You’re in heaven, Dave. Penguin heaven.
Is it anywhere near Emperor Land?
It’s wherever you want it to be.
试试水吧 戴夫 完全真实
Try the water, Dave. It’s really real.
我听说 他最终近距离看到的异形…
I heard tell, when he finally saw aliens up close…
…they were just as the skua had described.
请问 你们为什么抢走我们的鱼?
Excuse me. Why are you taking our fish?
大而丑陋的企鹅 肥胖松弛的脸上没有羽毛
Big, ugly penguins without feathers on their fat, flabby faces.
你们为什么抢走我们的鱼? 你们这样会害死我们的
Why are you taking our fish? You’re kind of killing us out there.
不!不 等等!
No! No, wait!
噢 天
Oh, my.
哈罗 这是来自帝企鹅领地的问候 下午好
Hello. Hello from Emperor Land. Good afternoon.
Why are you taking our fish?
我知道你们不是故意的 但你们给我们带来了很大的伤害
I’m sure you don’t mean to, but you’re causing an awful lot of grief.
我说的不够明白吗? 都是大白话啊
Am I not making myself clear? I’m speaking plain penguin.
企鹅语 你们听不懂吗? 你们在偷我们的鱼
Penguin! Don’t you understand? You’re stealing our fish.
噢 拜托 你们谁 跟我说话吧
Oh, please, anyone, talk to me!
可怜可怜我们吧 你们在偷我们的鱼…
For pity’s sake, you’re stealing our F-l-S…
三天以后 他已经声嘶力竭
After three days, he would lose his voice.
After three months…
…he would all but lose his mind.
你终于找到鱼了 宝贝
So you found the fish, baby.
– 嗨 亲爱的 – 妈
– Hi, sweetie. – Ma.
阿毛 不管他们说什么 做什么 我们都会和你站在一起的
Fluffy, no matter what they say or do, we never stopped believing in you.
那么你很快就能回来了 是吗?
So you’ll be back soon, right?
嘿 别问了 让他吃吧
Hey, come on. Let him eat.
吃吧 戴夫 不用管我们
Go ahead, Dave. Don’t mind us.
但有很多鱼啊 够大家吃的
But there’s plenty for everyone.
没事的 甜心 我们可以等
It’s okay, sugar. We can wait.
不 不 妈!妈!
No, no, Ma! Ma!
这里有很多啊 妈!
There’s lots here. Ma!
– 孩子 这个你一定得看看 – 他又开始了
– Kids, you gotta see this. – He’s on now.
嘿 大家好!
Hey! Hello!
– 这不是那个脚有毛病的家伙吗? – 看起来像
– Isn’t that the fellow with the wacky feet? – Looks like.
– 他叫什么? – 我以为他死了呢
– What was his name? – I thought he was dead.
– 大家… – 显然没死
– Everybody… – Apparently not.
Everybody, listen up! I’ve got big news.
I know who’s taking the fish!
– 对 然后把他的脑子也挖走了 – 是那些异形
– Yeah, and they took his brain. – It’s the aliens.
– 我跟他们联♥系♥了 – 疯子回来了
– I made contact with them. – The lunatic is back.
The aliens are taking our fish.
Someone ought to fetch Noah and the elders.
嘿 你
Hey, you.
再看到你 觉得有点怪怪的
Kind of weird, seeing you again.
– 没什么事吧 宝贝 – 你记得西摩吧
– Everything cool here, baby? – You remember Seymour.
当然 嗨 西摩
Yeah. Hi, Seymour.

So which one is yours?
All of them.
这是我们的歌♥唱班 他教韵律 我教蓝调
This is our singing class. He teaches rhythm. I teach the blues.
– 那你们没…? – 我想我还没等到属于我的那支歌♥
– So you’re not…? – I guess I never heard the right song.
That’s great! I didn’t mean…
I found out who’s taking the fish.
他们很大 有点丑 但是 格洛丽亚…
They’re big and kind of ugly, but, Gloria…
…他们很厉害的 他们要来这儿
…the things they can do. They’re coming here.
哦 是么?
Oh, is that so?
他们马上要来了 我想他们是想帮助我们
They’ll be here soon. I think they wanna help us.
So now you speak with them?
这个 他们不说企鹅语 但他们对这个有反应
Well, they don’t speak penguin, but they seem to respond to this.
– 他在干嘛? – 开玩笑吧
– What’s he doing? – You gotta be kidding me.
我建议大家都这么做 这真的很吸引他们
I suggest we all do it. It really gets their attention.
And why would it do that?
你问住我了 不过真的有用
Beats me, but it works.
– 嘿 是那个脚抽筋的家伙 – 怪脚!
– Hey, it’s the hippity-hopper. – Freaky feet!
孩子们 孩子们…
Boys, boys…
– 阿毛 – 高个子
– Fluffy. – Tall guy.
– 兄弟 – 朋友!
– Stretch! – Amigo!
So you dare come back?
他说他找到异形了 是他们抢走了我们的鱼
He says he’s found aliens and they’re taking our fish.
他说他们要来了 还让我们都这么做
He says that they’re coming and we all have to do this.
There be no such thing as aliens!
曼波 转过去
Mumble, turn around.
It’s a disease.
Is that from them?
对 但别害怕 我想这是他们找我用的 仅此而已
Yeah. But don’t be afraid. I think it’s a way to find me, that’s all.
你把他们带到这儿来? 你让他们来对付自己人?
You led them here? You turned them on your own kind?
等等 你刚才不是说异形不存在吗?
Wait a second, you just said there’s no such thing as aliens.
这个 当然不存在
Well, there’s not.
就算存在 也只有叛变的傻瓜才会带他们来这儿
But if there were, only a traitorous fool would bring them here.
But they have to come.
是他们抢走了我们的鱼 他们有办法解决的
They’re the ones taking our fish. They can do something about it.
除了伟大的圣企鹅之外 没人拥有给予和夺取的力量
None but the Great ‘Guin has the power to give and take away.
但圣企鹅并没有把事情变得如此反常 这是异形们干的
The Great ‘Guin didn’t put things out of whack, the aliens did.
这个白♥痴♥今天回来 是来取笑我们的苦难
A fool returns this day to mock our suffering.
我们正处于饥荒 他还要我们跟他一起跳
We are starving and he wants us to hippity-hop.
So do we hold fast to our ways…
…还是会为这个跳舞白♥痴♥ 荒诞的白日梦所蛊惑?
…or do we bend to the fetid fantasies of a dancing fool?
跟我说说 那个脚怎么跳来着?
Say, how does that feet thing go again?
对啊 给我们演示一下 曼波
Yeah, show us, Mumble.
哦 其实很简单
Oh, it’s really quite easy.
不 不!
No, no!
不 你们必须抵♥制♥!
No, you must resist!
That’s right.
– 毫无意义的废话 – 抵♥制♥!原地站好!
– Pointless nonsense. – Resist! Stand your ground!
停止这荒唐的举动 站好!
Stand your ground against this folly!
放开嗓子 兄弟们
Raise your voices, brothers.
Cry out in defiance of this jiggity-joggity!
Show me what you got.
You got it.
Come on.
好 继续
Work, work it.
没错 很好!让我们召唤智慧!
Yes, yes! Call on the wisdoms!
Let the world tremble!
For when all others leave…
…we remain!
曼波 曼波!
Mumble! Mumble!
Mama? Amigos.
– 哦 妈妈 – 哦 我的孩子
– Oh, Mama. – Oh, my boy.
– 我帅气的孩子 – 哦 妈妈
– My gorgeous boy. – Oh, Mama.
– 看看他 – 你是如此的耀眼
– Look at him. – You’re so dazzling.
– 哦 阿毛 – 我们一直在等你
– Oh, Fluffy. – We waited and waited for you.
– 噢 耶 – 爸在哪里?
– Oh, yeah. – Where’s Pa?
相信我 你不会想看到你游手好闲的爸爸
Believe me. You don’t wanna see your deadbeat dad.
– 你♥爸♥有点… – 有点什么?
– Your pa is sort of… – What?
来吧 我领你去
Come on, I’ll show you.
Is it truly you?
完完全全是我 爸
Every last bit of me, Pa.
I thought…
There ain’t been one day…
…not one day, that I done right by you.
哦 爸
Oh, Pa.
为他跳舞吧 孩子他爸
