

[noun] a set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draught animal is fastened to a cart, plough, etc. and is controlled by its driver
[名词] 挽具


Harness 一词源自古法语 harnois (武器、装备;挽具;家用设备),14世纪进入英语后最初用来指“个人作战装备、盔甲”以及“战马的盔甲或装饰”。

随后, harness 就被用来表示现在的基本含义指“挽具、马具”,即套在马等役畜身上由其驾驶员控制的用来拉车、犁等的器具。

将这个概念用作动词时, harness 除了相应表示“给马等上挽具”以及“用挽具把……套到……上”,比如:

  • 我们把两匹烈马套到了车上。
    We harnessed two restive horses to the cart.
  • 跟你说实话,我感觉我被我的工作套牢了。
    To be candid with you, I feel harnessed to my job.


  • 他利用日光作为能源的尝试以大败告终。
    His attempts to harness the sun’s rays as a source of energy ended in a fiasco.
  • 我们必须尽量发挥全体职工的技能和创造力,来使行将倒闭的公司起死回生。
    We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce to pull the moribund company back from the brink.

值得注意的是,在英式英语中有两个由 harness 发展出来的有趣习语,一个是 in harness 常指休息或假期结束后“正常工作的、在日常工作中”,另一个是 in harness (with sb) 表示与某人“联手、通力合作”,即为了实现某个特定的目标而与人密切合作,比如:

  • 这名勤奋努力的运动员回到工作岗位上感觉良好。
    The industrious player feels good to get back in harness.
  • 你应该与他通力合作,以铲除你们共同的劲敌。
    You should work in harness with him to eliminate your common nemesis.

此外, harness 也可以用在人身上表示“系带、背带、保护带”,即一组安装在人的手臂下并固定在身体周围以起固定或保护作用的挽具状带子,比如婴儿学步用的系带(a baby harness)、降落伞吊带(a parachute harness)。


A Yellow River well harnessed is a millennia-long aspiration of the Chinese people.



  • To harness the promise and minimise the peril, it pays to learn the lessons of the past.
  • A worker at the mine had fallen from a high perch after not wearing the required safety harness, he said.



  1. Harness a horse – 使用马具。例如:”The farmer harnessed the horse to the plow.”(农夫给马套上了犁具。)
  2. Harness energy – 利用能源。例如:”We need to harness renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint.”(我们需要利用可再生能源来减少碳排放。)
  3. Harness the power – 开发力量。例如:”The team harnessed the power of technology to revolutionize the industry.”(团队利用技术的力量彻底改变了这个行业。)
  4. Harness creativity – 发挥创造力。例如:”The workshop aimed to help participants harness their creativity through various exercises.”(这个研讨会旨在通过各种练习帮助参与者发挥创造力。)
  5. Harness technology – 利用技术。例如:”The company harnessed cutting-edge technology to improve their product offerings.”(该公司利用尖端技术改进了他们的产品。)
  6. Harness the wind – 利用风力。例如:”The wind farm harnesses the power of the wind to generate electricity.”(风力发电厂利用风能发电。)
  7. Harness the sun – 利用太阳能。例如:”Solar panels harness the energy from the sun to generate electricity.”(太阳能电池板利用太阳能发电。)
  8. Harness the tides – 利用潮汐能。例如:”The coastal town is considering harnessing tidal energy as a renewable power source.”(这个沿海城镇正在考虑利用潮汐能作为可再生能源。)
  9. Harness natural resources – 利用自然资源。例如:”The country aims to harness its natural resources to boost economic development.”(该国旨在利用其自然资源来促进经济发展。)
  10. Harness your potential – 发掘你的潜力。例如:”With the right mindset and guidance, you can harness your full potential and achieve great things.”(凭借正确的心态和指导,你可以发挥出自己的全部潜力并取得巨大成就。)


  1. Harness of a horse – 马具。例如:”He carefully adjusted the harness on the horse before riding.”(他在骑马前仔细调整了马具。)
  2. Safety harness – 安全带。例如:”Workers at heights should always wear a safety harness.”(在高处工作的人应始终佩戴安全带。)
  3. Electrical harness – 电线束。例如:”The technician repaired the damaged electrical harness in the car.”(技术员修理了汽车上损坏的电线束。)



  1. Harness a horse – 使用马具
  2. Harness energy – 利用能源
  3. Harness the power – 开发力量
  4. Harness creativity – 发挥创造力
  5. Harness technology – 利用技术
  6. Harness the wind – 利用风力
  7. Harness the sun – 利用太阳能
  8. Harness the tides – 利用潮汐能
  9. Harness natural resources – 利用自然资源
  10. Harness your potential – 发掘你的潜力
  11. Harness your skills – 运用你的技能
  12. Harness the crowd – 整合众包资源
  13. Harness the Internet – 利用互联网
  14. Harness data – 利用数据
  15. Harness the power of collaboration – 发挥协作的力量
  16. Harness the imagination – 激发想象力
  17. Harness the power of teamwork – 发挥团队合作的力量
  18. Harness the potential of artificial intelligence – 发掘人工智能的潜力
  19. Harness your emotions – 控制情绪
  20. Harness the market – 利用市场
  21. Harness the opportunities – 抓住机会
  22. Harness the momentum – 抓住势头
  23. Harness the power of networking – 利用社交网络的力量
  24. Harness your focus – 集中注意力
  25. Harness your willpower – 发挥毅力
  26. Harness the potential of education – 发掘教育的潜力
  27. Harness the power of persuasion – 发挥说服力
  28. Harness the power of positive thinking – 发挥积极思考的力量
  29. Harness your time – 管理时间
  30. Harness the power of knowledge – 发挥知识的力量


exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)
utilize: make practical and effective use of
mobilize: bring (resources) into use for a particular purpose

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
