
[noun] a humorous or malicious deception
[名词] 滑稽或恶意的欺骗


Hoax 是一个与小站前几天推送的 coax 有着相同结尾的单词,可以一并联想记忆。


  • 戏弄某人
    play a hoax on sb
  • 炸弹假警报
    a bomb hoax
  • 恶作剧电话
    hoax calls

用作动词时, hoax 相应表示“捉弄、戏弄、欺骗”或者说“对……搞恶作剧”,既可能含有将恶作剧视为一项趣味活动并沉迷于其中的意味,也可以暗示在向一个或多个人展示巧妙的骗局或捏造时有多么容易使其上当受骗,但更多的是用来强调一种为了谋取自己或个人利益的欺骗行为,巧妙到甚至可以骗到那些最持怀疑态度的人,比如:

  • 就连专家们也被愚弄了。
    Even the pundits were hoaxed.


If it is a hoax, you just turn around and leave.
出自2016年上映的美国恐怖片《招魂2》(The Conjuring 2)。


  • In 2012 he dismissed climate change as a hoax cooked up by the Chinese.
  • “The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade end?” he added on Monday.


hoax” 这个词的中文解释是 “恶作剧,骗局”。

以下是包含 “hoax” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. Play a hoax – 搞恶作剧
  2. Perpetrate a hoax – 实施骗局
  3. Spread a hoax – 传播骗局
  4. Create a hoax – 制造骗局
  5. hoax call – 恶作剧电话
  6. Fall for a hoax – 上当受骗
  7. hoax email – 恶作剧邮件
  8. hoax message – 恶作剧信息
  9. hoax news – 虚假新闻
  10. hoax website – 骗局网站
  11. hoax video – 虚假视频
  12. hoax rumor – 谣言骗局
  13. hoax alert – 虚假警报
  14. hoax threat – 虚假威胁
  15. hoax warning – 虚假警告
  16. hoax story – 虚假故事
  17. hoax publication – 虚假出版物
  18. hoax campaign – 虚假活动
  19. hoax theory – 虚假理论
  20. hoax message – 虚假信息
  21. hoax image – 虚假图片
  22. hoax report – 虚假报告
  23. Fall victim to a hoax – 成为骗局的受害者
  24. Debunk a hoax – 揭穿骗局
  25. Expose a hoax – 揭露骗局
  26. Believe in a hoax – 相信骗局
  27. Investigate a hoax – 调查骗局
  28. Disseminate a hoax – 散布骗局
  29. hoax information – 虚假信息
  30. hoax document – 虚假文件
  31. hoax story – 虚假故事
  32. hoax message – 虚假消息
  33. hoax publication – 虚假出版物
  34. hoax advertisement – 虚假广告
  35. hoax website – 骗局网站
  36. hoax video – 虚假视频
  37. hoax news – 虚假新闻
  38. hoax rumor – 谣言骗局
  39. hoax campaign – 虚假活动
  40. hoax warning – 虚假警告
  41. hoax alert – 虚假警报
  42. hoax threat – 虚假威胁
  43. hoax image – 虚假图片
  44. hoax theory – 虚假理论
  45. hoax message – 虚假信息
  46. hoax report – 虚假报告
  47. Expose a hoax – 揭露骗局
  48. Debunk a hoax – 揭穿骗局
  49. Investigate a hoax – 调查骗局
  50. hoax document – 虚假文件


prank: a practical joke or mischievous act
trick: a cunning or skillful act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone
fraud: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
