放个马鞍上去吧 凯恩 快点 上马鞍
Put a saddle on him, Kane. Go on, saddle him up.
He’d go a long way before he tires.
-这是你正想的 对吗 -有点
-You were thinking that. -Kind of.
-你害怕 -我想是的
-You’re scared? -I guess so.
当然 很合理
Sure. Stands to reason.
来吧 让我帮你
Come on. Let me help you.
Seems like everybody wants to get me out of town.
是啊 没人想看到你被杀
Nobody wants to see you get killed.
-你去哪儿 -不知道 回办公室 我想
-Where’re you going? -Back to the office, I guess.
哦 不 你要骑上马离开
Oh, no. You’re getting on that horse and getting out.
你怎么啦 你准备一个人应付吗
What’s the matter with you? You were ready to do it yourself.
瞧 哈威 我想过 因为我累了
Look, Harv. I thought about it because I was tired.
你累了的时候会想很多东西 我不能走
You think about a lot of things when you’re tired. But I can’t do it.
-为什么 -我不知道
-Why? -I don’t know.
上马 威尔
Get on that horse, Will!
有什么要紧的 你根本不在乎我的死活
Why is this so important? You don’t care if I live or die.
-快 -别强迫我 我讨厌被强迫
-Come on. -Don’t shove me,Harv. I’m tired of being shoved.
我讨厌这个镇子 我一直讨厌它
I hate this town. I’ve always hated it.
在镇子里 像一个这样的墨西哥女人
To be a Mexican woman in a town Like this…
-我明白 -是吗
-I understand. -You do?
很好 但我不明白你 无论你说什么
That’s good. I don’t understand you, no matter what you say.
如果凯恩是我的丈夫 我绝不会离开他
If Kane was my man, I’d never leave him.
I’d get a gun.
-我会战斗 -你为什么不去呢
-I’d fight -Why don’t you?
他不是我的丈夫 而是你的
He’s not my man. He’s yours.
You have some clean water?
当然 警长 当然 当然 坐下
Why, sure, marshal, sure, sure, sit down.
-遇到什么麻烦了 警长 -不 没有麻烦
-Running some kind of trouble, marshal? -No, not trouble.
-你在建什么吗 -哦 只是修东西
-What’re you building? -Oh, just fixing things.
现在 放松 凯恩先生 坐好 对了
Now, take it easy. Mr Kane. Settle back, that’s it.
弗雷德 弗雷德 停一下 好吗
Fred, Fred! Hold it a while. Would ya?
先停下 等我叫你干再干
You just stop ’til I tell you to start again.
-谢谢 -没什么 警长
-Thanks. -You’re welcome, marshal
哦 不 不用
Oh, no…
Tell your man he can go back to work now.
-威尔 -我想我差点把你忘了 贺泊
-Will! -I guess I forgot about you, Herb.
I’m sure glad you’re here.
我不知道什么把你耽搁了 但时间越来越短
I don’t figure out what was keeping you. Time’s getting pretty short.
-是的 -其他人什么时候来
-Sure is. -When are the other boys gonna get here?
-我们得订个计划 -其他人呢
-We gotta make plans. -The other boys?
没有其他人 只是你和我
There aren’t any others It’s just you and me.
-你在开玩笑 -不 我找不到别的人
-You’re joking. -No, I couldn’t get anybody.
我不相信 这城镇不是那么糟糕的
I don’t believe it! This town ain’t that low.
-我找不到别的人 -那么就只有你和我了
-I couldn’t get anybody. -Then it’s just you and me.
-我想是的 -你和我对付他们全部
-I guess so. -You and me against all of them?
-没错 你想退出吗 贺泊 -这个
-That’s right. Do you want out, Hern? -Well…
不是我想退出 不 你瞧
It isn’t that I want out, no. You see…
说实话 我没想到是这样的 威尔
I didn’t figure on anything like this.
Neither did I.
我自愿的 你知道 不是你来找我的
I volunteered, you know I did.
I was ready.
我 我准备好了
Sure, I…I’m ready now,
but this is different, Willl. This ain’t like what you said it was gonna be.
这简直是自杀 为什么我不是治安官
This is just committing suicide. I’m no law man.
I just live here.
I got nothing personal against nobody.
-我没有必要冒这个险 -我也认为没有
-I got no stake in this. -I guess not.
There’s a limit how much you can ask a man.
我有妻小 我的孩子怎么办
What about my kids?
回到你的孩子身边去吧 贺泊
Go on home to your kids, Herb.
如果你找到其他人 我就参加
You get some of the other fellows, and I go through with it.
回家吧 贺泊
Go on home, Herb.
What do you want?
我找过他们了 警长
I found them,
按你说的 但除了汉德森先生
all but Mr Henderson.
-我找过他了 谢谢 -不用
-I found him. Thanks. -You’re welcome.
警长 听着 让我和你一起战斗吧 我不怕
Marshal, listen, let me fight with you. I ain’t afraid.
-不 -求你了 让我加入吧 警长
-No. -Please, let me, marshal!
-你是的孩子 还是个小孩子 -我16岁了
-You’re a kid, you’re a baby. -I’m 16!
我也会用枪 你应该瞧瞧
I can handle a gun, too. You are seeing.
你才14岁 干吗要撒谎
You’re 14. What do you wanna lie for?
我比我的年纪大 求你了 警长
I’m big for my ago. Please, marshal!
是啊 你比你的年纪大
Well, you’re big for your age, all right,
但不行 走吧 离开这儿 走吧
but no, go on, get out of here. Come on!
嘿 查理 你可以回家了
Hey, Charlie. You can go home now.
谢谢 警长
Thank you, marshal!
真感谢你 真的
Sure appreciate it. Certainly do.
你不会碰巧知道酒吧是不是营业吧 威尔
You don’t happen to know if the saloon’s open?
-我说 回家 查理 -是
-I said, go home, Charlie. -Yes, sir.
-再见 海伦 -再见 山姆
-So long, Helen. -Goodbye, Sam.
Take care.
-喂 弗兰克 -你好吗 弗兰克
-Hello, Frank. -How are you, Frank?
-一切准备好了吗 -按你说的
-Everything ready? -Sure, just the way you wanted.
-我们把你的枪放在这儿 -那么我们开始吧
-Yeah we’ve got your gun over here. -Let’s get started then.
-你就不能等等吗 -只是想做好准备
-Can’t you wait? -Just wanna be ready.
凯恩 出来 否则你的朋友会像皮尔斯一样
Kane, come on out, come on…or your friend will get it the way Pierce did.
我出来了 放她走
I’ll come out, let her go.
你从那门里出来 我不开枪
As you soon as you walk through that door. Come on, I’ll hold my fire.
不要抛弃我 哦 我的爱人
Do not forsake me, oh my darlin’
你在我们订婚时 许下了承诺
You made that promise when we wed
不要抛弃我 哦 我的爱人
Do not forsake me, oh my darlin’
尽管你很苦恼 我不能离开
Although you “re grievin’, I can’t be leavin’
Until I shoot Frank Miller dead
等等 等等我
Wait along, wait along
