
vt. 用鱼叉叉;用鱼叉捕获
n. 鱼叉



harpoon 鱼叉,渔猎标枪


单词解释: “Harpoon” 是一个名词,指的是一种用于捕鲸或大型海洋生物的武器,通常是一根长矛或短枪,用来刺入目标并将其捕杀。

以下是包含单词 “harpoon” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Throw a harpoon: 抛出鱼叉
  2. Whale hunting with harpoons: 用鱼叉捕鲸
  3. Harpoon a giant squid: 用鱼叉捕获巨型鱿鱼
  4. A whaler’s harpoon: 捕鲸船员的鱼叉
  5. Harpoon a marlin: 用鱼叉捕获旗鱼
  6. Loading a harpoon gun: 装填鱼叉枪
  7. Hunters use harpoons: 猎人使用鱼叉
  8. Traditional harpoon fishing: 传统的鱼叉捕鱼
  9. Harpoon for deep-sea fishing: 用于深海捕鱼的鱼叉
  10. Throw the harpoon with precision: 精准地投掷鱼叉
  11. A harpoon struck the target: 鱼叉刺中了目标
  12. Harpoon the beast: 用鱼叉刺杀野兽
  13. Inuit harpoon techniques: 因纽特人的鱼叉技巧
  14. Harpoon technology has evolved: 鱼叉技术已经演变
  15. Attach a line to the harpoon: 将绳子系到鱼叉上
  16. Hunting whales with harpoons: 用鱼叉捕鲸
  17. Harpoon the shark: 用鱼叉捕获鲨鱼
  18. A barbed harpoon head: 有倒刺的鱼叉头
  19. Historical whaling harpoons: 历史上的捕鲸鱼叉
  20. Harpoon the target accurately: 精确地用鱼叉刺中目标
  21. Use harpoons for fishing: 使用鱼叉捕鱼
  22. Harpoon the enemy ship: 用鱼叉袭击敌船
  23. Hunters harpoon seals: 猎人用鱼叉捕海豹
  24. Harpoon the creature: 用鱼叉刺杀生物
  25. A harpoon line attached to a boat: 系在船上的鱼叉绳
  26. The harpoon struck the bullseye: 鱼叉命中了靶心
  27. Traditional harpoon designs: 传统的鱼叉设计
  28. Harpoon fishing in the Arctic: 在北极地区的鱼叉捕鱼
  29. Harpoon the enemy’s defenses: 用鱼叉攻击敌人的防线
  30. An old harpoon weapon: 旧式的鱼叉武器
  31. The harpoon line is strong: 鱼叉绳很结实
  32. Whalers used harpoons: 捕鲸者使用鱼叉
  33. Harpoon the escaping fish: 用鱼叉捕捉逃跑的鱼
  34. A harpoon pierced the hull: 一根鱼叉刺穿了船体
  35. Harpoon hunting traditions: 鱼叉狩猎传统
  36. Launch the harpoon: 发射鱼叉
  37. A harpoon struck the giant whale: 鱼叉刺中了巨大的鲸鱼
  38. Harpoon a trophy fish: 用鱼叉捕获奖杯鱼
  39. Harpoon the enemy’s weak points: 用鱼叉攻击敌人的弱点
  40. Securing the harpoon line: 固定鱼叉绳
  41. Aim the harpoon carefully: 小心瞄准鱼叉
  42. Harpoon a killer whale: 用鱼叉捕杀虎鲸
  43. A harpoon struck the enemy ship: 一根鱼叉刺中了敌船
  44. Harpoon techniques have advanced: 鱼叉技术已经进步
  45. The harpoon rope is long: 鱼叉绳很长
  46. Harpoon the elusive target: 用鱼叉刺杀难以捉摸的目标
  47. Harpoon a giant shark: 用鱼叉捕获巨大的鲨鱼
  48. Retract the harpoon line: 收回鱼叉绳
  49. Harpoon the prey: 用鱼叉捕获猎物
  50. A harpoon gun for underwater hunting: 用于水下狩猎的鱼叉枪
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