
  1. Put a hex on someone (对某人下咒)
  2. Break a hex (解除咒语)
  3. hex someone with a curse (用诅咒咒某人)
  4. hex symbols and rituals (咒符和仪式)
  5. Cast a hex (施放咒语)
  6. Under a hex (受到诅咒)
  7. The power of a hex (咒语的力量)
  8. hex someone’s life (使某人的生活不如意)
  9. A hex on your happiness (对你的幸福下咒)
  10. Beware of the hex (小心诅咒)
  11. hexes and spells (咒语和法术)
  12. hex someone’s dreams (扰乱某人的梦境)
  13. The dark arts of hexing (咒术的黑暗艺术)
  14. hexed by bad luck (被厄运诅咒)
  15. The hexing of objects (对物体的诅咒)
  16. Living under a hexed roof (生活在被诅咒的屋顶下)
  17. hexing away evil spirits (用咒语驱逐恶灵)
  18. The hexing of enemies (对敌人的诅咒)
  19. The hexing of love (对爱情的诅咒)
  20. hexing the mind (扰乱思维)
  21. The hexed amulet (被咒的护身符)
  22. A hexed path (被诅咒的道路)
  23. Breaking free from a hex (摆脱咒语的束缚)
  24. hexing the weather (对天气的诅咒)
  25. The hexed artifact (被诅咒的手工艺品)
  26. hexed by a witch (被女巫咒诅)
  27. The hexing of time (对时间的诅咒)
  28. hexing the senses (扰乱感官)
  29. The hexed forest (被诅咒的森林)
  30. hexing away misfortune (用咒语驱散不幸)


hex(rhymes with flex) You don’t want to tangle with it because it means “an evil spell” when it’s used as a noun or “to put an evil spell on some-one” when it’s used as a verb. (Maybe you’ve heard of “hex signs” on barns in some areas of the country. They’re designed to ward off your enemy’s attempt to hurt you.)

  • Did the three witches put a hex on Macbeth and cause his downfall, or was everything his own fault?
  • Taylor laughingly said that she would hex her winning volleyball serve if she didn’t wear a purple heart Band-Aid on her arm.

(Extra knowledge: a “hexagon” is not an accursed geometrical figure. It’s just a coincidence that classical Greek “hexa” means “six.”)

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
