
gaudy (GAW dee) This adjective means tastelessly showy, suggesting overly bright colors, overly flashy design. Coming from the Latin word for “enjoyment,” “merry-making,” it illustrates the linguistic phenomenon of pejoration (PEJ or A shun), whereby a positive word becomes a negative.

  • Gaudiness is in the eye of the beholder: large quantities of bright primary colors please some, while to those who prefer grays and tans they are unbearable.
  • “Do you find the work of Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi (GOW dee) gaudy?” asked Mr. Zavatsky, determined to get as close to a pun as possible.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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华而不实(GAW-dee)这个形容词的意思是毫无品味的炫耀,暗示过于鲜艳的颜色,过于华而不实的设计。它来自拉丁语中“享受”、“快乐制造”的意思,说明了贬义(PEJ或A shun)的语言现象,即积极的词变成消极的词。

  • 华丽就在旁观者的眼中:大量明亮的原色让一些人感到愉悦,而对于那些喜欢灰色和棕褐色的人来说,它们令人难以忍受
  • “你觉得西班牙建筑师安东尼奥·高迪(GOW dee)的作品华而不实吗?”扎瓦茨基问道,他决心尽可能接近双关语

