
vt. 使产生幻觉
vi. 出现幻觉


hallucinate 产生幻觉,致幻
来自拉丁语alucinari,恍惚,出神,来自希腊语alaomai,漫游,流浪,来自PIE*al,走,漫游,词源同amble,exile.后17世纪英国医生Thomas Browne借用该拉丁词来指人产生的幻觉。


单词解释: “Hallucinate” 是一个动词,意指产生幻觉,错觉或幻觉地看待事物。以下是包含单词 “hallucinate” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Hallucinate about something: 对某事产生幻觉
  2. Start hallucinating: 开始产生幻觉
  3. Hallucinate vividly: 鲜明地产生幻觉
  4. Hallucinate under the influence of drugs: 在药物影响下产生幻觉
  5. Hallucinate due to sleep deprivation: 由于睡眠不足而产生幻觉
  6. Hallucinate as a result of stress: 由于压力而产生幻觉
  7. Hallucinate during a fever: 在发烧期间产生幻觉
  8. Hallucinate in a dream: 在梦中产生幻觉
  9. Hallucinate during a nightmare: 在噩梦中产生幻觉
  10. Hallucinate while ill: 生病时产生幻觉
  11. Hallucinate when tired: 疲倦时产生幻觉
  12. Hallucinate as a side effect of medication: 作为药物副作用而产生幻觉
  13. Hallucinate during a trance: 在恍惚状态中产生幻觉
  14. Hallucinate after consuming alcohol: 在饮酒后产生幻觉
  15. Hallucinate during altered states of consciousness: 在意识状态改变时产生幻觉
  16. Hallucinate during a psychotic episode: 在精神错乱时产生幻觉
  17. Hallucinate as a coping mechanism: 作为一种应对机制而产生幻觉
  18. Hallucinate while experiencing sensory deprivation: 在感官剥夺时产生幻觉
  19. Hallucinate as a response to trauma: 作为对创伤的回应而产生幻觉
  20. Hallucinate as a form of escapism: 作为一种逃避现实的方式而产生幻觉
  21. Hallucinate in altered states of consciousness: 在意识状态改变时产生幻觉
  22. Hallucinate due to sleep disorders: 由于睡眠障碍而产生幻觉
  23. Hallucinate as a defense mechanism: 作为一种防御机制而产生幻觉
  24. Hallucinate when experiencing extreme emotions: 在极端情感时产生幻觉
  25. Hallucinate as a reaction to severe stress: 作为对严重压力的反应而产生幻觉
  26. Hallucinate in a state of delirium: 在谵妄状态下产生幻觉
  27. Hallucinate under the influence of hallucinogenic substances: 在致幻物质影响下产生幻觉
  28. Hallucinate as a result of a medical condition: 由于医疗状况而产生幻觉
  29. Hallucinate during an anxiety attack: 在焦虑发作时产生幻觉
  30. Hallucinate when experiencing extreme pain: 在极度疼痛时产生幻觉
  31. Hallucinate due to sensory overload: 由于感官过载而产生幻觉
  32. Hallucinate as a response to isolation: 作为对孤立的反应而产生幻觉
  33. Hallucinate while meditating: 在冥想时产生幻觉
  34. Hallucinate during a religious experience: 在宗教经历中产生幻觉
  35. Hallucinate as a result of psychological trauma: 由于心理创伤而产生幻觉
  36. Hallucinate during hypnosis: 在催眠时产生幻觉
  37. Hallucinate as a response to grief: 作为对悲伤的反应而产生幻觉
  38. Hallucinate under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms: 在致幻蘑菇影响下产生幻觉
  39. Hallucinate as a reaction to a near-death experience: 作为对临死体验的反应而产生幻觉
  40. Hallucinate during a shamanic ritual: 在萨满仪式中产生幻觉
  41. Hallucinate as a form of self-deception: 作为一种自欺方式而产生幻觉
  42. Hallucinate during a mental breakdown: 在精神崩溃时产生幻觉
  43. Hallucinate under the influence of psychedelic drugs: 在迷幻药物影响下产生幻觉
  44. Hallucinate as a result of a neurological condition: 由于神经系统疾病而产生幻觉
  45. Hallucinate as a result of mental illness: 由于精神疾病而产生幻觉
  46. Hallucinate during a seance: 在降神仪式中产生幻觉
  47. Hallucinate during a lucid dream: 在清醒梦中产生幻觉
  48. Hallucinate as a result of post-traumatic stress: 由于创伤后应激而产生幻觉
  49. Hallucinate as a result of brain injury: 由于脑损伤而产生幻觉
  50. Hallucinate due to a malfunction in brain chemistry: 由于大脑化学物质失调而产生幻觉

这些短语描述了 “hallucinate” 这个词的不同情境和用法,帮助你理解它的含义。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
