
n. 裂缝,空隙;脱漏部分




hiatus 间隔,空隙


单词解释: “Hiatus” 是一个名词,指的是一段时间的间断或中断,通常用于表示在一系列事件、活动或情况中的休息期。

以下是包含单词 “hiatus” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. A brief hiatus: 短暂的间断
  2. A hiatus in production: 生产的中断
  3. A hiatus in the schedule: 日程的暂停
  4. A hiatus in conversation: 对话的间歇
  5. A hiatus in the storm: 暴风雨的停顿
  6. A hiatus in employment: 就业的中断
  7. A hiatus in service: 服务的间断
  8. A hiatus in the project: 项目的中断
  9. A hiatus in the music: 音乐的停顿
  10. A hiatus in the action: 动作的暂停
  11. A hiatus in the game: 游戏的间断
  12. A hiatus in the traffic: 交通的中断
  13. A hiatus in the conversation: 谈话的暂停
  14. A hiatus in the campaign: 活动的中断
  15. A hiatus in the service: 服务的间歇
  16. A hiatus in the event: 事件的中断
  17. A hiatus in the tour: 巡演的暂停
  18. A hiatus in the performance: 表演的间断
  19. A hiatus in the flight schedule: 航班时间的中断
  20. A hiatus in the lecture series: 讲座系列的间歇
  21. A hiatus in the journey: 旅程的中断
  22. A hiatus in the rainfall: 降雨的暂停
  23. A hiatus in the program: 节目的间断
  24. A hiatus in the concert: 音乐会的中断
  25. A hiatus in the negotiations: 谈判的间歇
  26. A hiatus in the education system: 教育系统的中断
  27. A hiatus in the film series: 影片系列的暂停
  28. A hiatus in the operation: 手术的间断
  29. A hiatus in the exploration: 探索的中断
  30. A hiatus in the presentation: 演示的暂停
  31. A hiatus in the competition: 竞赛的间歇
  32. A hiatus in the discussion: 讨论的中断
  33. A hiatus in the tradition: 传统的暂停
  34. A hiatus in the painting: 绘画的间断
  35. A hiatus in the services offered: 提供的服务的中断
  36. A hiatus in the television series: 电视系列的暂停
  37. A hiatus in the research: 研究的间歇
  38. A hiatus in the performance schedule: 表演时间的中断
  39. A hiatus in the broadcast: 广播的暂停
  40. A hiatus in the business operation: 商业运营的间断
  41. A hiatus in the publication schedule: 出版时间的中断
  42. A hiatus in the examination process: 考试过程的暂停
  43. A hiatus in the school calendar: 学校日历的间歇
  44. A hiatus in the restaurant operation: 餐厅运营的中断
  45. A hiatus in the art exhibition: 艺术展览的暂停
  46. A hiatus in the theatrical production: 戏剧制作的间歇
  47. A hiatus in the public transportation system: 公共交通系统的中断
  48. A hiatus in the stock market: 股市的暂停
  49. A hiatus in the political campaign: 政治活动的间歇
  50. A hiatus in the concert tour: 音乐会巡演的中断


hiatus (hie ATE us) It’s a gap, a space, whether in time or continuity in general.

  • There was a three-year hiatus in Valerie and Paul’s friendship, but they picked right up where they had left off.
  • The crudely lettered sign has a hiatus between the “o” and the “c,” making “local corn” look like “lo-cal corn.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
间断(hie ATE us)这是一个间隙,一个空间,无论是在时间上还是在一般的连续性上。

  • 瓦莱丽和保罗的友谊中断了三年,但他们从中断的地方重新开始
  • 字母粗糙的标志在“o”和“c”之间有一个缺口,使“当地玉米”看起来像“本地玉米”

