Let’s go!
-传给我 传给我 -我没看见
-I’m open, I’m open. -I don’t see it!
-抓紧时间 -跑位
-Take your time! -Run!
-进攻 -上 上
-Run! -Go go!
-上 -卫冕 卫冕
-Let’s go! -Defense! Defense!
Come on man!
-紧逼防守 紧逼防守 -注意控球
-Hustle hustle! -Control that ball!
-博尔顿 传给我 -组织起来 上
-Bolton! I’m open! -Set it up! Let’s go!
很好 上 移♥动♥ 注意移♥动♥
All right let’s go! Let’s move! Let’s move!
-注意穿插 -注意后面
-Watch the run in. -Watch the back door!
Get it!
That concludes the first half of play
In our final game with the west high knights
Leading defending champion east high wildcats 47:26.
Sixteen minutes remain in the game.
好了 放弃交叉挡拆战术
All right! No more x’s and o’s. OK?
Forget about the scoreboard
Because here’s a number that matters.
16分钟 比赛还剩下16分钟
Sixteen. There’s 16 minutes left in this game, guys.
There’s only 16 minutes left in the season.
对于篮球队的毕业生… 伙计们…
And for the seniors on this squad… guys…
You’ve only got sixteen minutes left in a wildcat uniform.
So make them count.
16分钟内 你们是一个团队
Sixteen minutes to be a team.
All right.
Hey guys.
Now you heard coach.
We’re all gonna remember the next sixteen minutes
For a long time after we leave east high.
此时不搏 更待何时
So it’s now or never.
-什么队 -野猫队
-What team? -Wildcats!
-什么队 -野猫队
-What team? -Wildcats!
-什么队 -野猫队
-What team? -Wildcats!
♪16 16 16分钟 争取胜利♪
♪Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left better get it done.♪
♪16 16 16分钟 整装待发♪
♪Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes get ready game on!♪
♪16 16 16分钟 时间紧迫♪
♪Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left running out of time.♪
♪16 16 16分钟 一触即发♪
♪Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes and it’s on the line.♪
♪16 16 16分钟 争取胜利♪
♪Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left got to get it done.♪
♪16 16 16分钟 唯我独尊♪
♪Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes till we’re number one!♪
♪W I L D 野猫队♪
♪W-I-L-D Wildcats!♪
围过来 快
Huddle up! Let’s go!
♪W I L D 野猫队 加油 加油♪
♪W-I-L-D Wildcats! Come on come on.♪
♪W I L D 野猫队♪
♪W-I-L-D Wildcats! Now’s the time.♪
♪低空运球 突破内线 投篮♪
♪Got to get it inside down low in the paint now shoot!♪
♪-合作 -回防♪
♪-Gotta work together -Defense!♪
♪Give me the ball.♪
♪快速突破 保持控球 弧线划过三分线♪
♪Fast break keep the ball in control let it fly from downtown.♪
♪Three more.♪
♪Show them we can do better.♪
加油 男孩们
Come on boys!
♪最后的决战 铭刻心中♪
♪The way we play tonight is what we leave behind.♪
♪叱诧赛场 唯我独尊♪
♪It all comes down to right now it’s up to us.♪
♪-上 -团队合作♪
♪-Let’s go! -So what are we gonna be.♪
♪T-E-A-M team!♪
♪全力出击 进攻♪
♪Gotta work it out turn it on.♪
♪最后一次 展现球技♪
♪This is the last time to get it right.♪
♪最后一晚 闪耀舞台♪
♪This is the last chance to make it our night.♪
♪我们使出 看家本领♪
♪We got to show what we’re all about.♪
♪Work together!♪
♪最后一场 赢取比分♪
♪This is the last chance to make our mark♪
♪篮坛史册 铭记我们♪
♪History will know who we are♪
♪巅峰之战 要打得完美♪
♪This is the last game so make it count it’s now or never♪
-犯规 -天啊
-Hey! That’s a foul! -Oh dear.
-还好吗 -加油 特洛伊
-You ok? -Come on Troy!
兄弟们 上
Let’s go buddy!
♪Right now I can hardly breathe♪
♪Oh you can do it just know that I believe♪
♪And that’s all I really need♪
♪-加油 -令我坚强♪
♪-Then come on -Make me strong♪
♪是时候 奋起直追♪
♪It’s time to turn it up game on!♪
♪野猫队把对手撕碎 你们是最棒的♪
♪Wildcats gonna tear it up go wildcats we’re number one♪
-太好了 -好
-Yeah! -All right!
-什么 -好
-What? -Yeah!
♪Let me hear you say hey hey hey yeah♪
我被三人包夹 没办法投篮
I’m tripled-teamed. I can’t get a shot off.
-你想怎么做 -让火箭人上场
-What do you want to do? -Let’s put in rocket man.
Rocket man?
-特洛伊 还差2分… -我知道
-Troy you’re two points away from… -I know.
-把球传给我就好 -好的
-Just get me the ball. -OK.
火箭人 过来 过来 火箭人 你上
Rocket man! Come on! Come on rocket man! You’re in!
-过来 -快去
-Get in here! -Go!
-去啊 -快
-Let’s go! -Move!
去去去 快去
Go go go! Move!
Calm down OK?
-好的 留意我 -比赛开始
-All right keep your eyes on me. -Game on!
♪最后一次 展现球技♪
♪This is the last time to get it right♪
♪最后一晚 闪耀舞台♪
♪This is the last chance to make it our night♪
♪我们使出 看家本领♪
♪We gotta show what we’re all about team! Work together♪
♪最后一场 赢取比分♪
♪This is the last chance to make our mark♪
♪篮坛史册 铭记我们♪
♪History will know who we are♪
♪巅峰之战 要打得完美♪
♪This is the last game so make it count it’s now or never♪
Come on!
Shoot it!
赢了 我们赢了 你没事吧
We won dude! We won! You ok?
That’s what I’m talking about. Yeah!
I’m pushing.
-骗人 -没骗你
-You can’t be pushing. -I’m pushing!
-再用力 -查德 撞树了
-Push harder! -Chad tree!
Home sweet home.
-我在为新的燃油泵省钱 -快点省够
-I’m saving for a new fuel pump. -Mm-hm. Save faster.
再响点 凯尔西
Hey turn it up Kelsi.
-你好吗 -好极了
-How you doing girl? -I’m good!
-反败为胜 -谢谢
-Great comeback! -Thanks.
-当心尾巴 危险 -没事的
-Watch that tail. It’s dangerous. -You know it!
-太棒了 -我们赢了
-Amazing! -We won!
-恭喜 -谢谢 我帮你拿些吃的 怎么样
-Congratulations! -Thanks. Can I fix you a plate?
-我什么都要 -我们在庆祝吗
-I want one of everything! -Are we celebrating?
What’s up hoops?
-又拿冠军 -是的 谢谢
-Back-to-back champions! -Yeah thanks.
教练 大学还有空柜子吗
Coach got a couple of empty lockers at U of A?
Hopefully not for long.
查理 丹佛在下赛季就能参战
Charlie Danforth will suit up next season.
Front row seat will be fine.
I saw tonight your guys
你放弃投篮 分球出去
That assists where you gave up the final shot
That’s the kind of players I’m looking for.
We’re going to see you in red hawk uniforms?
-就这么定了 -祝你们好运
-Done deal. -Amen to that.
-去玩吧 -好的
-Go have some fun. -OK.
-祝贺你 特洛伊 -谢谢
-Congratulations Troy! -Hey! Thanks.
特洛伊 房♥子棒极了 你房♥间很酷
Hey Troy. Great house bro. Your room is way cool.
谢谢 你进了我房♥间吗
Thanks man. You were in my room?
是的 我还拍下来了 看
