

[verb] complain about something in a persistent, irritating way
[动词] 以一种持续的、恼人的方式抱怨某事


一眼看去,不难发现 gripe 是一个与熟词 grape (葡萄)只隔正中间字母不同的单词。同时,还很容易想起比 gripe 在结尾处少一个字母 e 的常见词 grip (抓牢)来 ,这两个形近词都源自于古英语 gripan (抓住)。

其中, gripe 原先也是用来表示“握紧、抓住、掌握、控制”,到了17世纪后则被用来拓展指“患肠或胃绞痛、引起肠或胃绞痛”,好比肠胃被什么东西拧紧了似的。

然后很可能是从引起肠胃绞痛这个概念出发, gripe 进而发展出现在的主要含义喻指“抱怨、发牢骚”,常作正式用语使用,主要指以一种持续的、恼人的方式轻微抱怨某事,比如:

  • 城市里的人总是抱怨他们的有毒空气。
    Those in the cities were always griping about their toxic air.

用作名词时, gripe 相应既常作复数 gripes 指“肠绞痛、胃绞痛”,也可以表示“抱怨、牢骚”,也是作非正式用语指一种轻微的或无关紧要的抱怨,比如:

  • 我对法官唯一不满的是,他倾向于给予辩方比我认为他们应得的更多的回旋余地。
    My only gripe about the judge was that he tended to give the defense more leeway than I thought they deserved.

最后值得注意的是, gripe 的现在分词(griping)、过去式(griped)和过去分词(griped)不双写 p ,而 grip 的现在分词(gripping)、过去式(gripped)和过去分词(gripped)都双写 p 。


I’m a very lucky girl who gets to act for a living! So why sit around griping and grousing about what’s not there.

出自美国女演员梅丽莎·里奥(Melissa Leo,1960年9月14日-)。2011年,里奥以《斗士》(The Fighter)一片获得金球奖最佳女配角奖和奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。


  • They met in parks, roller-skating rinks and online groups, where they shared not just sartorial cues but gripes about migrant life, from low pay and poor conditions to divorcing parents.
  • My colleagues at Stanford gripe as much as the ones who teach at state schools, and students from more privileged backgrounds are often the worst offenders.



  1. Gripe about – 抱怨
  2. Gripe and moan – 发牢骚
  3. Gripe session – 抱怨会议
  4. Gripe about the weather – 抱怨天气
  5. Gripe about work – 抱怨工作
  6. Gripe about prices – 抱怨价格
  7. Gripe about traffic – 抱怨交通
  8. Gripe about politics – 抱怨政治
  9. Gripe about customer service – 抱怨客户服务
  10. Gripe about bad service – 抱怨糟糕的服务
  11. Gripe about long lines – 抱怨长队排队
  12. Gripe about noisy neighbors – 抱怨吵闹的邻居
  13. Gripe about slow internet – 抱怨网速慢
  14. Gripe about high taxes – 抱怨高税收
  15. Gripe about rude people – 抱怨粗鲁的人
  16. Gripe about being tired – 抱怨疲劳
  17. Gripe about poor quality – 抱怨质量差
  18. Gripe about the food – 抱怨食物
  19. Gripe about the service – 抱怨服务
  20. Gripe about the noise – 抱怨噪音
  21. Gripe about the delay – 抱怨延迟
  22. Gripe about the cost – 抱怨费用
  23. Gripe about the size – 抱怨尺寸
  24. Gripe about the condition – 抱怨状况
  25. Gripe about the lack – 抱怨缺乏
  26. Gripe about the rules – 抱怨规则
  27. Gripe about the system – 抱怨体制
  28. Gripe about the policy – 抱怨政策
  29. Gripe about the process – 抱怨过程
  30. Gripe about the management – 抱怨管理
  31. Gripe about the workload – 抱怨工作量
  32. Gripe about the schedule – 抱怨时间表
  33. Gripe about the commute – 抱怨通勤
  34. Gripe about the equipment – 抱怨设备
  35. Gripe about the organization – 抱怨组织
  36. Gripe about the culture – 抱怨文化
  37. Gripe about the policies – 抱怨政策
  38. Gripe about the management – 抱怨管理
  39. Gripe about the bureaucracy – 抱怨官僚主义
  40. Gripe about the lack of communication – 抱怨缺乏沟通


bleat: speak or complain in a weak, querulous, or foolish way
grouse: complain about something trivial; grumble
whine: give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
