Good. Now, let it out.
Be spontaneous.
那 那是什么?
That, what is that?
I’m being spontan-you-us.
亲爱的 你想遇到美丽的女孩吗?
Darling, you want to meet beautiful girl?
You want to make the egg?
哦 想啊
Oh, yes.
那就唱! 不要晃来晃去 别乱动
Well, sing! And no jiggy-jog. Do not move muscle.
No moving!
闪啊 闪啊 小星星
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
好 我们重头开始
Okay. We go back to the top.
忘记身体 用内心来感受
Forget body. Look inside soul.
感受那种感情 强烈的感情
Feel the feeling. Enormous feeling.
它是如此强烈 充满了你的身体
So enormous it fills whole body.
它必须被释放出来 否则你就会爆♥炸♥
It must escape or you explode.
– 现在 张开你的小嘴 – 快啊
– Now, open your little beak. – Come on.
对 对 抬起头来 就这样
Yes, yes. Lift up the head, that’s it.
现在 现在…
Now… Now…
Disaster! Catastrophe!
I never fail before.
从来没有 从来没有!
Never! Never!
– 不过 这样也挺可爱的 – 但企鹅不能这样 知道吗?
– Well, I thought it was kind of cute. – But it just ain’t penguin, okay?
那他要是就是有点不一样呢? 我一直就喜欢有点与众不同
So what if he’s a little different? I always kind of liked different.
他跟别人没什么不一样的 就是一只普通的帝企鹅
He’s not different. He’s a regular emperor penguin.
嘿 知道吗?我可以不去上学
Hey, you know what? I can leave school.
我可以去干活 我们一家三口一起
I can go to work. The three of us.
哦 小朋友 在你接受完教育之前哪里也不要去
Whoa, little fella. You ain’t going nowhere till you got yourself an education.
你要学会唱的有力而响亮 知道吗?
You get them singing muscles big and strong, you got that?
我会努力的 爸爸
I’ll try, Pa.
你最好如此 成功的第一个字是成 第二个字是…
You bet you will. The word “triumph” starts with “try,” and it ends with…
– “功” – 没错 大大的”功”字
– “Umph.” – That’s right. A great big “umph.”
I’m going fishing.
噢 曼波
Oh, Mumble.
That first hard summer…
…while his mom and dad were working overtime…
…on the great commute to the sea…
…Mumble found a place away from disapproving eyes…
…where a funky little fella could be himself.
嘿 你在那儿干嘛呢 带蹼的鸟?
Hey, what you doing there, flipper bird?
没事 你们在干嘛呢?
Nothing. What are you doing?
没事 路过吃点午饭而已
Nothing. Just dropped in for a little lunch.
There’s food? Here?
Leg or wing?
不不不 等等 不会是我吧 我是企鹅啊
Oh, no, no, wait. Not me, I’m a penguin.
一点没错 带蹼的鸟 就是你 吃鱼的家伙
Exactly. The flipper birds, that’s you, eat the fish.
会飞的鸟 也就是我 吃的是带蹼的鸟和鱼
The flying birds, that’s me, eat the flipper bird and the fish.
但最近 没什么鱼吃了
And lately, there ain’t a lot of fish.
– 所以… – 这次我要吃有汁的那块
– So… – This time I’m getting the juicy bits.
– 我先来! – 嘿 你要和我抢?
– Me first! – Hey, you want a piece of me?
嘿嘿嘿 我在考虑午饭的事情
Hey, hey, hey! I’m trying to think about lunch.
等等 看这个!
Wait! Watch this!
嗯 是挺奇怪的 好吧 你听着 我就破一次例 文明地解决这事
Yeah, that’s weird, all right. Listen. For once, we’re gonna do this civilized.
– 现在 准备好… – 嘿!你腿上那是什么?
– Now, get in line… – Hey! What’s that on your leg?
– 什么?这个小东西? – 哦 天 别跟他提那个
– What? This little thing? – Oh, no. Don’t start him on that.
Shut up! The little flipper bird asked me a perceptive question.
– 一个必须给出答案的问题 – 又来了
– A question like that deserves an answer. – Here we go.
I got two words for you:
“Alien abduction.”
– 噢 你得继续问了 – 可怜啊
– Oh, you had to ask. – Have mercy.
小朋友 这世上有一种东西
Now, little buddy, there is something out there.
一种生物 跟我们不一样的生物
Creatures. Not like us.
更大 更凶猛 当然也更聪明
Bigger, fiercer, and smarter too.
– 问我是怎么知道的 – 你怎么知道?
– Ask me how I know. – How?
因为我被他们捉到过 这就是原因
Because I’ve been captured by them, that’s how.
“难以置信”什么意思? 这就是事实
What do you mean “unbelievable?” It’s true.
当时我正坐在石头上 干自己的事…
I’m sitting on a rock, minding my own business…
…突然间 他们就来到了我头顶上
…when suddenly, they’re onto me.
那些生物 长得跟丑陋的大企鹅似的
These beings, like big ugly penguins.
又肥又胖 松弛的脸上正面安着一双眼睛
Fat, flabby faces with front-ways eyes…
…没羽毛 没有喙 还有这个看来像附属品的东西
…no feathers, no beaks, and these… These appendages.
他们为了检查我 把我绑了起来
They probe me. They tie me up. They strap me down.
They take this pointy thing and they stick it into me.
再然后 我就晕了过去
And then, blackout.
我醒来之后 就在腿上发现了这个…这个东西
I woke up and there’s this… This thing on me.
每只会飞的鸟都鄙视我 说”嘿 发生什么了 黄腿?”
Every flying bird is dissing me, “Hey, what’s happening, yellow leg?”
It was humiliating.
And then what?
它们羞辱我 还不够么?
It was humiliating. What more do you want?
They could have eated you.
是啊 是啊
Yeah. Yeah.
我猜可能是我可怜的哀号♥ 唤醒了他们内心善良的本性吧
I guess my pitiful cries for mercy appealed to their better nature.
Can I appeal to your better nature?
想得很好 孩子 但不可能
Nice try, kid, but no.
不 不 不!
No. No. No!
你在下面干嘛 带蹼鸟?
What you doing down there, flipper bird?
Get up here.
Get back up here this minute.
噢 好极了 是你放他走的 没错吧?
Oh, great. You let him get away. Didrt you?
都是因为你 说什么异形
All your screwy alien talk.
– 嘿 我可被诱拐过 – 那你去诱拐他啊
– Hey, I’m an abductee. – Abduct this.
– 小心我去叫安吉叔叔 – 噢 好吧
– Don’t make me call Uncle Angie. – Oh, fine.
你们这是干嘛呢 我被诱拐过!
Where youse going? I’m an abductee!
– 我才不管你怎么了呢 我饿死了! – 想知道我们有什么特色菜吗?
– I don’t care what you are, I’m hungry! – Would you like to hear our specials?
吃鱼怎么样?我们没有鱼 吃企鹅怎么样?我们没有企鹅
How about fish? There’s no fish. How about penguin? There’s no penguin.
What are we gonna eat?!
There’s a world where I can go
And tell my secrets to
In my room
Paying no mind to his dancing heart…
…the kid saw out his school days at the back of the class…
…lost in his imaginings.
天色已经暗下 我…
Now it’s dark and I’m…
冰天雪地的彼端 会是怎样一个奇妙的世界呢?
What fabulous worlds lay out there, far beyond the ice?
– I won’t be afraid
Was there any place…
…where one small penguin without a Heartsong…
…could ever truly belong?
In my room
And so, a thousand generations ago…
…our forefathers forsook our wings for flippers.
You graduates going to sea for the first time…
…体会到老祖宗们的明智抉择 给你们带来的无尽益处
…are to reap the benefits of their wise choice.
虽然生活时而坎坷 充满变数
These are lean and uncertain times.
But by the power of the ancient penguin wisdoms…
…将会与我们 我的同胞们 永远同在
…we, my brethren, will endure.
– @#%$&$ – 诺玛·珍
– “Blah, blah, blah.” – Norma Jean.
谁敢说我们的儿子不能毕业? 他又没有影响别人
Who is he to say my boy can’t graduate? He’s not hurting anyone.
…都是正确的 你们永远都会为我们这个勇敢的企鹅民族…
– True to our ways and you will always be won’thy of this…
…而感到骄傲自豪 万岁!
…our brave penguin nation. Excelsior!
大海 我来了!
Ocean, here I come!
知道吗 我们要自己举办一个毕业典礼
You know what? We’re gonna have a little graduation ceremony of our own.
– 你说真的吗 妈妈? – 当然啦
– You mean it, Ma? – You betcha.
– 万岁! – 万岁!
– Excelsior! – Excelsior!
Keep it down.
– 爸 – 孟菲斯
– Pa. – Memphis.
– 去抓鱼吧 小子 – 谢谢 妈妈