
vt. 使困扰;使烦恼;反复袭击




1. hare “野兔”,做动词讲是“飞跑”之意,因为野兔跑得很快,但是 hare (v.) 的古义并不是“飞跑”,而是“harry, harass, frighten”,这是源于 harry 或者与 harry 同源,因此可以说 hare (v.) 是先受 harry 的影响,后受到 hare (n.) 的影响,在这两个单词的影响下就变成了如今的含义,野兔在受到骚扰、惊吓的情况下肯定会飞跑逃命的。
2. hare (v.) 今义“飞跑”=> 古义:harry, harass, frighten => har-“harry, harass, frighten”: harry (双写r加-y), harass.
3. 因此 harry 与 harass 是同源近义词,都表示骚扰、侵扰;使烦恼、苦恼。
4. harrow <====> harass.


harass 侵扰,骚扰


单词解释: “Harass” 是一个动词,指的是不断烦扰、骚扰或使烦恼、困扰。

以下是包含单词 “harass” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Sexual harassment: 性骚扰
  2. Workplace harassment: 职场骚扰
  3. Harassment complaint: 骚扰投诉
  4. Online harassment: 网络骚扰
  5. Racial harassment: 种族骚扰
  6. Verbal harassment: 言语骚扰
  7. Bullying and harassment: 恶霸行为和骚扰
  8. Persistent harassment: 持续骚扰
  9. Emotional harassment: 情感骚扰
  10. Cyber harassment: 网络骚扰
  11. Phone harassment: 电话骚扰
  12. Stalking and harassment: 跟踪和骚扰
  13. Sexual harassment training: 性骚扰培训
  14. Anti-harassment policy: 反骚扰政策
  15. Harassment prevention: 骚扰预防
  16. Peer harassment: 同辈骚扰
  17. Harassment at school: 学校骚扰
  18. Sexual harassment awareness: 性骚扰意识
  19. Hostile work environment harassment: 敌对的工作环境骚扰
  20. Sexual harassment claims: 性骚扰指控
  21. Racial harassment lawsuit: 种族骚扰诉讼
  22. Harassment allegations: 骚扰指控
  23. Harassment victim: 骚扰受害者
  24. Harassment reporting: 骚扰举报
  25. Physical harassment: 肢体骚扰
  26. Gender-based harassment: 基于性别的骚扰
  27. Harassment investigation: 骚扰调查
  28. Harassment complaint process: 骚扰投诉流程
  29. Childhood harassment: 童年骚扰
  30. Harassment case: 骚扰案件
  31. Legal action against harassment: 针对骚扰的法律行动
  32. Emotional harassment at work: 工作场所的情感骚扰
  33. Harassment protection order: 骚扰保护令
  34. Online sexual harassment: 网络性骚扰
  35. Harassment complaint hotline: 骚扰投诉热线
  36. Teenage harassment: 青少年骚扰
  37. Bystander intervention in harassment: 目击者干预骚扰
  38. Harassment sensitivity training: 骚扰敏感性培训
  39. Harassment in the workplace: 工作场所骚扰
  40. Harassment and discrimination: 骚扰和歧视
  41. Gender harassment lawsuit: 性别骚扰诉讼
  42. Preventing workplace harassment: 预防工作场所骚扰
  43. Harassment policy enforcement: 骚扰政策执行
  44. Teenage cyber harassment: 青少年网络骚扰
  45. Handling harassment complaints: 处理骚扰投诉
  46. Educational program on harassment: 骚扰教育计划
  47. Harassment in educational institutions: 教育机构的骚扰
  48. Harassment awareness campaign: 骚扰意识宣传
  49. Workplace harassment repercussions: 工作场所骚扰后果
  50. Harassment at public events: 公共活动中的骚扰



harass (har ASS or HAR ass) This verb means “to persistently torment or irritate” or “to wear out with repeated attacks.” There are lots of almost synonyms, including “pester,” “badger,” and “hound,” but none quite evoke the intensity and persistence of “harass.” The word comes from the Old French harer, which means “to set a dog on.”

  • Desperate for some fresh photos for the next issue of Celebrity Face maga-zine, the paparazzi harassed the film star by following her all over town; he even collided into her Mercedes with his truck in order to photograph her irritation when she saw the damage.
  • The landlord was always harassing his tenants for the rent, convinced that they wouldn’t pay on time if he didn’t keep reminding them.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
骚扰(har ASS或har ASS)这个动词的意思是“持续折磨或激怒”或“因反复攻击而疲惫不堪”。有很多几乎是同义词,包括“纠缠者”、“獾”和“猎犬”,但没有一个能完全唤起“骚扰”的强度和持久性。这个词来自古法语的harer,意思是“激怒狗”
