雪事故跛行
  28. hobble due to a twisted knee: 因膝盖扭伤跛行
  29. hobble with a back injury: 背部受伤后跛行
  30. hobble from a bike accident: 因骑车事故跛行
  31. hobble from a sports collision: 运动碰撞后跛行
  32. hobble with a foot cast: 脚部受伤后跛行
  33. hobble due to joint pain: 因关节疼痛跛行
  34. hobble with an ankle sprain: 脚踝扭伤后跛行
  35. hobble after a workplace injury: 工作受伤后跛行
  36. hobble with a broken ankle: 脚踝骨折后跛行
  37. hobble from a running injury: 因跑步受伤跛行
  38. hobble with a hip injury: 髋部受伤后跛行
  39. hobble due to nerve damage: 因神经损伤跛行
  40. hobble with a leg infection: 腿部感染后跛行
  41. hobble from a slip and fall: 因滑倒而跛行
  42. hobble due to a hiking mishap: 徒步旅行意外跛行
  43. hobble with a calf injury: 小腿受伤后跛行
  44. hobble from a skating accident: 因滑冰事故跛行
  45. hobble with a knee brace: 膝部支架后跛行
  46. hobble from a playground fall: 在游乐场跌倒后跛行
  47. hobble with a muscle tear: 肌肉撕裂后跛行
  48. hobble from a construction accident: 建筑事故后跛行
  49. hobble due to a hiking fall: 徒步旅行摔倒跛行
  50. hobble with a foot cast: 脚部受伤后跛行


  • hamper: [often passive] to prevent sb from easily doing or achieving sth
  • hinder: to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something
  • impede: [often passive] (formal) to delay or stop the progress of sth
