
vi. 用姿势示意;(讲话时)做手势
vt. 用手势谈话;做姿势表达


1、gest- “behave, act” + -ic + -ul-(diminutive) + -ate.
2、字面含义:action, behavior. => posture, manner of carrying the body, action undertaken in good will to express feeling.


Gesticulate 是一个动词,指的是用手势或姿态来表达或强调思想、感情或话语。以下是与 “gesticulate” 相关的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Gesticulate wildly: 狂野地做手势
  2. Gesticulate with excitement: 激动地做手势
  3. Gesticulate to emphasize: 用手势强调
  4. Gesticulate in frustration: 气愤地做手势
  5. Gesticulate to get attention: 做手势来引起注意
  6. Gesticulate while speaking: 边说边做手势
  7. Gesticulate in a theatrical manner: 戏剧性地做手势
  8. Gesticulate to make a point: 做手势来表达观点
  9. Gesticulate to signal: 用手势来示意
  10. Gesticulate to convey anger: 用手势表达愤怒
  11. Gesticulate passionately: 激情四溢地做手势
  12. Gesticulate for emphasis: 用手势强调
  13. Gesticulate to illustrate: 用手势来说明
  14. Gesticulate to indicate direction: 用手势指示方向
  15. Gesticulate to show size: 用手势表示大小
  16. Gesticulate for non-verbal communication: 用手势进行非言语交流
  17. Gesticulate with enthusiasm: 满腔热情地做手势
  18. Gesticulate to express doubt: 用手势表示怀疑
  19. Gesticulate to accompany speech: 伴随着说话做手势
  20. Gesticulate to demonstrate skill: 用手势展示技巧
  21. Gesticulate with frustration: 沮丧地做手势
  22. Gesticulate to emphasize a point: 用手势强调一个观点
  23. Gesticulate to convey urgency: 用手势表达紧急性
  24. Gesticulate for non-verbal expression: 用手势进行非言语表达
  25. Gesticulate to signal approval: 用手势表示赞成
  26. Gesticulate to demonstrate technique: 用手势展示技术
  27. Gesticulate for non-verbal interaction: 用手势进行非言语互动
  28. Gesticulate to convey emotion: 用手势表达情感
  29. Gesticulate to make a request: 用手势提出请求
  30. Gesticulate to communicate effectively: 用手势有效沟通
  31. Gesticulate to express gratitude: 用手势表示感激
  32. Gesticulate to indicate a problem: 用手势指示问题
  33. Gesticulate for dramatic effect: 为戏剧效果而做手势
  34. Gesticulate to convey agreement: 用手势表达同意
  35. Gesticulate with precision: 精准地做手势
  36. Gesticulate to convey confusion: 用手势表达困惑
  37. Gesticulate to signal disapproval: 用手势表示不赞成
  38. Gesticulate for clarity: 用手势表达清晰度
  39. Gesticulate to express happiness: 用手势表示快乐
  40. Gesticulate to communicate non-verbally: 用手势进行非言语沟通
  41. Gesticulate to signify importance: 用手势表示重要性
  42. Gesticulate for illustration: 用手势来举例
  43. Gesticulate to convey dissatisfaction: 用手势表达不满
  44. Gesticulate to get a message across: 用手势传达信息
  45. Gesticulate for added effect: 为增加效果而做手势
  46. Gesticulate to express sadness: 用手势表示悲伤
  47. Gesticulate to signal agreement: 用手势表示同意
  48. Gesticulate for non-verbal emphasis: 用手势进行非言语强调
  49. Gesticulate to convey joy: 用手势表达喜悦
  50. Gesticulate for non-verbal expression of thought: 用手势来非言语表达思想
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
