gasp 英 [ɡɑːsp] 美 [ɡæsp]


But Hermione gave a sudden gasp, pointing down the corridor.
出自英国作家J.K.罗琳创作的长篇小说《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)。该小说是《哈利·波特》系列的第二部。



[verb] inhale suddenly with the mouth open, out of pain or astonishment
[动词] 突然张开嘴吸气,出于痛苦或惊讶


Gasp 一词可能源自古北欧语 geispa (打哈欠),14世纪末期进入英语时原指“张大嘴巴、呼气”,现在则主要表示“喘气、喘息、倒抽气”,多指因为惊讶、震惊或疼痛等强烈情感而引起的突然张嘴吸气,比如:

  • 她看到藏在竹丛里的钱时,惊得倒吸了一口气。
    When she saw the money hidden in the bamboo thicket she gasped in surprise.

初学游泳时,常常会喘着气呼吸空气并吸入一大口水(gasped for air and drew in a lungful of water )。类似于这种对空气的急切需要, be gasping for sth 这个表达在英式口语中就被用来表示“渴望、很想要某物”,多指饮料或香烟等,比如:

  • 他口渴难熬,想喝杯温吞的茶。
    He is gasping for a cup of tepid tea.

但若是将 for 换成 out 或 forth 构成 gasp out/forth ,则是指“喘着气说、气喘呼呼地说、透不过气地说”,比如:

  • 喘着气请求饶恕
    gasp out a plea for mercy

另外, gasp 也可以用来形容“发出喘气似的声音”,比如:

  • 那一大桶燕麦粥在崭新的电炉上扑哧扑哧作响。
    The vat of oatmeal stood gasping on the pristine electric range.


  • 发出一声微弱短促的惊叫
    give a feeble frightened gasp

除此之外, gasp 还有个习语叫 the last gasp ,字面意思是“临终、垂死”或者说“奄奄一息、苟延残喘之际”,引申出来则表示“最终阶段、最后时刻”,与之对应的形容词则是 last-gasp 或 last-ditch (最后时刻做成或取得的、最后关头的),比如:

  • 即使是奄奄一息,顽固的敌人也还是要作垂死挣扎的。
    Even though at their last gasp, the diehard enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle.
  • 为了避免他所在的政党在大选中惨败,他使出了最后一招——辞去了领导职务。
    He resigned in a last-gasp attempt to save his party from electoral fiasco.


  • The swaps offered by China are symbolically important, but are “more like straws than lifelines” for countries gasping for liquidity, says Eswar Prasad of Cornell University.
  • It was the last gasp of the 1980s, a time of Champagne, garish colors and bubbly disco dance-floor anthems, and the last time many people in Japan felt rich and ascendant.


gasp” 通常表示喘息、倒抽一口气、惊讶等概念。


  1. gasp for air: 喘息呼吸
  2. gasp in shock: 吃惊倒抽一口气
  3. gasp for breath: 喘不过气来
  4. Sudden gasp: 突然倒抽一口气
  5. gasp for oxygen: 渴望氧气
  6. gasp of surprise: 惊讶的呼吸声
  7. gasp in disbelief: 难以置信地倒抽气
  8. gasp for help: 请求帮助的呼吸
  9. gasp with excitement: 兴奋地倒抽一口气
  10. gasp for words: 找不到话说的呼吸
  11. gasp of horror: 恐惧的呼吸声
  12. gasp with astonishment: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  13. gasp for a second: 一时倒抽一口气
  14. gasp in amazement: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  15. Sharp gasp: 尖叫一声
  16. gasp for relief: 为了松口气的呼吸
  17. gasp of recognition: 辨认出的呼吸声
  18. gasp with joy: 高兴地倒抽一口气
  19. gasp for understanding: 为了理解的呼吸
  20. gasp in awe: 敬畏地倒抽气
  21. gasp for attention: 为了注意力的呼吸
  22. gasp with fear: 害怕地倒抽一口气
  23. gasp for effect: 为了效果的呼吸
  24. gasp in surprise: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  25. gasp with shock: 吃惊地倒抽一口气
  26. gasp for understanding: 为了理解的呼吸
  27. gasp in disbelief: 难以置信地倒抽气
  28. gasp of horror: 恐惧的呼吸声
  29. gasp with astonishment: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  30. gasp for a second: 一时倒抽一口气
  31. gasp in amazement: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  32. Sharp gasp: 尖叫一声
  33. gasp for relief: 为了松口气的呼吸
  34. gasp of recognition: 辨认出的呼吸声
  35. gasp with joy: 高兴地倒抽一口气
  36. gasp for understanding: 为了理解的呼吸
  37. gasp in awe: 敬畏地倒抽气
  38. gasp for attention: 为了注意力的呼吸
  39. gasp with fear: 害怕地倒抽一口气
  40. gasp for effect: 为了效果的呼吸
  41. gasp in surprise: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  42. gasp with shock: 吃惊地倒抽一口气
  43. gasp for understanding: 为了理解的呼吸
  44. gasp in disbelief: 难以置信地倒抽气
  45. gasp of horror: 恐惧的呼吸声
  46. gasp with astonishment: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  47. gasp for a second: 一时倒抽一口气
  48. gasp in amazement: 惊讶地倒抽一口气
  49. Sharp gasp: 尖叫一声
  50. gasp for relief: 为了松口气的呼吸


gulp: breathe in (air) deeply and quickly
pant: breathe with short, quick breaths, typically from exertion or excitement
puff: breathe in repeated short gasps

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
