What is it, Peter? I’m here with Dana Barrett.
什么消息 我跟丹娜在一起
It seems the Goz has been putting some moves…
on my would-be girlfriend. -How is she?
我未来女朋友 -她还好吗?
I think we can get her a guest shot on Wild Kingdom.
I just whacked her up with about 300 cc’s of Thorazine.
She’s gonna take a little nap now, but she says she’s the Gatekeeper.
她要睡上一阵子 她说自已是看门人
Does that make any sense to you? Some.
你知道是什么意思吗? 知道一点
I just met the Keymaster. He’s here with me now.
Oh, wonderful. We have to get these two together.
太好了 我们安排他们见面
I think that would be extraordinarily dangerous.
Okay, well, hold onto him. I’ll be there in a little while.
好吧 看住他 我马上来

Thank you, Vinz. We have to find Ray. I need him here immediately.
谢谢 文斯 雷伊马上就过来
Bad news, honey, I gotta go to work.
甜心 我得去工作
Hey, will you stay here in bed until I get back?
Hey, Ray, do you believe in God? Never met him.
雷伊 你相信上帝吗? 没见过
Yeah, well, I do. And I love Jesus’ style, you know?
我见过 我爱基♥督♥
This roof cap is made of a magnesium-tungsten alloy.
What are you so involved with there?
These are blueprints for the ironwork in Dana Barrett’s apartment…
and they’re very, very strange.
Hey, Ray, do you remember something in the Bible about…
the last days, when the dead would rise from the grave?
世界末日吗? 死者会重返凡间?
I remember Revelations 7-12.
And I looked as he opened the sixth seal.
And behold, there was a great earthquake.
And the sun became as black as sackcloth.
And the moon became as blood.
And the seas boiled. And the skies fell.
海洋沸腾 天空塌陷
Judgment day. Judgment day.
审判日 审判日
Every ancient religion has its myth about the end of the world.
Myth? Ray, has it ever occurred to you…
传说? 你想过没有…
maybe the reason we’ve been so busy…
is because the dead have been rising from the grave?
How about a little music? Yeah.
来点音乐吧 好
This way.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Just where do you think you’re going?
抱歉 你们要去哪?
Step aside, or you’ll be arrested for interfering with the police.
让开 否则我们会因妨碍公务逮捕你
No. Hold on. I’ve seen TV. You can’t come in here…
without a warrant or a writ.
Cease and Desist All Commerce order. Seizure of Premises.
中止经营 查封店铺
Ban of Public Utilities for Non-Licensed Waste Handlers…
and a federal Entry and Inspection order.
Vinz, there’s one more test I’d like to perform.
Egon. I tried to stop them. He says they have a warrant.
埃贡 我不要他们进来 但他说有授权
Excuse me, this is private property. Shut this off. Shut these all off.
这是私人物业 全部关闭
I’m warning you. Turning off these machines is extremely hazardous.
我警告你 关掉这机器极度危险
I’ll tell you hazardous. You’re facing prosecution…
我告诉你什么是危险 你面对…
for a half-a-dozen environmental violations.
You shut off these beams, or we shut them off for you.
你如果不关 那我们来关
Try to Understand, this is a high-voltage laser containment system.
你必须知道 这可是个高压雷射抑制系统
Turning it off would be like dropping a bomb in the city.
Don’t patronize me. I’m not stupid, like the people you bilk.
别把我当笨蛋 我跟你们骗的人不一样
At ease, officer. I’m Peter Venkman. There’s been a misunderstanding…
别发火 警官 这是一场误会…
and I want to cooperate in any way I can.
Forget it. You had your chance to cooperate…
算了吧 我给过你机会…
but you thought it’d be more fun to insult me. Now it is my turn, wise-ass.
但你侮辱我来找乐子 现在轮到我了
He wants to shut down the protection grid.
You shut that thing down, we won’t be held responsible for what ever happen…
如果你关掉它 我们对任何后果不负责…
No, we won’t be held responsible. Shut it off.
我们不会负责的… 关掉它
Don’t shut it off. I’m warning you.
我警告你 别关
I’ve never seen anything like this. I don’t know…
我从未见过这东西 我不知道…
Yeah, I’m not interested in your opinion. Just shut it off.
我对你的意见毫无兴趣 我只要你关掉它
My friend, don’t be a jerk.
Step aside. if he does that again, you shoot him.
让开 他再这样就开枪
You do your job. Don’t tell me how to do mine.
你干♥你♥的事 别对我指手画脚
Thank you, officer. Shut it off!
谢谢 关掉
Oh, shit.
Clear the building!
This is it. This is the sign.
就是它 这就是征兆
Yeah, it’s a sign, all right. We’re going out of business.
是征兆了 我们要停营业了
Hey, aim up there.
What happened? Storage facility blew.
什么事? 储存库发生爆♥炸♥
He shut off the protection grid. Oh, great.
他关了囚禁系统 天哪
That’s bad, isn’t it? Yeah.
糟了? 是啊
Where’s the Keymaster? Shit.
开锁人在哪里? 妈的
Who’s the Keymaster? Oh, come on.
谁是开锁人? 快来
Hold it. I want this man arrested.
站住 拘捕他们
These men are in criminal violation of the Environmental Protection Act.
This explosion is a direct result of it. Your mother!
结果引起爆♥炸♥ 你这畜生
Come on, hold it! Hold it! Hold it!
冷静 冷静
Columbia Building, 57th Street. I’m in a hurry, so let’s not dawdle.
五十七街哥伦比亚太厦 我赶时间 快点
Hey, guard!
Look, I want to make a phone call.
I just work with these guys. I wasn’t even there.
我只是在那儿上班 我甚至不在现场
The structure of this roof cap is like the telemetry tracker…
that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space.
Cold-riveted girders with cores of pure selenium.
Everybody getting this so far?
So what? I guess they just don’t make them like they used to.
又怎样? 他们别出心裁?
No. Nobody ever made them like this.
不是 没有人这样盖房♥子
The architect was either a certified genius or an authentic wacko.
Ray, for a moment…
雷伊 就当…
pretend that I don’t know anything about metallurgy…
engineering or physics and just tell me what the hell is going on.
工程学和物理学 只告诉我会发生什么
You never studied.
The whole building is a huge superconductive antenna…
that was designed and built for the purpose…
of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence.
Your girlfriend lives in the corner penthouse of spook central.
She’s not my girlfriend.
I find her interesting because she’s a client and sleeps above her covers.
我觉得她比较有趣 因为她睡在床罩上
Four feet above her covers. She barks. She drools. She claws.
大约床罩上方4尺高 还要犬吠 流口水和抓东西
It’s not the girl, Peter, it’s the building.
不是她的错 全是大楼在作怪
Something terrible is about to enter our world…
This building obviously is the door.
The architect’s name was lvo Shandor.
I found it in Tobin’s Spirit Guide. He was also a doctor.
我在幽灵大全上找到他 他还是个医生
He performed a lot of unnecessary surgery.
And then, in 1920, he started a secret society.
Let me guess. Gozer worshipers. Right.
让我猜猜 戈隆的门徒 对
No studying.
After World War I, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive.
第一次世界大战后 尚德认为社会将无法生存下去
He wasn’t alone. He had close to a thousand followers when he died.
他不是一个人 到他死的时候有近一千名信徒
They conducted rituals up on the roof…
bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world.
And now it looks like it may actually happen.
So be good, for goodness sake! Somebody’s coming
多好啊 有东西要来了
We have to get out of here and find a judge or something.
我们要出去 去找找法官什么的
Hey, wait a minute. Hey, hey, hey. Hold it.
嘿 别吵
Are we going to go before a judge to say…
that a Babylonian god is gonna drop in on Central Park West…
and start tearing up the city? -Sumerian, not Babylonian.
然后摧毁整个城市? -是苏美人 不是巴比伦人
Yeah, big difference. No offense…
有区别吗? 我没罪…
but I gotta get my own lawyer.
Okay, Ghostbusters. The mayor wants to see you guys.
捉鬼特工队 市长想见你
The whole island’s going crazy. Let’s go.
这城市快疯了 我们走
I gotta split. The mayor wants to rap with me about some things.
我要走了 市长想找我谈谈
I am the Keymaster. I am the Gatekeeper.
我是开锁人 我是看门人
Back. Back. Stay back. Stay back. Stay back.
