
n. 异教徒;粗野的人
adj. 异教的;野蛮的




1. 谐音“黑神”—-连神都敢黑,这人还真够黑的,这种事情只有异教徒、不信神、不信上帝的人才干得出来。
2. heath => heathen.
3. Etymologically, a heathen is ‘someone who lives on the heath’ – that is, someone who lives in a wild upcountry area, and is uncivilized and savage.


heathen 未开化的人,异教徒


单词解释: “Heathen” 是一个名词,通常用来指代不信仰基督宗教、犹太教或伊斯兰教等主要宗教的人,或指那些没有宗教信仰的人。它也可以用作形容词,表示与某些特定的宗教或信仰体系不符。

以下是包含单词 “heathen” 的短语及其中文解释:

  1. Convert the heathen: 改信仰异教徒
  2. Heathen beliefs: 异教信仰
  3. Heathen practices: 异教习俗
  4. Heathen culture: 异教文化
  5. Heathen gods: 异教神祇
  6. Heathen traditions: 异教传统
  7. Heathen rituals: 异教仪式
  8. Heathen worship: 异教崇拜
  9. Heathen symbols: 异教符号
  10. Heathen mythologies: 异教神话
  11. Heathen holidays: 异教节日
  12. Heathen temples: 异教寺庙
  13. Heathen deities: 异教神明
  14. Heathen prayers: 异教祈祷
  15. Heathen festivals: 异教节庆
  16. Heathen legends: 异教传说
  17. Heathen sacrifices: 异教祭祀
  18. Heathen myths: 异教神话
  19. Heathen customs: 异教风俗
  20. Heathen philosophy: 异教哲学
  21. Heathen icons: 异教图标
  22. Heathen beliefs and practices: 异教信仰和习俗
  23. Heathen gods and goddesses: 异教神和女神
  24. Heathen art: 异教艺术
  25. Heathen symbols and their meanings: 异教符号及其含义
  26. Heathen rituals and ceremonies: 异教仪式和典礼
  27. Heathen traditions around the world: 世界各地的异教传统
  28. Heathen beliefs and spirituality: 异教信仰和灵性
  29. Heathen temples and sacred places: 异教寺庙和神圣场所
  30. Heathen mythology and folklore: 异教神话和民间传说
  31. Heathen festivals and celebrations: 异教节日和庆祝活动
  32. Heathen deities in history: 历史中的异教神祇
  33. Heathen prayers and invocations: 异教祈祷和祷告
  34. Heathen symbols and their interpretations: 异教符号及其解释
  35. Heathen practices and rituals: 异教习俗和仪式
  36. Heathen traditions and their significance: 异教传统及其意义
  37. Heathen culture and art: 异教文化和艺术
  38. Heathen gods and goddesses in mythology: 神话中的异教神和女神
  39. Heathen symbols and their cultural context: 异教符号及其文化背景
  40. Heathen rituals and their role in society: 异教仪式及其在社会中的作用
  41. Heathen beliefs and their impact on history: 异教信仰及其对历史的影响
  42. Heathen traditions and modern practices: 异教传统和现代习俗
  43. Heathen philosophy and its relevance today: 异教哲学及其在今天的相关性
  44. Heathen icons and their cultural symbolism: 异教图标及其文化象征
  45. Heathen customs and their evolution over time: 异教风俗及其随时间的演变
  46. Heathen deities and their stories: 异教神明及其故事
  47. Heathen myths and their moral teachings: 异教神话及其道德教导
  48. Heathen symbols and their spiritual significance: 异教符号及其灵性意义
  49. Heathen rituals and their connection to nature: 异教仪式及其与自然的联系
