也希望我说错了 再见 – 再见
I hope I am. Goodbye. – Goodbye.
真抱歉 我们已经努力了
I’m sorry. Well, we tried.
你唱的很美 珍妮
You sang it beautifully, Jenny.
Boys, you did fine.
没出任何差错 – 谢谢 神父
Not one mistake. – Thank you, Father.
If that isn’t good,
I’ll go into the real estate business.
I was going to ask you and the boys to sing a little more…
but maybe you don’t feel like it now.
他们唱的美极了 也许将来能出名的
They sing divinely, and they look like Botticelli’s angels.
Maybe a little something?
你们还想唱什么?孩子们 – 骡子
What do you think they’d like to hear? – The Mule.
骡子 – 骡子?
The Mule. – The Mule?
是的 大家同意吗?
Yeah. Is that all right with you?
Would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule
A mule is an animal with long funny ears
He kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny but his brain is weak
He’s just plain stupid with a stubborn streak
And by the way, if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule
Or would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a pig
A pig is an animal with dirt on his face
His shoes are a terrible disgrace
He has no manners when he eats his food
He’s fat and lazy and extremely rude
But if you don’t care a feather or a fig
You may grow up to be a pig
Or would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a fish
A fish won’t do anything, but swim in a brook
He can’t write his name or read a book
To fool the people is his only thought
Yeah, but even though he’s slippery, he still gets caught
But then if that sort of life is what you wish
You may grow up to be a fish
And all the monkeys aren’t in the zoo
Every day you meet quite a few
So you see it’s all up to you
You can be better than you are
You could be swingin’ on a star
这歌♥是你写的 神父?- 是的
Is that your song, Father? – Yes.
Well, we’ll take a flier on that.
Did you hear that, Timmy?
麦克滋 好伙计
You’re a grand lad.
I knew your name wasn’t Dolan for nothing.
伙计们 明天上午10点半
Fellas, if you’ll come to St. Dominic’s…
tomorrow morning at 10:30. Church?
麦克滋上校 不至于要你的命吧
Max, a day in church isn’t gonna hurt you that much.
去吧 带上你的钱
Be there, and bring the cash with you.
奥米利神父会告诉你 怎么付他钱的
Father O’Malley will tell you how he wants it paid.
An old man, dear friend of Father O’Malley’s is involved in this:
Father Fitzgibbon.
It would make Father O’Malley very happy
if you fellas would just do this his way.
教堂?- 教堂
Church? – Church.
正如大家所知道的 我在这已经45年了
As you know, I’ve been here for 45 years.
是的 到十一月就46年了
Forty-six in October.
And during that time…
我一直请求大家慷慨解囊 你们欣然听命
I’ve always asked you to be generous, which you have.
And now I have to ask you again.
You all know how I feel about St. Dominic’s.
Well, we’re in dire financial stress.
So give what you can.
And I know that whatever you give…
无论你们出多少 主都会保佑你们
whether it’s large or small, the good Lord will bless you for it.
以圣父 圣子 圣灵的名义 阿门
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Very gratifying.
And the Bishop thought I couldn’t preach.
不能再打动教民了 真希望他在这
Thought I had a mouthful of clover. I wish he’d been here.
神父 你现在是大获丰收…
Father, now that you’re practically wallowing in wealth…
do you suppose I could have a half a dollar?
What for?
Father O’Dowd and I thought,
with your permission, we’d play golf tomorrow.
I need a new golf ball.
如果这两个球丢了 我发誓再也不打了
If I lose it, I’ll swear off. I’ll quit.
给你半个美元 不不不 从这盒子里拿
Take 50 cents. No. Take it out of the ladies’ sodality.
They never keep any books.
You suppose I could buy Father O’Dowd one, too?
他也要 我倒愿意为半个美元悔过两次
Must we? I can get two nice repaints for 50 cents.
Give him 50 cents.
跟我们一块去吧 神父
You ought to come along with us. You don’t have to play.
Just go around.
The fresh air will do you good.
You can be our kibitzer.
Your what? Kibitzer.
What’s a kibitzer? A sort of over-the-shoulder quarterback.
去不去? – 呼吸一些新鲜空气也不错
Will you come? – A little fresh air might do me good.
也给你买♥♥两个球 – 当然
We’ll get a ball for you, too. – Of course.
Plenty of mushrooms around here.
球打到哪儿去了?- 打到那边去了
Where did that go? – Right there.
我算是明白了 要是你击球的次数…
Now, let me understand. If you get the ball in the hole…
少于戴奥神父… 我赢
in less hits than Father O’Dowd… I win.
所以 你负责计数
So you’ve got to count the number of blows?
对 说的对
That’s right, Father.
站到这边来 小心点
Step aside. He’s gonnsuoa play now. Careful.
打了多少杆?- 三杆?
How many did you have? – Three?
How many?
That’s remarkable.
Can you do that every time?
I’ve been known to miss, Father.
A strong crosswind or something.
把球杆给我 你也想试试
Here, give me a holt of that. You wanna try it?
好 拿好球杆
Wait, I’ll throw a ball in there for you. There you are.
头低一点 注意动作
Keep your head down now, Father. Watch your language.
神父 你一杆入洞
Father, you holed out.
Not bad for a beginner.
You’ve played before.
不不不 请相信我
No, believe me.
That’s the first time I ever had a caddy in me hand.
现在该你来打 我来看了
Well, you better play and I’ll watch then.
I guess I better be going.
记住这个教训吧 神父
Let that be a lesson to you, Father.
Don’t trust anyone.
What an extraordinary person. Isn’t he?
今天晚上 我要睡个好觉了
Well, I’ll sleep well tonight, anyway.
Think it must be that golf.
Shades of me childhood. You know, I feel 10 years younger.
我一直在想一件事 神父
You know, I was thinking, Father.
Now that everything is going so right…
before something goes wrong,
you ought to take a little time off.
To do what, for instance?
我是说 回家去看看你母亲
Well, like, for instance, take a trip home and see your mother.
The interest is all paid up to date.
Unless something goes wrong,
I have plans that’ll take care of the next payment.
你真的认为 我可以回家去
You really think it would be all right?
I mean, that you’ll take…
着火了 教堂着火了
Father Fitzgibbon! Chuck! The church is afire!
别着急 神父 我们会重建它的
Don’t worry, Father. We’ll build again.
Can I help you, Father?
不用 我拎的动
No, it’s all right. I can manage.
It’s for the birds.
They’re used to coming here.
我希望它们离开 – 不
I don’t want them to go away. – No.
你看 神父 它们并没有离开
You see, Father? They’re not leaving.
Nobody’s leaving you.
等教堂建好了 它们都会回来的
And when your church is rebuilt, they’ll all be back.