不要抛弃我 哦 我的爱人
Do not forsake me, oh my darlin’
On this, our weddin’ day
不要抛弃我 哦 我的爱人
Do not forsake me, oh my darlin’
等等 等等我
Wait, wait along
The noon day train will bring Frank Miller
如果我是男人 我必须勇敢
If I’m a man, I must be brave
And I must face that deadly killer
要不就像一个懦夫 怯懦的懦夫
Orlie a coward a craven coward
Orlie a coward in my grave
哦 在爱情和职责中纠缠着
Oh, to be torn ‘tweenst love and duty
S’pposin’I lose my fair-hairbeauty
Look at that big hand move along Nearin’ high noon
他在州监狱发了毒誓 不是我死就是他亡
He made a vow while in state prison That it would be my life or his
我不害怕死亡 但 哦
I’m not afraid of death, but oh
如果你离开我 我该怎么办
What will I do if you leave me
不要抛弃我 哦 我的爱人
Do not forsake me, oh my darlin’
你在我们订婚时 许下了承诺
You made that promise when we wed
不要抛弃我 哦 我的爱人
Do not forsake me, oh my darlin’
尽管你很苦恼 我不能离开
Although you’re grievin’, I can’t be leavin’
Unti’l I shoot Frank Miller dead
等等 等等我
Wait along, wait along
等等 等等我
Wait along, wait along
Did you see what I saw?
快 乔 打开她 今天是个大日子
Come on, open her up. We’ll have a big day today.
-你很急吗 -是的 肯定是的
-You’re in a hurry? -Yeah, I sure am.
你是个笨蛋 来
You’re a fool. Come on.
好的 女士们 先生们 我们开始吧
All right, all right, ladies and gentlemen. Let us begin.
Would the bride and groom kindly step forward?
Will Kane and Amy Fowler,
you appear before me in my capacity
as Justice of the Peace of this township
to be joined together in the bounds of holy matrimony.
-真热啊 -热 你把这叫热
-Man, it sure is hot. -Hot? You call this hot?
我可能 -怎么啦
Well, I’ll be… -What’s the matter?
I thouht I saw Ben Miller.
-他应该在德州某处 -我知道
-He’s down Texas somewhere. -I know.
Looked Like Pierce and Colby, too.
哦 不可能
Oh, it couldn’t be.
My goodness gracious
Noon train on time?
是的 先生 我想是 先生
Yes, sir. That is, I think so, sir.
我不知道它为什么不应该 皮尔斯先生
Don’t know reason why it shouldn’t be…Mr Pierce.
你好 米勒先生 皮尔斯先生 科尔比先生
How’re you, Mr Miller…Mr Pierce…Mr Colby?
威尔·凯恩 你愿意娶艾米为你的合法妻子吗
Do you, Will Kane, take Amy to be your lawful wedded wife
今后同生共死 永不分离
to have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?
I do.
艾米·福勒 你愿意威尔成为你的合法丈夫吗
Do you Amy take Will to be your lawful wedded husband
今后同生共死 永不分离
to have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?
I do.
The ring, please.
Then by the authority invested in me by the laws of this territory,
I pronounce you man and wife.
我不能为其他的人说话 但我拥有一项古老的特权
I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I claim an ancient privilege.
Moving mighty fast for a Sunday.
-威尔 -所有这些人
-Will’ -All those people…
艾米 当人们结婚时应该单独在一起
Amy, people ought to be alone when they get married.
I know.
我会尝试 艾米 我会尽力尝试
I’m gonna try, Amy. I’ll do my best.
I will too.
蜜月正式结束了 来吧 各位
Honeymoon is officially over. Come on, everybody.
-别大惊小怪的 -结婚日没有隐私
-Don’t look so shocked. -No privacy on his wedding day.
好啦 再一次庆贺 威尔差不多是个自♥由♥人了
Well, one more ceremony, and Will’s a free man, more or less.
警长 交出你的警徽
Marshal, turn in your badge.
你们的新警长不在这儿 我不太喜欢这样做
I hate to do this without your new marshal being here.
福勒 豪和我是这个社区当选的委员会成员
Fuller, Haland I are the entire board of selectmen in this community.
We’re also your very good friends.
With the fine job you’ve done I feel free to say,
and the judge will bail me out,
到明天为止 这个镇子还是安全的
this town will be safe ’til tomorrow.
你赢了 但别娶一个贵格会教♥徒♥
You win. But don’t marry a Quaker,
she’ll have you running a store.
-我无法想象你会那样 威尔 -我能
-I can’t picture you doing that, Will -I can.
我也一样 这也是件好事
So can I, and a good thing, too.
Thank you.
当你带着星星时 就不会那样说了
You didn’t talk that way when you wore a star.
好吧 取下来 但我得先得到报酬
All right, it’s coming off. But I gotta to be paid first.
-让我下来 -除非你亲我
-Let me down! -Not until you kiss me.
威尔 让我下来 你这傻瓜
Will, let me down, you fool!
-你应该当个律师 -我应该当个商店老板
-You should have been a lawyer. -I was meant to be a storekeeper.
警长 你的电报
Marshal, a telegram for you.
太可怕了 令人震惊
It’s terrible, it’s shocking.
-他们饶恕了弗兰克·米勒 -什么
-They’ve pardoned Frank Miller. -What is it?
I don’t believe it.
We could go too.
-还好他们让你知道 -这还不是全部
-Nice of them to let you know. -That ain’t all.
本·米勒和吉米·皮尔斯 杰克·科尔比在火车站
Ben Miller is down the depot with Pierce and Colby.
-他们问正午的火车 -正午的火车
-He asked about the noon train. -The noon train?
威尔 你得离开镇子 马上离开镇子
Well… You get out of this town. Get out of this town this very minute.
-来吧 -怎么啦
-Come on! -What is it?
Let it going, never mind that now.
怎么啦 豪先生
What is it, Mr Howe?
只管走吧 一切都会好的
Just get out, and everything will be fine.
-我们会处理好一切的 -我应该留下
-We’ll take care of everything. -I think I ought to stay.
你疯了吗 想想艾米吧
Are you crazy? Think of Amy.
再见 艾米 别担心 一切都会好的
Goodbye, Amy. Don’t worry, everything will be allright
祝你好运 小子 快点
Good luck, boy. Hurry!
哼 真有趣
Hm… That’s funny.
-什么 -哦 你现在看不到了
-What? -Oh, you can’t see now.
Kane and his new wife just took off in a big hurry.
-什么有趣 -我是说”匆匆忙忙”
-What’s so funny? -I mean, a big hurry.
嘿 你不觉得凯恩害怕那三个家伙吗
Hey, you don’t suppose Kane’s scared of those three gunnies?
I never saw him whip a horse that way.
-山姆 -进来 海伦
-Sam? -Come in, Helen.
本·米勒在镇子里 还带着两个手下
Ben Miller is in town. He has two of the old bunch with him.
I guess I’ll take a look around.
-你干吗停下来 -没用的 我得回去 艾米
-Why are you stopping? -It’s no good. I’ve got go back, Amy.
-为什么 -真疯了 我没带枪
-Why? -This is crazy. I haven’t got any guns.
-那我们继续走 得快点 -不
-Then let’s go on. Hurry. -No.
That’s what I’ve been thinking.
他们让我逃 我以前从来没有逃避过任何人
They’re making me run. I’ve never run from anybody before.
-我一点也不明白 -没时间跟你解释了
-I don’t understand any of this. -I don’t have time to tell you.
那么就别回去了 威尔
Then don’t go back, Will
我得回去 必须这样
I’ve got to. That’s the whole thing.
Kane’s back!
-我不敢相信 -我刚看见他
-Don’t believe it. -Just seen him!
-我们有多少口棺材 -两口
-How many coffins have we got? -Two.
我们至少还得再要两口 不管你怎么弄到
We’ll need at least two more, no matter how you figure it.
你最好快去忙吧 弗菜德
You better get busy, Fred.
求你了 威尔 告诉我到底是怎么回事
Please, Will, if you’d just tell me what this is all about.
五年前 一个人因为谋杀被我送进了监狱
I sent a man up five years ago for murder.
He was supposed to hang.
但在北方 他们给他减刑 现在他被释放了
But up north, they commuted it to life and now he’s free.
我不明白为什么 但好像他回来了
I don’t know how. It looks like he’s coming back.
-我还是不明白 -他是个
-I still don’t understand. -He’s a…
他是个野蛮的疯子 他会来找麻烦的
He was always wild and kind of crazy. He’ll probably make trouble.
但那已经与你无关了 再也没有关系了
But that’s no concern of yours. Not any more.
I’m the one who sent him up.
但那是你以前的工作 现在已经结束了
But that was part of your job.
They’ve got a new marshal
他要明天才到 所以我不得不留下
He won’t be here until tomorrow. Seems to me I’ve got to stay.
