-牧师 你有什么要说的吗 -我不知道
-Parson, you got anything to say? -I don’t know.
The commandment says “thou shalt not kill”
but we hire men to do it for us.
The right and the wrong seem pretty clear here,
but if I should tell my people to go out and kill,
他们可能会被杀 很抱歉
and maybe get themselves killed, I’m sorry,
我不知道该说什么 很抱歉
I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry.
好啦 我来说
All right, I’ll say this.
What this town owes Will Kane,
it can never pay with money.
Don’t forget it.
He’s the best marshal we’ve ever had,
and maybe the best we’ll ever have.
所以如果米勒今天回来 那不是他的麻烦
So if Miller comes back here today, it’s our problem, not his.
而是我们的 因为这是我们的镇子
It’s our problem because this is our town.
We made it with our own hands, out of nothing.
If we want to keep it decent
we gotta think mighty clear today.
我们得有勇气去做正确的事 无论有多难
We gotta have the courage to do what is right, no matter how hard it is.
好吧 当凯恩和米勒相遇时 肯定会打起来
All right! There’s gonna be fighting when Kane and Miller meet.
有人可能会受伤 这是肯定的
And somebody’s going to get hurt, that’s for sure.
现在 北方的人正在考虑
Now… People up north are thinking about this town.
Thinking about sending money down here, to put up stores and factories.
It would mean a lot to this town, an awful lot,
but if they’ll read about shooting and killing in the streets,
what are they going to think?
告诉你们 他们会认为这又是一个无法无天的小镇
I’ll tell you. They’re gonna think this is just another wide-open town,
and everything we worked for will be wiped out.
In one day, this town will be sat back five years,
and I don’t think we can let that happen.
你们都知道 我对这个人的感受
Mind you, you all know how I feel about this man.
他是个非常勇敢的人 一个好人
He’s a mighty brave man, a good man.
He didn’t have to come back today.
看在他的份上 看在这个镇子的份上
And for his sake, and a sake of this town,
I wish he hadn’t.
因为当米勒到达时 他不在这里
Because if he’s not here when Miller comes,
my hunch is, there won’t be any trouble, not one bit.
明天我们会有一位新警长 如果我们向他提供帮助
Tomorrow we’ll have a new marshal and if we offer him our services,
I think we can handle anything that comes along.
我认为这样才有意义 才是解决这事的唯一办法
To me that makes sense. To me that’s the only way out of this.
威尔 我想你最好趁有时间快离开这里吧
Will, I think you better go while there’s still time.
这样对你也好 对我们也好
It’s better for you and…it’s better for us.
Why don’t you put that thing away?
-呯 呯 呯 -你死了 凯恩
-Bang, bang, bang! -You’re dead, Kane.
我刚叫那个孩子来找你 他没来
I just sent the kid to find you. Didn’t he come?
He was here.
你是我一辈子的朋友 是你让我♥干♥这个工作的
You’ve been my friend all my life. You got me this job.
You made them send for me.
当我是个孩子时 我就想像你一样 马特
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be like you, Mart.
You’ve been a law man all your life.
是的 一辈子 了不起的一辈子
Yeah, all my life. It’s a great life.
You risk your skin catching killers,
and the juries turn them loose,
so they can come back and shoot at you again.
如果你太老实 你这一辈子就可怜了
If you’re honest, you’re poor your whole life.
In the end you wind up dying all alone on some dirty street.
为了什么 什么也没有 就为了一颗星星
For what? For nothing. For a tin star.
听着 法官走了 哈威辞职了
Listen, the judge’s left town, Harvey’s quit,
and I’m having trouble getting deputies.
意料中事 只是太突然了
It figures. It’s all happened too sudden.
人们在做一些事之前 会跟他们谈谈法律和秩序
People got to talk themselves into law and order before they do anything.
也许他们不够关心 也许一点也不关心
Maybe because down deep they don’t care. They just don’t care.
我该怎么办 马特
What’ll I do, Mart?
I was hopin’ you wouldn’t come back
-你知道我为什么回来 -但不是为了自杀
-You know why I came back -But not to commit suicide.
有时 有时监狱可以改变一个人
Sometimes… Sometimes prison changes a man.
改变不了他 这是早计划好的
Not him. This is all planned,
that’s why they’re all here.
走吧 威尔 走吧
Get out, Will! Get out.
Will you come down to that depot with me?

你知道我对你的感受 但我不会和你一起去
You know how I feel about you, but I ain’t goin’ with you.
就像一个关节有毛病的人不需要关节炎一样 对吗
Seems like a man with busted knuckles didn’t need arthritis, don’t it?
不 我什么也无法为你做了
No, I couldn’t do nothin’ for you.
不要担心我 担心我的话 你会死掉的
You’d get yourself killed worryin’ about me.
It’s too one-sided like it is.
-再见 马特 -再见
-So long, Martin. -So long.
毫无意义 威尔 毫无意义
It’s all for nothin’, Will. It’s all for nothin’.
请问 拉米兹夫人的房♥间是多少号♥
Excuse me, what is Mrs Ramirez’s room number?
-3号♥ -谢谢
-Three. -Thank you.
Come in.
-什么事 -拉米兹夫人 我是凯恩夫人
-Yes? -Mrs Ramirez? I’m Mrs Kane.
I know.
-我可以进来吗 -如果你愿意
-May I come in? -If you like.
-请坐 凯恩夫人 -不 谢谢
-Sit down, Mrs Kane. -No, thank you.
-你想干什么 -请不要
-What do you want? -Please…
I’m afraid that if I sat down, I wouldn’t be able to get up again.
-为什么 -对我来说 来这儿不容易
-Why? -It wasn’t easy for me to come here.
-为什么 -你瞧 拉米兹夫人
-Why? -Look, Mrs Ramirez…
威尔和我一小时前才结婚 我们准备收拾离开
Will and I were married an hour ago. We were ready to leave…
然后就发生了这事 他不走了
then this thing happened and he wouldn’t go.
我什么都做了 我请求 我威胁
I did everything. I pleaded, I threatened,
I just couldn’t reach him.
-那现在呢 -楼下那个人 管♥理♥员♥
-And now? -That man downstairs, the clerk…
He said things about you and Will
I’ve tried to understand why he wouldn’t go with me,
and it’s got to be because of you.
-你想让我♥干♥什么 -让他走
-What do you want from me? -Let him go.
他还有机会的 让他走
He still has a chance. Let him go.
-我帮不了你 -求求你了
-I can’t help you. -Please.
He isn’t staying for me.
我已经一年没和他说过话了 直到今天
I haven’t spoken to him for a year, until today.
I’m leaving on the same train you are.
Then why is he staying?
如果你不知道 我也无法向你解释
If you don’t know, I can’t explain it to you.
还是谢谢你了 你真好
Thank you anyway. You’ve been very kind.
你算是什么女人 就这样离开他
What kind of woman are you? How can you leave him like this?
Does the sound of guns frighten you that much?
不 拉米兹夫人 我听过枪声
No, Mrs Ramirez. I’ve heard guns.
My father and my brother were killed by guns.
They were on the right side,
但枪响的时候 这帮不了他们
but that didn’t help them when the shooting started…
我兄弟才19岁 我看着他死去
My brother was 19. I watched him die.
那时起 我就成了一名贵格教♥徒♥
That’s when I became a Quaker.
I don’t care who’s right or who’s wrong.
There’s got to be some better way for people to live.
Will knows how I feel about it.
等一下 你在楼下等火车
Just a minute. Are you going to wait for the train downstairs?
-是的 -为什么不在这等
-Yes. -Why don’t you wait here?
我没得过凯恩的好处 但我得说 他很有勇气
I’ve got no use for Kane, but he’s got guts.
你真宽宏大量 乔
You’re mighty broadminded, Joe.
你 哈威 我总认为你有勇气
I always figured you had guts,
but I never gave you credit for brains until now.
What does that mean?
It takes a smart man to know when to back away.
如果我喝酒时找不到伙伴 我就再也不到这儿来的
If I can’t pick my company when I drink, I ain’t coming in here anymore.
好的 好吧 戴星星的小子
Okay… All right The boy with a tin star.
好的 如果你想的话
All right. If you want it.
好吧 你们还要点什么
All right. What are you going to have?
