
adj. 死板的;保守的;顽固的;墨守成规的



hidebound 守旧的,迂腐的


单词解释: “Hidebound” 是一个形容词,用来描述那些对新思想或改变保守、顽固、不愿意接受新观念的人或事物。

以下是包含单词 “hidebound” 的短语及其中文解释:

  1. A hidebound tradition: 顽固的传统
  2. A hidebound organization: 顽固的组织
  3. To be hidebound by tradition: 被传统束缚
  4. A hidebound mindset: 顽固的思维方式
  5. Hidebound conservatism: 顽固的保守主义
  6. A hidebound approach: 顽固的方法
  7. Hidebound by rules: 被规则所束缚
  8. A hidebound bureaucracy: 顽固的官僚体系
  9. Hidebound resistance to change: 顽固的拒绝变革
  10. A hidebound management style: 顽固的管理风格
  11. Hidebound by outdated policies: 被过时政策所束缚
  12. A hidebound corporate culture: 顽固的企业文化
  13. Hidebound in their thinking: 思维保守
  14. A hidebound educational system: 顽固的教育体制
  15. Hidebound by old-fashioned beliefs: 被守旧信仰所束缚
  16. A hidebound approach to technology: 对技术的保守态度
  17. Hidebound resistance to innovation: 抵制创新的顽固态度
  18. A hidebound political ideology: 顽固的政治意识形态
  19. Hidebound in their adherence to rules: 坚守规则的顽固
  20. A hidebound corporate hierarchy: 顽固的公司等级制度
  21. Hidebound by outdated regulations: 被过时法规所束缚
  22. A hidebound adherence to tradition: 对传统的顽固坚持
  23. Hidebound thinking in the workplace: 工作场所的顽固思维
  24. A hidebound resistance to diversity: 对多样性的顽固抵制
  25. Hidebound in their refusal to adapt: 拒绝适应的顽固
  26. A hidebound approach to healthcare: 对医疗的保守态度
  27. Hidebound resistance to environmental policies: 对环境政策的顽固抵制
  28. A hidebound adherence to the status quo: 对现状的顽固坚持
  29. Hidebound in their views on social issues: 在社会问题上的顽固看法
  30. A hidebound interpretation of the law: 对法律的顽固解释
  31. Hidebound by an outdated business model: 被过时的商业模式所束缚
  32. A hidebound adherence to religious doctrines: 对宗教教条的顽固坚持
  33. Hidebound in their approach to customer service: 对客户服务的顽固态度
  34. A hidebound approach to curriculum: 课程的保守方式
  35. Hidebound resistance to progressive ideas: 对进步观念的顽固抵制
  36. Hidebound by traditional gender roles: 被传统性别角色所束缚
  37. A hidebound interpretation of history: 对历史的顽固解释
  38. Hidebound in their opposition to change: 反对改变的顽固
  39. A hidebound approach to artistic expression: 对艺术表达的保守方式
  40. Hidebound by hierarchical structures: 被分层结构所束缚
  41. A hidebound attachment to the past: 对过去的顽固依附
  42. Hidebound in their resistance to technological advances: 抵制技术进步的顽固
  43. Hidebound by traditional gender norms: 被传统性别规范所束缚
  44. A hidebound interpretation of literature: 对文学的顽固解释
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
